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Everything posted by Aegean

  1. I know that, but Ms.Spooks is talking about the benefits of it which she is right about.
  2. To be fair, I think it's fine if someone is constantly causing problems that the staff talk about who is giving issues to warn the other staff that they don't deserve any warnings (If they have already received these warnings recently for the same problem of course) Aside from that, the @everyone is a double edged sword. I know a few people who disable notifications to not get spammed from @everyone.
  3. @ThunderLimes you have a few fair points, your biggest one though "and it's just an overall better platform to make a server and talk to a small group of friends." I agree it's nicer when it's a small group of friends, but having a 100+ people all in one discord would not be something feasible. I want to get everyone on the same VOIP which is why I want us to be on teamspeak. Anyways, thanks for the input regardless :)
  4. Aegean


    It's really sad that when I try to get the community all united on one platform that we pay for, instead of spread out on discord in their own little hubs, that you consider that a shitfest and that I'm "shilling" for teamspeak. Regardless, you have been a major help to me when we switched our member apps as you were always super active to promote people to members as soon as the 2 day duration was up, and you always had a ton of input on anything tf2 related that was not only insightful but constructive. Thanks for all the work you've put in.
  5. Can you explain what features discord has that teamspeak doesn't exactly?
  6. A few points to anyone who isn't familiar with the differences between TS or Discord Bots: Ts has bots as well, and can be customized to listen to server chat or channel chat. I don't really understand the whole "I can't use teamspeak" since it's fairly straight forward if you ever used a VOIP in the past, and if you have a busy discord server, it does fuck your CPU usage compared to a busy teamspeak server. Discord is written in javascript and an electron based web application which is why it has an issue on performance when a lot of people are online. You can customize a teamspeak server much more than discord, especially in terms of roles which is why roles in discord are very clunky. You can even give powers channel related (for example staff in TF2 have control over the TF2 channels as well, whereas in discord I believe you must have powers in the entire server and can't be given powers over just a channel. Administration over teamspeak is much superior, kicking or banning in discord can easily be worked around, whereas teamspeak bans your UUID + IP, we have never had an issue after banning someone on teamspeak, that they constantly made new accounts and came back. Channels can have sub channels, and we can space them out with spacers to make it more neater, something discord does not have. Unless you lock a text channel, anything you say in there is public to everyone, instead of it being only with the group in the channel at the time. Imagine all the different groups of xG in one discord, and how hard it would be to organize everyone to their own channels, and give them the privacy they want.
  7. https://xenogamers.com/threads/43438/
    1. hongkongatron


      when will you come home dad
    2. Aegean


      @[109439:@grap_grop] when the minecraft server is back I'll be home
    3. hongkongatron


      @[46:@Aegean] (just so you know the server is back up but its still having issues with guest permissions)
  8. Not going to go into reasons why we don't have a discord after how many threads we have about why we don't have a discord lol. If you want to read the previous threads in General, you're more than welcome to do so.
  9. We've had many discussions about why we don't use discord, and I have said in the past that I do not want to force staff to use teamspeak, instead of forcing I would like to know from you guys what it would take to get you to start using our teamspeak. If you are staff and do not use our teamspeak, I would like to know the reasons behind you not wanting to use teamspeak despite it being our official VOIP and the fact that we want new players to also use our teamspeak and populate it. If none of you use teamspeak, you guys are pretty much indirectly persuading the new members to not use it either since if they want to hang out with you guys, it has to be on your own discords. On teamspeak we are able to integrate it with the forums so you not only get credits every minute you're on teamspeak (and not afk) but also the fact we release custom icons and you are known by your staff rank (different stars for different staff) to help newer folks interact with you. Anyways, all that being said, the question is just what would it take for us to convince you to use our teamspeak more often. We used to have a rule back in the CS:S days that you must be active on teamspeak, I'm not gonna threaten you with a demotion at this time and I know some of our higherups use discord as well, this is just an open discussion, no flame allowed.
  10. Aegean


    NO WAYY <3 @Selby9409 hope you're well brother
  11. It does, we put 100 keys into it, we just don't giveaway the higher quality items unless the population on the server is much more than 5 - 12 because all the items are provided from Rhodo to give back to the community. If you don't want an item because it isn't worth going into your inventory, opt out of the plugin or don't accept the trade.
  12. CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn it! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! Note: n/a
  13. Aegean

    XG Discord?

    Teamspeak is also good if you want free credits while you're talking to your friends, and also meeting new people and the higherups! Discord unfortunately is all spread out with the different groups of TF2 members, but you are more than welcome to use discord with your friends in xG if you don't want to use teamspeak :)
  14. Take care my boy Randy! Come by time to time to say hi
  15. PSA about the recent drama / conflicts | Xeno Gamers This was the thread that was stemmed from the recent issues from the TF2 division. Regardless, best of luck with school, I wish you all the best and hopefully we'll hear from you on the forums time to time despite you not playing TF2 as much if at all.
  16. We can do another tournament if there is enough interest in it, we can giveaway credits + a badge for the winner + runnerup
  17. We plan to get it more populated! Hope you synced your steam account so you're eligible for the giveaways :) Best of luck in your application :)
  18. You must have 50 posts on the forums before making a mod application. Try to be more active on the forums and reapply :emoji_smile: ~Closed
  19. It seems the majority of the higherups agree that it should only be a warning. I apologize it isn't closed yet, if any TF2 higherups wants to reopen this thread than I'm fine with it, if not, then a warning is enough for this issue. ~Closed
  20. Aegean

    Memory Lane

    Duckii | Xeno Gamers Always a good chuckle from this one
  21. nice meme, you look like the type of fella to do the pass out challenge :emoji_smile:
  22. Hey you should visit texas right now, I have a friend named Harvey who wants to see ya :)
  23. #TheResistance have won the battle for the Fuck Off rating, but they will get what's coming to them #RealNews
  24. lmao, we haven't removed it yet, but I believe the consensus is to remove it as it's the only rating that doesn't hold a purpose #TheResistance has spoken and the rating shall stay as it is until further notice.