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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. Welcome to our community, hope you enjoy your stay, and best of luck with your application!
  2. So you guys chose to never ban him those times that he's so toxic that you feel that's all he joins the servers for, but the time his name is "tired of tf2 badmins" was the tipping point for a month long ban? You've gotta be kidding me man.
  3. He was on yesterday for 6 hours with Egossi and other members on TGH, are you telling me he went through the server only to insult people? Also, this whole thread is based on your conversation to brian asking him to name change, which he didn't, to which you asked Vexx for a month ban after. So what you're saying is also false since no one apparently had an issue with him that entire day, but according to you, all he does is come on just to insult people. @Vexx
  4. That's fine with me, I'm fine with a ban to a day as he never got a kick warning. A month is excessive. I will also add a few more things here before this thread is closed.
  5. @Vexx from the tf2 admin handbook that you wanted me to edit.
  6. Just gonna respond to you guys, and then let the community decide as even the higherups and I disagree. A permanent ban obviously has no falloff date because it hasn't been served because it's permanent, so this example makes no sense to me @Vexx, nor am I suggesting for permanent bans to automatically be unbanned after a certain amount of time. Someone who fully serves a punishment years ago, should not blindly be followed to a greater punishment. The context of "he doesn't learn" has 0 basis if he's been on and off the server for years with no further punishment. We're a gaming community... do you honestly think the punishment fits the crime? @Sesh @Bello Agree with your points, his previous bans have completely 0 correlation, how does that imply he "hasn't changed" or "doesn't learn"
  7. Okay I'll just give you an example then, if I'm a member of this community and I freekilled enough to get a week ban, if in over 2 years I freekilled someone again, do I deserve a month ban? @Kypari if kicks aren't an issue, I would definitely recommend using a kick to get someone's attention if it is something as minor as a name. This gives the person a surefire way to get your message, and you can prevent issues like this in the future where the person might not have seen a warning.
  8. @Kypari does sourcebans being disabled also prevent being able to be kicked? I'm asking that as a legitimate question. Also, I would like to hear the feedback from @Bello, @Vexx, @Sesh and @mrnutty12. You guys believe this warrants a month ban despite his last ban being over 2 years ago over something unrelated? I personally find a 1 month ban over his name insanely excessive, especially after his previous ban being so long ago. Tagging @virr as well since I appreciate his input.
  9. I do appreciate the fact that you have logs showing that you did in fact warn him to change his name, however the fact he didn't respond to you at all means he might not have seen it so try to keep that in mind in the future. Regardless, his name was to trigger the staff which is why I do believe he should have got punished in some sort if people did get offended which apparently they did. The issue I have was he had a name that upset staff, so you decided a month ban was the right decision? He got a week ban 2 years ago about call admin, and the previous day ban before that was something he got pardoned for. If you're going to go off his history, please try to use some discretion and understand that although we have a system for how we ban, I feel like it should be common sense that someone who didn't get punished for years shouldn't automatically get a more severe punishment their next offense, regardless of when it occurred or the level of offense. Context matters a lot for staff, and I would prefer you guys think about issues critically before blindly following a guide that is meant to give you a foundation when trying to uphold the rules instead of it being the golden guide that should be followed to a T.
  10. @Kypari Can you please explain your side of the story, including why you asked for a month ban from Vexx aside from there being no warning, kick or shorter ban issued prior to this month ban.
  11. Another raffle up, thanks to @[51525:@Egossi]! https://xenogamers.com/index.php?raffles-details/&raffle_id=57
  12. I think it's pretty clear to a majority of members that there has been feelings of hostility amongst a large number of staff and members, varied from group to group. I just wanted to shed some light on the issue, and would like to have an open conversation to hopefully resolve some of the underlying matters behind it. We know there's a lot of "cliques" amongst all the different discord servers with xG members, but still our stance is not changed that although we prefer you to use our teamspeak server, we have no plan to force you to use teamspeak as long as you don't encourage members on the server to use discord instead. First of all, you do NOT need to like everyone, as a community there will always be people who prefer their own group of friends to others, or just don't mesh well with a certain individual. That being said, to not like someone is not an excuse to make them feel unwelcome or to gang up on them with your friends. We are a gaming community, and as we are getting bigger, there will be more groups of friends who have different personalities and interests, the last thing we want is for new members to feel the hostility or to feel unwelcome. In regards concerning attitude towards staff, even if you're staff yourself, please understand that you do not know their situation and that treating them like garbage because they should be doing their "job" is definitely not okay. Being a moderator or higher on our servers is a position that we can't give enough thanks for, because the staff are what hold our servers together. We would not be where we are today, if we didn't have so many willing mods, admins, or higher ups who were willing to sacrifice their time (and sometimes money) to give everyone else a more pleasant experience. The overall message is just to be more respectful towards one another, and try to have some empathy the next time you interact with someone you aren't familiar with.
