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you should lower the scrim server players to 12/12 so the reg is better and theres no dick who will come cus its 24 slots lol it would make more snese to make it 12

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lold, only awp can 1 shot someone down from full health shoulder up, and i think its like that so that observers/players can come join as well, so that there are 4 scrim teams in total on the server, and we're talking about 1 shot body hits, not headshots


CSS Models, weapon height and hit registration - Steam Users' Forums


read the thread, talks about guns being able to 1 shot players before cause it would go through the arm and into the head if it was behind the arm, now the reg would stop the bullet at the place that it hits

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Having excess empty slots won't effect the server, if all slots are full with players lets say 10 in game and 14 in spectate it will. Even if players are just in spectate it puts more strain on the server. I doubt 24 slots is necessary for a match server but I don't exactly know what/how xG uses this server for.


Usually you have the 11 slot server, 10 slots for players, 1 slot for SourceTV. Anyone who wants to spectate can sit in the SourceTV which can have an adjustable delay. This way it takes strain off the server.

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Having excess empty slots won't effect the server, if all slots are full with players lets say 10 in game and 14 in spectate it will. Even if players are just in spectate it puts more strain on the server. I doubt 24 slots is necessary for a match server but I don't exactly know what/how xG uses this server for.


Usually you have the 11 slot server, 10 slots for players, 1 slot for SourceTV. Anyone who wants to spectate can sit in the SourceTV which can have an adjustable delay. This way it takes strain off the server.


I just think it would make more sense if silence were to save some money and lower the pop of servers that dont need tha 64 amount etc... Like if this is a scrim server just keep it cheap 12 slot and if u wanna spend the money then make this one a bosted fps 2000 etc... Make it easy and save money in the long run



lold, only awp can 1 shot someone down from full health shoulder up, and i think its like that so that observers/players can come join as well, so that there are 4 scrim teams in total on the server, and we're talking about 1 shot body hits, not headshots


CSS Models, weapon height and hit registration - Steam Users' Forums


read the thread, talks about guns being able to 1 shot players before cause it would go through the arm and into the head if it was behind the arm, now the reg would stop the bullet at the place that it hits


Thats irrelavent to anything being talked about here.

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The reg depends on what CPU the dedi server is running off and how many servers are being shared on the hardware. When companies advertise 1000fps its actually just a marketting scam as it does not change reg at all.

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I'm moving the scrim server to a dedicated linux machine. It will have 1000fps and there will be two of them. Hopefully this ends the whining about the registration :P




The reg depends on what CPU the dedi server is running off and how many servers are being shared on the hardware. When companies advertise 1000fps its actually just a marketting scam as it does not change reg at all.


The FPS is not a scam its based on the better CPU that they will run it on. Whitch changes the reg a ton, it affects how fast the updating takes place and the delays between each one. The reason why reg sucks is companies don't have the speed for it to update fast between each shot making it skip a few (99 one hundered (4th grade toll)) instead of registering all shots that you have taken.

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