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    Hello everyone, long time no see.


    It has come to attention that the TF2 Division Leader, BlueSkittle, is a pathological liar who has manipulated their way to the high ranks and lied about their life. They have told lies that have affected myself, my family and friends and ultimately the entirety of xG.

    Skittle has lied about his own personal life to the effect of other members of xG including controversial topics such as suicide, life changing injuries and his ability to function as DL.

    For one, Skittle told everyone that he was in a cycling incident in which he was struck by a car in a drink driving accident, resulting in life changing injuries such as brain damage that affected his memory. He told all of his friends this, including his girlfriend, which turned to be a complete exaggeration as to what really occurred. See, Skittle was struck by a car but only suffered minor injuries such as cuts and bruises after he “got mostly out of the way” and fell onto a patch of grass. However, he proceeded to lie to everyone and convinced us that he had brain damage, occasionally acting upon and asking us to tell him who we are.


    Secondly, Skittle lied to all of us and his friends that he attempted suicide by climbing up onto a roof and jumping off. However, he now claims in private message that this untrue and that he did actually go onto his roof, but he did not jump off. He originally claimed that he did jump off and injured his back massively and ended up in hospital. This was as a result of an argument that occurred in a private discord with members from xG. He proceeded to message @Kypari leading up to this “suicide attempt”, explaining why he’s not meant to be here and implying that he was going to kill himself. As stated previously, this was a lie. He convinced everyone for months, lead some members into a deep depression and panic over it and caused a string of anxiety following this lie. For what? His own personal façade.


    Thirdly, Skittle has numerously lied about his accomplishments. He claimed to have written an aimbot plugin, which was fully functional. However, in private message AFTER I promoted him under the impression he was capable, he stated this was untrue and scrapped the project due to his inability to create the plugin. Furthermore, he claims other people’s work as his own as he posted a photo in a private discord of his version of Bob Ross’ painting “On A Clear Day”. He claimed it as his own work, but in actuality, had used an online pixel converter (that takes 2 clicks of a button) to create this “painting” that he had made. Once again, all lies.


    We confronted him and @virr about this, but Virr assured me that Skittle was stepping down because of it and that was the end. We were content with this solution, however, once again, Skittle has failed to realise that his actions have consequences and refuses to recognise his responsibility as a Division Leader and overall, as a member of xG.


    In conclusion, Skittle has manipulated us all, lied to us and proceeds to continue this false identity hoping with no backlashes or consequences. However, it is our opinion that Skittle is an unfit member for our community and we request that his powers and membership be ultimately removed.


    Do the right thing.

    Convo with @Segal


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    Involving @Kypari


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    Other convos and Bob Ross painting comparisson


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Yeah I think it's going to be a +1 from me. I talked to skittle a fair bit myself in the past, but not much recently. With this evidence being provided, I cannot tolerate this kind of behaviour. If all of those times where he said he was going to kill himself was a lie, then I absolutely do not stand for it. Suicide isn't a toy. It isn't a joke. No matter what universe you live in. What plane of reality you are on. Suicide isn't something to be used as an attention grabber. Never, EVER, joke about shit like this again.

Skittle I know you and I have been friends for a fair bit, but with this evidence provided of it all being lies, I'm not so sure about being as good friends anymore.

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I have had this coming to me. What I did was unacceptable. I craved attention which leaded to impulsive actions. I have no excuse for the scar I have left, I lied to all of you and I have no excuse for that. Like I said what I did was unacceptable, I've already removed myself from most things xG related to keep myself away and not hurt any more of you amazing people. None of you ever deserved this. None. @Kypari specifically, I hurt and said the most disgusting and horrendous things to and he never deserved that. In disgusted with myself and this is something that doesn't deserve a second chance. I lied so much I don't even know the number anymore. I don't want to hurt anyone else, I've come to terms that what I have done was wrong. I hurt all of you for no good reason. You are all lovely people and I betrayed and shattered everyone's trust. I can't redeem myself from this whole I dug myself into. I'd rather have my membership removed, powers, all of it, in exchange to never hurt any of you ever again. I lied, failed, and hurt all of you in the process. I am going to remove myself from everywhere to make sure all of you have a better times without me. +1. I have no excuses here.

Edited by ABlueSkittle123 (see edit history)

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+1 I think I only talked to Skittle once or twice and I have nothing to do with the tf2 division. However I do not believe a Division leader should be this immature and irresponsible. Lying about injuries or suicide attempts is never okay. 

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56 minutes ago, Bumpy said:

I have nothing to do with the tf2 division.

Nobody has anything to do with the tf2 div at this point


But honestly I think it's a bit harsh making this a public post and shaming him in front of everyone here for lying about a whole bunch of dumb shit, the kid probably is a bit miserable if he constantly lies about all that stuff anyway, and it's not like he's done anything outrageously wrong or fucked up, hence you listed all the things hes done wrong which only collectively make him look bad. Just saying I woulda brought this to aegean or virr's attention in private

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22 minutes ago, Egossi said:

But honestly I think it's a bit harsh making this a public post and shaming him in front of everyone here

I agree that its a bit harsh, however I also hope its an eye opener for him.

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58 minutes ago, Egossi said:

it's not like he's done anything outrageously wrong or fucked up

He literally lied about attempting suicide and convinced his friends that he tried it, causing some people to feel responsible for a friend's ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Then he proceeded to also claim to his friends that he had brain damage from a car accident and pretended to forget his girlfriend and who we are, for the sake of attention. If that's not "outrageously wrong or fucked up", I don't know what is.


Also, I did bring it up to Virr, it's in the screenshots. He told me that Skittle was stepping down, which we were content with. Virr knew what had happened. But nothing was done, so here we are.

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4 hours ago, Tekk said:

He literally lied about attempting suicide and convinced his friends that he tried it, causing some people to feel responsible for a friend's ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Then he proceeded to also claim to his friends that he had brain damage from a car accident and pretended to forget his girlfriend and who we are, for the sake of attention. If that's not "outrageously wrong or fucked up", I don't know what is.


Also, I did bring it up to Virr, it's in the screenshots. He told me that Skittle was stepping down, which we were content with. Virr knew what had happened. But nothing was done, so here we are.

Oh I didnt look at the screenshots since imgur is still blocked in my third world country, but I would argue its outrageously fucked up when someone says things in bad faith in hopes of intentionally damaging or ruining the reputation of someone else, not when they're hardcore attention seeking by mentioning a whole bunch of depressing shit they havent actually done

I understand suicide is a serious topic and isnt meant to be "toyed with" or whatever but you have to understand, depressed people tend to seek attention really hard and sometimes they rationalize things they can do to seek attention in their heads (i.e. attempted suicide) which doesn't necessarily make them a horrible person

But hey I'm just giving a reasonable argument in defense of the guy since I have no idea who he is and hes seemingly being attacked by everyone else here

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5 hours ago, Tekk said:

causing some people to feel responsible for a friend's ATTEMPTED SUICIDE.

Also (since apparently you can't edit posts anymore after 5 mins) unless you've done something genuinely horrible you shouldnt feel responsible for someone else's attempted suicide or even committed suicide because its for very certain that you didnt single handedly cause that to happen, since depression is extremely complex and hard to deal with, and often has a multitude of factors, most of which are underlying, contributing to it. But of course I understand a friend telling you that you caused them to attempt suicide would really mess with you and make you feel both horrible and responsible, but all you should do is suggest them to get help and apologize, not put yourself in a guilt trip.

Edited by Egossi (see edit history)

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