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Posts posted by Forest

  1. For future reference (and just as a suggestion), you may want to consider a section that caters to a specific Division for more accurate results.


    For example:


    Question - Which of the following Divisions do you spend the most time in? *This will apply to any specific questions regarding Division following this question.

    - TF2

    - CSGO

    - Gmod

    - Nuclear Dawn

    - Minecraft


    It will help narrow down the problem areas instead of a general opinion on the entirety of Servers since a large portion of our Players/Members tend to stick to one particular Division. It will also give the Higher-Ups an easier time to determine/address the problem areas directly.


    I'd also suggest including a "Not Applicable" option for some of these questions so that those who take the survey can select the proper option and the results will not give any false positives; meaning that if a user is not familiar with any of the provided options, they can opt out of the question by selecting Not Applicable.

  2. Honestly, I can see why this is an issue and can certainly commend those of you who are fighting to get proper enforcement on this sort of content; however, as with any other 'derogatory' word/slur, there are certain limitations on what should and shouldn't be censored.


    My one and only grievance with this whole thing is the fact that people are treating the use of the phrase "autistic" or "autist" as an insult, when it really isn't. By choosing to censor or effectively ban the word, you're inadvertently supporting this stigma that being called "autistic" is a bad thing. So long as this isn't the case and Staff will just be keeping an eye out for the misuse of the term (IE. using the term in a mocking way or intending to use it as an insult) I can get behind regular enforcement of it.


    That being said, since this is relevant to the topic at hand, Staff should also keep an eye out for any other derogatory or otherwise disrespectful banter including topics that may be sensitive to others on the Servers. This includes any other mental illnesses, recent (or even past) tragedies, etc; which should already be the case :coffee:

  3. I accidentally made 6 headshots when i meant to shoot warning shots.

    I'm sorry but shooting 13 times with an ak can do that.

    This is literally screaming "I 100% meant to do it", but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. @Rabid for context on the ban seeing as he was the one who dealt it (Found Here).

  4. Keep in mind that text is completely subjective in terms of comprehension guys. I could say "Fuck all of you." and mean that in the most sarcastic tone I have (without saying it), and it would still [most likely] be taken personally.


    That being said, @BullseyeX the reason that little outburst is relevant is because (at the time of the post) it was still there when this thread was made. Think of it this way: you wouldn't have something like that made publicly available if you wanted to demonstrate a professional demeanor, would you?


    Maybe it's no longer relevant and you no longer feel that way, but the fact of the matter is that it was still there which is why (correct me if I'm wrong) Snowy thought it should be brought to everyone's attention. Doesn't necessarily mean you still feel that way, but it is still very relevant (though personally not enough to justify a -1).

  5. Not a regular of the TF2 Server(s) but seriously:

    Lol you can order reds to kill a blue and the blue just has to take it? Poppa bless csgo doesn't have a rule like that since you can just get any blue you don't like killed and they are apparently powerless to stop it


    +1 to rule saying you can't order reds to kill another blue.

    ^And this


    @Rejects @Bello for confirmation on whether you can actually order reds to kill a blue since that shiz ain't written down anywhere. If this is true, I have no words and I feel incredibly sorry for anyone on blue. My understanding is that if a blue fails to follow the orders of the Warden, they are to be slain; though this is merely speculation as I'm unfamiliar with TF2 Jailbreak's rules.

  6. Dang, it really was an honor and a privilege to know you both as a fellow Staff Member as well as a friend, not that it will change. My opinion on you never differed from back then; I always saw you as this guy who would try to be fair and just, and to be honest it inspired me to do the same. It was great rising up in the ranks along with you in 2012, and while the Community Leader concept was an attempt at something new that inevitably lost it's way, I can honestly say that I strongly supported and suggested your position in that group and I'm glad that you were a part of it for so long. Plus, who can forget the fact that you and the others worked so hard on an official Xeno Gamers jailbreak map? You definitely gave it your all here in Xeno Gamers, and I both commend and respect the shit out of you. Don't be a stranger, visit back and post your invaluable opinions every now and then.


    Here's to hoping you overcome most (if not all) of life's shitty obstacles, and should you ever want to chill and game, you know where to find us!

