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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/13 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Matsi - MMO

  2. 2 points

    I'm desperate.

    Customer of chrono, paid him 3 trading cards and he came to my hotel room late. Terrible service and gives lots of teeth. Do not buy shit from him. Not worth even a penny.
  3. 2 points

    Celestia - MMO

    Neither do i. What i care about is you fucking spamming me kid. you just fucking said you did in the other thread lel.
  4. 2 points

    Celestia - MMO

    Yep totally not spamming me
  5. 2 points

    Celestia - MMO

    Neither do i. What i care about is you fucking spamming me kid. Yea you totally don't care about your rating that's why your making a ban request thread.
  6. 2 points

    Celestia - MMO

    Believe what you will. I don't give a shit about my own rating bar. Calm down kid.
  7. 2 points

    Matsi - MMO

  8. 1 point

    Matsi - MMO

    Purple. If ratings bother you that much, you might want to take a break from the internet. Look at my rating. Thanks to @@Hidingmaster and a few others it's a massive red bar. It means absolutely nothing. Don't take things so personally on the internet. We are here to have fun, not get ban requests over something so minuscule.
  9. 1 point


    Sorry, you have to be 14 to apply for member, try again when you are at that age -Closed
  10. 1 point

    ThePenguin - Counter-Strike: Source

  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point

    Someone buy me games.

    Buy me games because im a poor little lemon who cant buy himself any games. :)
  13. 1 point

    Celestia - MMO

    Yea you totally don't care about your rating that's why your making a ban request thread. Spam retard. Learn how to fucking read you dumb ass. Dude. If you really are that butt hurt over RATINGS go and COOL YOUR FUCKING TITS
  14. 1 point

    Celestia - MMO

    You're African shhh
  15. 1 point

    Matsi - MMO

  16. 1 point

    Matsi - MMO

    That isn't spam. I looked at rating hes given. It really isn't spam. It's a rating. They're put there for a reason.
  17. 1 point
    +1 A: 8/10 M:8/10 @@serbiansnaga Do something :)
  18. 1 point

    PCSX2 1.0.0 Emulater

    I need help with using this program I just recently bough Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix I just patched it and I want to try to run PCSX2 to play it I finished configuring it and now I don't know what a BIOS is. Can anybody tell me what a BIOS is and how to get it?
  19. 1 point

    ThePenguin - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 local ban him on all other servers.
  20. 1 point

    Who smokes weed more than me?

    echo tree deathgod jaybreeze anaujarama arvelez lostcause ponch puppyluv Edit:.....oh it's closed.
  21. 1 point

    Yet Another MoTD Game Idea

    >>Clone Forest >>Creative wardening styles forever!!
  22. 1 point

    Metal Thread

    What do you guys think about Avenged Sevenfold's new single? Sounds like Iron Maiden + Black Sabbath. Still doing great after the rev. RIP the REV. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU9YM1Lfvt8
  23. 1 point

    ThePenguin - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 Force him to only play CSGO
  24. 1 point

    Who wants Planetary Annihilation?

    btw guys. incase you didn't get the joke, EZ is jewish.
  25. 1 point

    Who wants Planetary Annihilation?

    @@easy Plain and simple . fucking listen to me or else i will personally cut your dick off with a Microtech Select Fire M/A Knife. GIVE ME DA GAME. I WILL MAKE YOUR MOOD EVEN BETTER WITH MY PERSONAL BITCH : @@Gawd . @@Gawd will suck you off so clean that you can see the shine. also he is good with toys. he especially likes the head strap-ons. p.s tell these niggas wusssup
  26. 1 point

    ThePenguin - Counter-Strike: Source

  27. 1 point

    Anyone want Terraria?

    Chivalry is so broken.
  28. 1 point

    What did everyone get?

    Skyrim Hitman Absolution Arma2 combined ops scribblenauts saints row 3 Still working on paying my friend back T_T
  29. 1 point

    Who wants Planetary Annihilation?

    not me fag
  30. 1 point
    The only person i know of that was there at the time (whose still around) is @@Pure.HawkeyE side note @@serbiansnaga please remove powers for zrined, it should have been removed a long time ago
  31. 1 point

    What did everyone get?

    xG's Bills.
  32. 1 point

    Funnest Gif Thread

  33. 1 point

    Who wants Planetary Annihilation?