  13. You ever wish you were a baller and/or taller? Look no further! https://xenogamers.com/index.php?raffles-details/&raffle_id=54
    1. Egossi


      I wish you were a little bit taller i wish you were a baller :(
  14. Aegean


    Please do not -1 someone if you have 0 knowledge of how this person is in/out of game, this helps the higher ups make a decision with the utmost accuracy by being aware that the decision from the community isn't based on a mob mentality.
  15. I'd like to hear @fren's thoughts before making a decision.
  16. CS:GO Trade bot is working on minigames, come by and get some free items just by playing on our servers!
  17. Higher ups may open this thread up for further discussion if they feel it necessary, aside from that I think everything has been resolved. ~Closed
  18. I will talk to Hina and figure out a solution as he has been very fair with his opinion on matters concerning minecraft thus far
  19. @Tatost This is the exact shit I'm talking about, what do you gain for acting so arrogant? I left this thread open despite you guys cherrypicking logs just to make Amy out to be acting rude and abusing on her own accord because I wanted the opinions of other members. Regardless, she has gotten her warning for abuse in terms of spawning/flying for anything that doesn't have to do with spawn or for community areas. She 100% could have handled things better, and could have tried to be more responsive to members who are in need of help. Even if she doesn't know the solution, just listening and responding is enough if she's tabbed in to see if she has any ideas on how to help. This though does not warrant a straight out demotion. To @Healix, @grap_grop and anyone else who tries to use this kind of "tactic" in xG to get someone punished, you guys need to re-evaluate yourselves as members of this community. If I message someone that they are like an 8 year old girl or telling them they are the worst DL, and they respond back to me telling me to shut up or kick me after constantly egging them on, in what fucking world do you think I can screenshot only their side of the convo and post it as proof that they are disrespectful or abusive?? How can you possibly think this ISN'T fucking underhanded and dishonest? Edit: To @LAN_Megalodon, you misunderstood what she said. Her using creative to build in her town and anywhere around it is not what she was referring to as community project. I warned her when I found out about her using it to benefit herself, and stated she will only use it for spawn or community projects (i.e. changing up shop, adding an event area etc) She admitted to using it to build in her town and how it's wrong, which was yesterday. Also, logs will be looked at as other higher ups have access to it, and if anything else comes from them, they will be addressed at that time.
  20. That's not how this works though, you KNEW the context, and omitted everything. Not once did you mention how Grape was acting towards Amy, and even asked her for proof when she tried to defend herself. You MADE this thread while hiding the fact that grape egged her on to respond the way she did, and then made it seem like she was saying that to people asking her for help. Are you being serious right now?
  21. Wait so you knew that grape acted that way towards her for those responses, knew that the context would put grape in a bad light, and decided to put an abuse/disrespect thread on Amy using those as examples?
  22. I already addressed she got warned for using Creative in her own town, and will be removed from power if she is caught using it again to benefit herself. This conversation was only yesterday, and she didn't deny doing it, apologized and knows the consequences if caught again. Here are the logs. Did you know that @grap_grop was being rude and annoying in chat, is that why you omitted grape's part of the conversation and pretty much the whole context to put her in a bad light? He definitely deserves a kick and/or a mute. I wouldn't have even blamed her for a 30 minute ban to cool down if he continued after this. I'm actually interested to know how much of grape's comments you knew towards Amy and still made this thread regardless, did you think we would disregard any context? We have rules about stuff like this and try to do our best to get evidence from all sides on purpose to stop groups of friends to circlejerk and target someone they don't like with false narratives. This is a gaming community, you do not need to like everyone, but acting hostile and trying to make them feel unwelcome is not acceptable. Had to quote this recent post from you into my post, you egged her on for both of her "responses" that you guys were trying to show she was disrespectful for, did you think we can't see logs, or did you just forget your behaviour when you cherrypicked your screenshots? She also said she doesn't know in terms of spawners, and that Hina would. You belittle her in the chat, insult her and keep putting the stupid :thinking: meme and sarcastically call her the best dl in xG when she's telling you to shut up. You have got to be kidding me with this thread.
  23. I will say that Virr and I found out about her spawning stuff in creative (the smoothstone from what I remember) and also building by flying (or in creative mode). I have already warned her about these 2 matters as it is, she apologized and stated she would not do it again as she is on her last straw. It is towny, and building up your wall without putting dirt blocks under you (in my opinion) is a minor abuse but abuse nonetheless which is why we gave her a final warning. The kicking for telling her to do her job is unwarranted depending on how much she got spammed or how rude people were, and I would like her side of it first. Also, linking 2 messages of her saying you are literally pathetic and grow up without ANY context is also a little fishy as I know how easy it is to bait staff to reacting negatively if you do things enough. Virr already tagged her so now we wait on her side of the story, and if you do play minecraft and see these issues, please speak up in this thread so we can resolve it as a community.