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  1. Like
    SegFault reacted to Thorax_ in Xander   
    -1 You we’re banned a total of 6 times, all for pretty much the exact same thing. You say that you’ve changed after only one month of being permed but I find that extremely hard to believe considering you got banned for a month only to just come back and get yourself permed.
    I will however +1 if you do an unban challenge, otherwise that’s a hard no from me. Sorry.
  2. Winner
    SegFault reacted to Caleb956 in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    I think this is more than enough reason to be concerned, whether or not they are taken as a joke or not, if there's a member making racist, sexist, etc jokes then it's not going to leave a good mark for the clan at all. 
    This ties in with my above point, if you don't care about membership in the first place then how can we be sure that you won't abuse our trust if we did end up giving you member and spew out all sorts of defamatory comments just as an example.  This sentence that I quoted seals the deal for me personally, I just can't be confident enough giving you any sort of positive vouch until we see you actually care about membership.  I've seen a lot of people say membership doesn't matter, and it doesn't have any authority, well.  The fact of the matter, is that members are the ones that build this community, higherups may add things or remove things, or adjust as requested,  and the staff team as a whole enforces the rules put in place and tries their best to make the servers a fun and enjoyable place to be, but otherwise most of what is done is completely the communities decision as an entirety(votes, etc).  Members are also the biggest group that represents the clan as a whole, so when people wonder what xG is, you are the one that is really showing who and what we are, and poor behaviour, negativity can only lead one to believe that the entire clan is that way, even if it really isn't.
    I can agree that he holds his opinion even if people hate on him for it, however that could be avoided entirely if that opinion was voiced more calmly and less aggressively.
    This has already been elaborated on by several others, but it's worth noting that in a situation like this, when a word is clearly provoking someone and making them upset, there comes a point when it's time to stop using the word, especially when it's being used just to bug them.  You also note that Segger sounds nothing like the N word, and yet it's clearly the message you are trying to get across that it IS when it's used in such context.  To put it short, respect eachother and realize when you've gone too far, I would expect you especially to know this @FrostyBoiGrim .
    You're membership application has been denied, feel free to reapply in a month.
  3. Like
    SegFault got a reaction from Jadow in Jump Maps Requests   
    It's there!
    Also ty for making the thread @Tatost ?
    Minecraftia preview would a good one. I'll send the files later
  4. Like
    SegFault reacted to Tatost in Jump Maps Requests   
    Post maps that you want on the Jump server. Our lineup is pretty barebones at the moment, so we need some more maps to spice it up.
    @Caleb956 @mrnutty12 @SegFault @Kypari
    @Bags @LAN_Megalodon
  5. Like
    SegFault got a reaction from TBOHB in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 from me. Your antisemitic, racist, and homophobic tendencies I believe speak enough to say -1, but due to the lack of hard evidence, I will elaborate a bit more. You have publicly said on our surf server that many of your views align with that of white power fronts in historical and modern times so that alone is enough to make me feel uncomfortable with welcoming you back. You also pioneered nicknames for individuals to loophole racial slurs and insisted on using them and encouraged others to do so, even after the warning of staff on the server.
    There is also a strong point of your relationship to and involvement to an extent in an event in which certain members of the clan were greatly harassed, slandered, and doxed (the exact happenings of the event will not be brought up here, but I am confident that you are familiar with what I am referring  to). I realize to be fair, I personally have not been the most friendly towards you due to these actions, and for that I apologize, but for now I think these actions out shadow what redeeming characters you believe you have to bring to the table.
  6. Agree
    SegFault reacted to QueenOfHearts in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 From me, sometimes you are cool but others you can be homophobic, racist and sexist. Whilst I know you believe they are jokes, realize not everyone takes them that way, and there were plenty of cases where it was clear you were NOT joking.
  7. Like
    SegFault got a reaction from QueenOfHearts in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 from me. Your antisemitic, racist, and homophobic tendencies I believe speak enough to say -1, but due to the lack of hard evidence, I will elaborate a bit more. You have publicly said on our surf server that many of your views align with that of white power fronts in historical and modern times so that alone is enough to make me feel uncomfortable with welcoming you back. You also pioneered nicknames for individuals to loophole racial slurs and insisted on using them and encouraged others to do so, even after the warning of staff on the server.
    There is also a strong point of your relationship to and involvement to an extent in an event in which certain members of the clan were greatly harassed, slandered, and doxed (the exact happenings of the event will not be brought up here, but I am confident that you are familiar with what I am referring  to). I realize to be fair, I personally have not been the most friendly towards you due to these actions, and for that I apologize, but for now I think these actions out shadow what redeeming characters you believe you have to bring to the table.
