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  1. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Duke in Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21jtcaroihm   
    baby come back you can blame it all on chrono
  2. Like
    jaygoki reacted to virr in Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21jtcaroihm   
    BONK!!!!! Welcome back, I've missed you : (((
    The script that removes the titles is broken, so you're a mod now kinda (not really)
  3. Like
    jaygoki reacted to Thunder in What Is/are Your Favorite Candy('s)?   
  4. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Owl in Stepping Down   
  5. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Rabid in What Made You Join Xg   
    I was 16, I was obnoxious and loud, people laughed at my humor. I'm 23 now, I hate this place.
  6. Like
    jaygoki reacted to Egossi in Badges Megathread!   
    Name: "Actual Retard"
    In order to get it: Be @Steven

  7. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Pepper in Phokingsf - Counter-strike   
    2 months isn't that long ago for a perm ban
  8. Like
    jaygoki reacted to realBelloWaldi in Kittytemp - Forum   
    OP will be unbanned.
    However, @Kittylicious this is your final chance, if you mess up again you will be permanently banned.
  9. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Jadow in Ill Be Back   
    He actually has a life unlike the most of us c:
  10. Funny
    jaygoki reacted to Firewolf in Ill Be Back   
    As we all know I have not been very active lately due mostly to school work and general life things, but also I have lost some of my original liking in CSGO. I loved my time with you guys and believe me ill be back someday someway, but I think for now its time to say bye. Thank you to those of you who were always nice to me and I could enjoy a good time with and until next time im off to go join my friends in the 4th percentile :)
  11. Like
    jaygoki reacted to Thorax_ in Xeno Gamers | Election Day   
    RIP my Email. Forgot to turn off email notifications.
    Oh well
  12. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Owl in Que Mas Puedo Hacer   
    lose weight
  13. Like
    jaygoki got a reaction from lilbleed in Que Mas Puedo Hacer   
    been inactive because of school, not really that interested in CS:GO anymore and I haven't opened teamspeak for at least 2 or 3 months, gonna go ahead and step down from my mighty position as moderator
    hopefully this will actually be permanent unlike the last time. not going to actually leave in case I change my mind like the fuck I am
    I have had an amazing 3ish years here and made many new friends who have all apparently died so rip
    not really much else to say, not really very good friends with anyone here anymore so I hope everyone has fun with their future endeavors
    so I'll stop it here to prevent it being any cringier for lack of a better word
  14. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Duke in Brunovision - Counter-strike   
    was a purposeful mass.you knew what you were doing.
  15. Bad Spelling
    jaygoki reacted to MinerTeddy in Xcomplex - Counter-strike   
    -1 The only things that have changed about you are your clothes, also has been <3 months
  16. Bad Spelling
    jaygoki reacted to lilbleed in Ragingexotics - Counter-strike   
    Idk if there's -1ing and sht for ban protests but I just want to put this out.
    Last week I had to gag, mute, and kick him twice. He has a sound board and mic spams, starts yelling " burn jews, slay n*ggers". I've told him to stop multiple time ls but he doesn't get it. Virr banned him for a week because it got so bad before. I haven't seen disbanded on Jailbreak recently so I don't know why he wants unbanned. So yeah if -1s do anything uhh. (Thx mudkip for the bad spelling rating)
  17. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to MinerTeddy in Cs:go Team!   
    Your snapchat story also confirms that you were MIA that day.
  18. RIP
    jaygoki reacted to Rabid in Cs:go Team!   
    bro you don't even understand.
    Their two players, Jubens, and Scheptzel, both where supposed to be playing that day, scheptzel updated to windows 10 an hour before the match, and jubens was mia.
    I pulled an all nighter this day, and was 26 hours into my day, and they asked me to play, I had to fucking track down netex to add me to the roster late, which was another fucking pain in the ass.
    Scheptzel finished his W10 update and got on teamspeak, so I was like thank god I can go to bed "Scheptzel: I can't play, Rabid: Why not? Scheptz: I forgot its my dads birthday today I gotta leave"
    So I played three games with these guys, just completely fucking drained, when I wasnt even supposed to be playing that day.