  7. The trailer is ready for edits at any time. I will edit the final slide, either removing the blurb or just slide it down a bit and have our slogan above it.



    However I don't plan on making an edit for every single added or dropped server (or division) except after an extended amount of time.

    Since it's a trailer (I imagine it will be the Channel trailer for Xeno Gamers' YouTube channel) you may just want to highlight the Game Divisions instead of Servers; that way you won't have to update it should there be additions or removal of Servers. Just a suggestion to make it easier on yourself

  8. I mentioned this earlier in the Shout Box at some point, but just to have it archived somewhere:


    Is there any way to modify the initial five threads shown on the Home Page to only display threads that currently have the highest traffic or that have been viewed the most within a certain period of time (IE. A thread that has been viewed 20 times within a week as opposed to a thread that has only been viewed 5 times will be shown instead of the latter)? The reason I ask is that I think if it were a "Highlights" section, it would fit well with the image of the Home Page.


    EDIT: This is assuming that isn't already the primary function and has yet to be tuned up just yet

  9. Redie is an old plugin, it was also on the CSS RPG surf server I believe. You can move around the map as if you were alive, but you are invisible and cannot push buttons or open doors. You would be able to do map games like surf or climb or whatever if you wanted.

    Honestly sounds like a great plugin to have on the Server. Few questions though:


    - Is the player completely and utterly invisible? That is, is there anything that can be seen on their model at all (IE. knives, etc). If so, could they be stripped of everything and just roam freely in the T-stance?

    - Will the player's name appear if another player has their crosshair/cursor on them?


    Reason I ask is to ensure that the implementation of this plugin wouldn't introduce a 'ghosting' problem.


    Other possible implementations to [alleviate boredom] consider are command-based plugins (IE. Blackjack) though I don't know if this is currently working or if it is possible to begin with.

  10. I agree highly with the icon colors. As Owl said (somewhat) when I first "updated" to this new forum, the icon colors threw me off completely, making it hard for me to understand what is what. If the sections for games, computer things, divisions, general/hellobyebyes, could be better outlined I feel that would help, but i'm honestly unsure of how that would be implemented in a... fashionable way.

    Adding on to this, I also agree that the current set-up isn't User Friendly; it's overwhelming at the moment and appears incredibly disorganized. With the way it is, the sections seem to blend together and it just ends up with a mass of icons and text that appear jumbled and cluttered together.


    My suggestion would be to implement an altering background for each section/line. By no means should it look anything like the following picture, but just to give an example:

    [spoiler=Example Sectioned Categories]




    Notice that it makes each category 'highlighted' so to speak, which in turn gives the user a far easier time navigating.

  11. The header seems to want to follow you, but gets scared and confused.






    Also if gyazo Gifs and those (link above ^) can be added to the "Media" option that would be nice. Using that above one as a mp4 version of a regular gyazo gif.


    A regular gif from gyazo if needed:

    Gyazo - b1baf8a24df4e26f49447c5b8619062b.gif



    EDIT: Ayyyyy, it works. You just need to open the .gif (as an image in a new tab for example) and then paste that in a post using the Image function on the tool bar. *Note: The example above is with a .gif file type, however a .mp4 will not work properly with either the Image or Media functions in the tool bar as Warrior mentioned.

  12. Title is self-explanatory. I'm using this thread to convey any suggestions or opinions on the new theme(s) for Xeno Gamers' rebooted forums.


    This is not to be mistaken for the Bug Reports thread in which you report any bugs/issues you may come across during the usage of the forums. For any information regarding that, please keep it in the following thread: Forum Updates - REPORT GLITCHES HERE


    This post only applies to the new Dark theme (V9).


    [spoiler=Tan/Sand Colour Schemes]

    [spoiler=Tan/Sand Colour Schemes]

    User "Name Box"

    Image: Gyazo - dd8c038d7ee6eb892762e5bb660f998e.png

    This was the first thing I noticed on the new page; the large box surrounding the User's name and icon. Assuming that it isn't just a temporary colour, I would recommend a different colour altogether as it doesn't seem to blend well with the current colour scheme (black/cerulean(?)/gray).


