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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/16 in all areas

  1. 4 points

    Diezombi3s - Garrys Mod

    The spray:
  2. 2 points

    Mcmmo Towny Progress Thread

  3. 2 points

    Tmi thread

    Had food poisoning once, and I shit while standing up to throw up, it went every where.
  4. 1 point

    Suggestion: Staff Get A Private Sub-forum

    ^that its not like we're overwhelmed with posts and members everywhere on the forums and servers to the point where we wanna get our staff talking in private so that they can discuss manners "properly"
  5. 1 point

    Suggestion: Staff Get A Private Sub-forum

    Yeah of course you could just PM staff. I think it would be more efficient to talk about it in a sub-forum for all staff members to see so as many people don't find about the exploit as possible.
  6. 1 point

    Suggestion: Staff Get A Private Sub-forum

    As long as we can support both an admin forum and a "normal" forum in down for it. I Don't think we currently have the population for it though. -1 for now, +1 in the future.
  7. 1 point

    Suggestion: Staff Get A Private Sub-forum

    I completely agree with this. Having a private staff sub-forum for all staff members to use should prove very useful. If things need to be addressed with members we can talk about it in a public sub-forum. If everyone else if happy with this I'm happy. Whatever everyone else wants goes in my book. :)
  8. 1 point
    I'm happy to do this and create a global staff section. I think discussion amongst staff would be helpful and bring attention to issues that we as a whole can fix. It wouldn't be per staff group though but for any and all staff. However the criticism about segregation between staff and the rest of the community is a sound argument, and we really do need activity spread across the entire website rather than just one spot. I just want to see forum activity increase and get new members and new content so I can view the website and see tons of new things posted.
  9. 1 point

    Ksplayer1337's New Avatar

    So on a scale of 1 to dumpster how bad is it? I made this in FireAlpaca with only the mouse. Any tips? @NitNat @Diamonde
  10. 1 point

    Diezombi3s - Garrys Mod

    I nicely asked you in-game to stop spraying that sexually suggestive spray, as the anime model is posing in a sex position. You were persistent and continued to spray it, so a spray ban was issued. I'm more than willing to remove the spray ban, if you stop spraying that. And refrain from spraying inappropriate things in the future, when asked to stop by a server moderator. Anything that is obscene, pornographic or sexually suggestive, is highly likely to draw a moderator's attention. If something is sexually exploit and contains a limited degree of nudity, it *may* slide but don't count on it.
  11. 1 point

    Ksplayer1337's New Avatar

    Moved to Avatars :)
  12. 1 point

    Suggestion: Staff Get A Private Sub-forum

    Having spent some more time thinking about this I'm having a hard time figuring out some actual good uses for a admin/mod forum. Mods and Admins honestly aren't anything special and most issues either get brought up to dms/dls or are discussed here on forums and then get resolved (usually within 24hrs). @MineCrack has a good point. Why do we need to keep stuff hidden between divisions? I personally get on TF2 sometimes and if rules were considered being changed i would like to be able to discuss it with others, or atleast get to know about it. Members are also as encouraged to discuss rules and report glitches as anyone else and taking that away from them and locking them behind a forum just makes thing hard for the community to voice their opinions. The only thing i can see this being used for is drama, and that's not a good enough reason to have one imo. EDIT: Besides, there's already an admin forum for people that are dm+
  13. 1 point
    I personally think this is a great idea because we can hide the activity of each division from each other. This is also good because we successfully achieve our goal here of segregating all of the divisions even further.
  14. 1 point

    Ayanoaishisqueake - Counter-strike

    Freekilling for credits is not allowed, the ban was justified. -1
  15. 1 point

    Tmi thread

    Okay so one time I was jackin it on a sunday when I was 14, and for whatever reason I decided to blow my load out of the second story window, so I opened the window and finished, but I forgot about the fact that the screen was still in the window. So there was this big wall of cum and I was so scared because I knew my dad would see and ask why there was an off-white block of crusty shit outside the window, and also I had my door locked but I knew my parents were sitting outside. So I had to look around the room for a way to get it out but the fucking semen was in between the little holes in the screen and wiping off the thin sheet of load didnt do anything, and thats when I realized the only way to remove it was to put my mouth up to the thing and suck it out and spit it into a bottle and after about an hour it looked clean but there was a bottle of cum on my desk. And I fucking forgot to do anything with it and my dad still saw it and I got grounded THE END so yeah #tmi
  16. 0 points
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWg1RwMgFYY Check it out. xd
  17. 0 points

    Tmi thread

    So in year 4 I was a bright kid. I socialised with people, made jokes, had friends etc. Then year 5 came and everything went to shit. I had a teacher who hated me to no end. She would literally pick at the slightest thing i did and yelled at me in front of everyone. I never had anymore breaks because I would constantly be in detention. The few times I did have breaks I would sit by myself on a bench because i didn't talk to anyone anymore cause I was scared what the teacher would say. I then became outcast, like i didn't belong. Then sports day happened. (sports day was a thing my school did every year where parents would watch their kids to races and stuff like that.) Sports day was cancelled so my mum didn't give me any suncream for school, Then they decided to do sports day anyway without telling any of the parents. They did it and i was a complete wreck. Because i had no suncream I had really bad sunburn and i was burnt for what felt like weeks. It was so bad my mum could've sued the school, but for some reason she didn't. And the next time I came into school and did something "wrong" my teacher said this "God, you really are special." And because I was a wimp i cried infront of everyone. Then the year ended and i was so fucking glad. TL;DR: Teacher bullied me to the point i completely changed my personality and traumatised me into getting severe social anxiety.
  18. 0 points
    It's a YouTube link lmao
  19. 0 points
    apparently not anymore it's broken again not sure if it's 100% true but it happened to @c0ldwinds and he said he didn't even activate it and apparently he was invis from then and on. Currently the only way to fix it is to reconnect
  20. 0 points

    Rogue_skittle - Team Fortress 2

    it wasn't that bad but still unacceptable behavior for a mod so i will try again later when i have it under controle
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