    Moral of the story fuck @jubens45 and fuck @scheptzel
  19. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Aegean in It's Over   
    Regardless of how it came to this, there is no doubt that you were a great staff member and xG was very lucky to have you for so many years helping out as much as you did. I hope all the best with everything going on in your life, and don't shy away from ever participating in something that interests you in xG if you have the time.
  20. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Egossi in Voting Is Tomorrow.   
  21. Not Funny
    jaygoki got a reaction from Forest in Forum Game #4   
  22. Like
    jaygoki reacted to Chrono in Brady1780 - Counter-strike   
    I went on undercover with the name "I LOST MY EYES", at which I saw several instances of minor rule breaking but was not punishing right away on some of the smaller stuff because I didn't want to reveal right away that I was a staff member. map changed to avalanche. After a couple rounds of hearing brady tell others how the rules work and that they need to slay themselves for this or that, and at one point when I was warden I killed a guy that went in vent. He then proceeded to yell over mic as soon as talking was enabled "Why did you kill him?!" at least like 10 times after I told him that I killed him for rebelling. he would then tell me that I had to say why I killed him or I would get banned by an admin. and that it's just how the server works and that a new person wouldn't understand, and how he could get an admin on at any time to ban me. eventually some other T told him I killed the guy for going in vents somewhere between his mic spam/disrespect calling me a stupid cuck.
    after that we had a war day the next round where someone was killed before war day was called for breaking vent, by me. he kept telling me to "slay you stupid cuck" over mic until I repeatedly soothed his sorrows over the loss of his fallen comrade who rebelled before war day was called by our warden.
    War day proceeds, he tells me I can't shoot outside or open the doors to look out, only defend the inside and close the doors to cabin on avalanche because I'm a CT. eventually I killed all but 1 T who was complaining about being stuck in the 1v100 cage in cells the whole time asking his fellow Ts to let him out. (nobody did) and so after the last guy who kept dodging around the door died I left to go see he was indeed stuck, and so I killed him, with my admin auto sniper picked up off of a dead T because I wasn't about to reveal my admin by slaying him. next round.
    mic is allowed and brady spams that I need to slay and that I was going to get banned by @virr who we was going to call on to the server. telling me repeatedly I was a stupid ignorant cuck, and that he can call me a stupid cuck all he want's because that along with disrespect aren't real rules. I proceeded to tell them to go to my marker a few times while jumping was restricted, they froze on it as ordered and then threw a smoke, I shot at the chest/head area of people who were jumping up out of the smoke and he then proceeded to tell me I was getting banned for free-shooting as well. after the end of the round I asked him if he was actually getting an admin on or not and he said "No, i'm going to wait until you really piss me off" I asked him if an admin was on what would happen, he said I would be banned, and I told him no, probably he would be banned for constantly saying over mic without stopping that I was a stupid cuck. he said again "no" and that he could say that all he wants becuase it wasn't against the rules. so I told him that I would get an admin on for him. proceed to change my name back to xG:DM Lifter typed out "Hi, I'm an admin!" and then banned him for 6 hours for disrespect and spam.
    @Brady1780 I banned you after repeatedly informing you of how disrespect and trolling are indeed things that could get you banned, and why I left the war day area, yet you continued to call me a stupid cuck, please refrain from this kind of behavior, as well as the kind of behavior you exhibited by bullying someone who appeared at first glance to be a new player on the server with threats to have him banned, and saying that "it's just how this server works, and if you can't get by on it, then you will just get eaten alive." It deters new players from wanting to stick around on our servers, and is frankly not a kind of attitude that we would like around them at all. consider this a very firm warning about trolling and being disrespectful.
  23. Agree
    jaygoki got a reaction from gryfons in Forum Game #4   
  24. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to Owl in What Year Is It   
  25. Agree
    jaygoki reacted to SpermytheCat in What Year Is It   
    Who are you people did @Warriorsfury commit sudoku yet