  34. 1 point

    The Plan

    Would not be greifed if the division leader was here... I can actually go on and fix all of it if he would put the fucking permission in (The one I told him to put in a month ago) to make it so I can actually figure out who needs to be rolled back.
  35. 1 point

    Deleting servers for CS:S *POLL*

    I'm the developer of the Build Wars plugin; for whatever reason, Rhododendron linked me to this thread. I suspect it's because the plugin was paid for and he doesn't want to see the money wasted by having to shut down the server. Currently, this community hosts the only USA based server out of a dozen or so v3 clients, and only ~5 of those servers have any degree of ranking to show population. That alone should be bringing in some population, but it seems there's a bit of a barrier. As Rhododendron is my only contact with this community, I'm not familiar with its practices or how the servers are maintained, but as I regularly have people adding me on steam asking when I'll be throwing a server back online with the mod, there appears to be an issue. When I hosted the plugin under my last community, Ominous Gaming, the server was regularly bringing in 12 ~ 16 players for most of the day with it only de-populating in the wee hours of the morning for averages of 3 to 6 hours. Since the mod has engine limitations that put it at a maximum player cap of 20, that traffic was fairly well for a private mod. That player base should have been displaced when I shut the server down in August, and as Xeno Gamers hosts the only other server, they should have migrated over here (and they may have, but have left for whatever reason). Now as for the reason I've spent the time to reply. I really have no interest in starting a community up again, nor do I have the funds to justify hosting a server to get these players to stop pestering me. If the community has thoughts as to why the mod is not preforming well, or perhaps suggestions on how to improve the game play experience, I'd like to hear them. I've recently begun development of the mod again after a several month hiatus, and while I've taken strides to reduce the difficulty of hosting it, the game play elements remain mostly unchanged.
  36. 1 point

    The Plan

    Was reset many times. Not a good idea. I'm tired of all my shit getting reset. I take time to build underground cities just to watch them be wiped.
  37. 1 point

    What you guys like to drink (alcohol)

    Moonshine is never good. What is this nonsense.?
  38. 1 point
    In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders. All defendants are innocent until proven guilty, either by confession, plea bargain, or trial by jury. This is one of those trials.
  39. 1 point
    the reason why they are innocent is because people can get a million people to all say the same thing about a person and have that person convicted based on sheer numbers, it creates a mob mentality and allows someone to basically choose whoever they want to be thrown in jail, this is otherwise known as a dictatorship in the making, the person can choose to throw all political opponents into jail and proclaim himself as a god if he wanted to. its not a major flaw, otherwise i could accuse u of murder and BAM you're thrown in jail just because i said so and not based on any evidence whatsoever, its also why the legal system isnt judged based on emotion cause it clouds judgement and creates an incredibly biased system that's infinitely worse
  40. 1 point

    What you guys like to drink (alcohol)

    try red stag honey, its pretty good
  41. 1 point

    ThePenguin - Counter-Strike: Source

    @@Rhododendron I'm still banned on cs s and it seems to only be the jailbreak server
  42. 1 point
    Strong words. They hurt. So stop drinking water like a 4 year old and hydrate yourself with some beer. Nope. Water.
  43. 1 point
    Water. I don't see the point of this thread.
  44. 1 point

    Some new Last CT Songs.

    For some reason, these just don't seem suitable to be playing while a steroids-injected CT who is obviously the spawn of Sonic the Hedgehog mows down Ts. The only thing in my mind that would fit in is still, and always will be, this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK6TXMsvgQg
  45. 1 point

    Last CT Song Request

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kffacxfA7G4 I honestly think this should be the last ct song
  46. 0 points

    I'm desperate.

    I'm a whore, so I will whore myself out to people. All I want for my services are trading cards. the more i get, the more you get. ;) pls i am in need of badges, I need more steam levels. and more chat swag
  47. 0 points

    What you guys like to drink (alcohol)

    Softies in this thread..
  48. 0 points

    What did everyone get?

  49. 0 points

    Anyone want Terraria?

    He said might. Which means he wont.
  50. 0 points
    the reason why they are innocent is because people can get a million people to all say the same thing about a person and have that person convicted based on sheer numbers, it creates a mob mentality and allows someone to basically choose whoever they want to be thrown in jail, this is otherwise known as a dictatorship in the making, the person can choose to throw all political opponents into jail and proclaim himself as a god if he wanted to. its not a major flaw, otherwise i could accuse u of murder and BAM you're thrown in jail just because i said so and not based on any evidence whatsoever, its also why the legal system isnt judged based on emotion cause it clouds judgement and creates an incredibly biased system that's infinitely worse My problem with this case is that George stated everything and caused a young boy's life due to his reckless actions. The fact that FL lets people practically start fights they can't win and kill them just sends the message that anybody can claim self defense even when they started the fight. For example, he had a gun and was a grown man how much of a pussy do you need to be to shoot a 17 year old kid? It's overall pathetic and shows FL doesn't care about it's citizens. Say for example I punched you in the face and you kick my ass to the ground and punched me a bunch till a stabbed you with a knife in the neck. It's not me defending myself because I was the aggressor and I can't claim that I was defending myself when I attacked you first. Now I know nobody knows who started the fight but the fact remains if George stayed in his car none of this would've happened. He is 100% reliable for his actions and nobody would've heard about either of them. You are right about that serbian but George acted like a stalker and should be held accountable if Trayvon felt his life was in danger he had every right to defend himself to get away that's how FL's SYG law works. Now because of this case every potential murderer and rapist can follow whoever they want and claim self defense if their victims fight back. Now nobody wants that now do they?
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