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Community Nights - Looking Forwards

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With the (unexpectedly) massive support and success of the last (((Overwatch))) Community Night, I wanted to get people's thoughts on the future of Community Nights. Towards the end of the CN, I stated that the next one I'd be hosting would be a GMod night, which would likely be done through finding empty servers, as our gmod division is nonexistent, and higherups understandably cannot just create a server out of thin air. Sled Build, Prophunt, TTT, etc. are examples of the things we'd play. Additionally, after discussion with @virr, the possibility of combining a CS:GO division minigames event with a Community Night seems like it would be easy to do and have popularity behind it. To increase turnout even more, prizes etc. would be offered as a bonus incentive beyond just having fun with friends and community.

The largest thing that both concerns and intrigues me is how the future events will be scheduled. I also stated that I would be hosting at least one CN per month, and to give a very basic idea of a consistent date each month, they would take place on the third Saturday of each month. To ease any confusion behind this, we would utilize the forum calendar. 


tl;dr: I want people's thoughts on how community nights should be scheduled, and the next community night will be GMod. Offer up ideas for scheduling and/or games that future CNs could be hosted on.

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I own 3 of the Jackbox box games (2,3,5) and I'm pretty sure @ThePenguin owns the other 2 so I'd be down for a big community night with some people to be in the audience too would be fun. I could stream it too. Im off of work tonight, tomorrow and this Friday if we want to set something up

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I think community nights should be 1 - 2 times a month, any more than that and I think people would stop turning up because it's so often

for gmod I think the best gamemodes to play on would be something like prop hunt or ttt

3 hours ago, Bonk said:

jackbox community night @Pepper

I'm not sure if jackbox would fare to well for a cm because there's only about 8 slots for actual players and other people just have to watch as a part of the crowd so i'm not sure how well it'd go

5 hours ago, QueenOfHearts said:

Chivalry Medival warfare could be a good CN game

yes please

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2 hours ago, Bonk said:

golf it

the ship

civ V @MinerTeddy

town of salem


Good ideas, I'll add ToS and the ship to list of candidates for community nights. I'm kind of shunning away from the idea of a golf it night simply because of the frequency that people already play golf it games, unless we raised shoe stakes or something.

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2 hours ago, hongkongatron said:

Good ideas, I'll add ToS and the ship to list of candidates for community nights. I'm kind of shunning away from the idea of a golf it night simply because of the frequency that people already play golf it games, unless we raised shoe stakes or something.

triple shoes, 1&2 prizes single large game

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