    Profile Post "Interact" Background

    Image: Gyazo - 312b02d3d94c734d48e7d8f0685cf7ec.png

    For the same reason mentioned above, I'd recommend a different colour here as well as it just doesn't seem like it fits well. As boring as it is, I personally think a transparent/opaque shade of Gray would better suit it.


    [spoiler=Icon Colours]

    Image: Gyazo - 1c67c78061e641b424d63503ffd5181f.png

    I honestly don't dislike the Teal colour, it's far easier on the eyes than the Tan/Sand and it certainly changes up the colours in play, though again, I don't know if this particular colour blends well with the current colour scheme. I noticed that there are pink/salmon accents around, I don't know how well it would look but what if the background of the icons were that pink/salmon colour with the icons themselves either white/black? If not, you could even use the shade of Green on our Home Page (Gyazo - 723e4bd59c571befdb893573b7abde71.png) and that might actually compliment well.


    [spoiler=Overall "Dark" Theme]

    Image: Anywhere on the Forums under Dark Theme V9

    I really like how modern and formal the whole thing looks, it really comes together nicely. My only grievance is that the Dark Theme is just.. Too Dark. I would suggest toning the shade of black back a bit more, reason being that (I've been on two different PCs and it's incredibly difficult to see) I noticed there are actually rectangular/square borders around certain things however the shades used are incredibly subtle making it nearly impossible to pick up on unless you have the brightness/contrast/whatever cranked up.


    [spoiler=Shout Box User Names]

    Image: Gyazo - d418d02fd0cacc792241f9c97d542f23.png

    Again, I've been on a couple of PCs now so I've come to the general conclusion that the names (User Names) do in-fact appear fuzzy/blurry in the Shout Box. Would recommend a different Font [just for the User Names]. I've also noticed that this occurs when Bolding the default font when it is White, even in posts. Example of Bold


    [spoiler=Code Coloured Sections Under New Posts]

    Image: Gyazo - 68defd33632ae5e7ea93e05a6f7090b4.png

    I really like the subtle code-colouring (the fine coloured [orange] bar adjacent to the thread) to distinguish between threads made in General as opposed to a thread made in a "[Division] Discussion" section. I'd recommend that each Division's Discussion section have its own colour-code to distinguish them from other Divisions. I think it would look really clean and would organize the New Posts section of the Forums without titles or anything.


    [spoiler=Highlighted Text]

    Image: General text functionality in posts

    Is there any way to add a Highlighter functionality to the toolbar when making posts? I feel it would be a good addition for highlighting important content.



    Please note that these are only suggestions/opinions on the overall Forums and that these do not have to be implemented in any shape or form.

  13. Not posting this with the intention of muddying up this thread, more-so for the 10/10 replies and the fact that I found this sh*t hilarious as f*ck.


    I personally don't have any sort of opinion regarding his behaviour and such since I never hung out with the surf crowd back in the day plus I was still a freshman (JB for lyfe baybee), though I digress since that isn't exactly relevant to the initial ban for hacking. That being said, if it's true that he has already been unbanned before (twice[?]) I'd be incredibly hesitant to unban again, even though there are a few solid points in that it's common knowledge that we did/do stupid sh*t at a young age. As common as that excuse is, there is a whole lot of validity with it; one of the few.. Excuses, for a lack of better words, that I would consider positively vouching for. Though he did mention that he was VAC'd on two accounts a year ago, which doesn't quite help his case (though I seriously commend him for enclosing that info in his Ban Protest).


    My problem with unbanning in situations like this is that the ol' "we can just unban him, and if he messes up again, we'll reban him" excuse has already been previously used. It really doesn't give Xeno Gamers a strong stance in punishment when so many people are let off the hook with the exact same reasoning as they were given when they were unbanned prior; but that may just be me being a rule-nazi for a Gaming community.


    Strong +/- 0 for this case for the reasons stated above. But if an unban is really being considered, I'd recommend that at the very least the player demonstrates activity on the forums (however irrelevant to the initial ban for hacking it is) to showcase this change-of-heart and supposed care for the community before being unbanned. At least then it'll seem more genuine (not implying that his initial post wasn't).