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SkullKing's xG Application!

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I would really love to be a member of xG. I love the people and the servers. I usually play on RPG surf, jailbreak, minigames, and sometimes sliderace. I also am starting to play on the Minecraft server. I have also gone as: Gaben, and now SkullKing. I am sticking to SkullKing though. People have called me mature for my age, and people in xG have told me to make an app. EDIT: I have also donated to the CS:S division! :tyrannosaurus:


Thanks for reading and I hope to get accepted!

Edited by Owl (see edit history)

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Decision : +1

Activity : 8/10

Maturity : 7.5/10

Reason : Knows MOTD, active on surf and sometimes JB, he knows what he is doing and he isn't silly.


I want to see that tag on you soon. :cupcake:

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Very nice guy, played with him


Wants to stick with xG servers all the time.


Very mature, doesn't even seem like hes 13!


+1 man, hope you get it :D

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I have played with you a time or two and while I have not had any direct action/conversation with you, I haven't seen or heard anything negative which in my book means you are playing and following rules properly


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doesn't even seem like hes 13!

I thought he was 16.



Active mainly on the surf server and is real fun to play with, and is really nice.



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I am greatfull to be the 10th +1 of this fine gentleman.

M : 9/10

A: 8/10

he Knows motd,follows rules,is active alot and is a really nice guy

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