  8. Winner
    SegFault reacted to Chrono in Lottamos   
    It's not an unnecessary measure. It's a teaching measure. Take the situation you are in and apply it to other things, your schooling for example since you are still in primary (k-12) school. you listen to music in class when it is against rules, you get scolded, perhaps sent outside for 15 minutes. you come back and argue about it with your teacher even though you broke the rules, you get detention. think of mute/kick being scolded and sent outside. and your ban as detention. bonk did nothing wrong in this case and followed the correct written "protocol" you know you were wrong, you know arguing with staff is wrong, yet you continually do it. you think you're funny when you do it but you aren't, it's just annoying. When you sit out for the next day, reflect on just why other members in the community verbally say that they don't like you or why staff frequently ignore you or tell you to shut up (especially in 10 mans when you're being rather obnoxious to your own team) and instead grow up/out of it instead of trying to argue more over something you know is wrong. also @Queelsh the day ban is actually proper in that case and in the case of goldfish who is known to constantly argue with staff is rather lenient as he has actually been able to avoid punishment for a few things.
  9. Salty
    SegFault reacted to Lottamos in Lottamos   
    Your right, it’s not there job to babysit But a mod shouldn’t be taking unesasary measures to resolve conflict. I feel like there’s a disconnect between people responding here and what actually happened. I was muted for having music in the background. I missed the initial warning of no music in the background because it was casually typed in all chat without even using the all green staff color. After that of course I saw the warnings so I turned my music down and thought someone like bonk wasn’t so ban hungry to go ahead and kick me for having faint music in the background. I could barely even here my music at points. But no bonk is to much of a wuss to handle that so I was kicked. I literally thought he was trolling when I got back on but he wasn’t. Of course it was unnecessary the 2nd time so I argued my case for all of 3 min and so for arguing with a irrelevant bitch of a mod and with no warning I was banned for 24 hours for arguing with a mod and it was 24 hours because earlier Danny as a meme told me he was gonna ban me for micspamming again. That threat happened for a totally different argument too. Hopefully this makes it easier for people who were not there to know what happened.
  10. Agree
    SegFault got a reaction from Queelsh in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    Ah see there's a trick to this that's used by him and a few others. If you pronounce the e as an i and blame it on your speech, its a loop hole to the hard R. I say that because that's what happens when certain people say it on mic.
    And either way, that seems oddly like trolling/ harrassment to me ?
  11. Friendly
    SegFault got a reaction from Queelsh in Whats up yall *-*   
    Hey! I'm seg, one of the 2 division managers for xG. Specifically TF2 but you'll catch me in the daily csgo 10mans too! Feel free to stop by and say hello! 
    I see that you like programming, I'm a computer engineer that specializes in security! ? feel free to add me on steam or @ me in discord if you have any questions about our servers or code!
  12. Furry
    SegFault reacted to Genocide in Whats up yall *-*   
    Hellooooooooooo! I'm Genocide, otherwise known as Pookie, or the black guy. I'm a moderator for the CSGO Servers and the only black staff atm for CSGO at that. It gets lonely, but it's okay. Something you should know about me before getting to know me is that I have Manic Depression and sometimes I'm really upset, sometimes I'm REALLY mad, and sometimes I'm somewhat happy. xG is a great community filled with Joyful people, I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay!
    Cheers bud! ?
    TF2 is Filled with Weebs and Furries though, you might fit in best over there.
  13. Like
    SegFault got a reaction from Arnude in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 from me. Your antisemitic, racist, and homophobic tendencies I believe speak enough to say -1, but due to the lack of hard evidence, I will elaborate a bit more. You have publicly said on our surf server that many of your views align with that of white power fronts in historical and modern times so that alone is enough to make me feel uncomfortable with welcoming you back. You also pioneered nicknames for individuals to loophole racial slurs and insisted on using them and encouraged others to do so, even after the warning of staff on the server.
    There is also a strong point of your relationship to and involvement to an extent in an event in which certain members of the clan were greatly harassed, slandered, and doxed (the exact happenings of the event will not be brought up here, but I am confident that you are familiar with what I am referring  to). I realize to be fair, I personally have not been the most friendly towards you due to these actions, and for that I apologize, but for now I think these actions out shadow what redeeming characters you believe you have to bring to the table.
  14. Agree
    SegFault reacted to Dannypicacho in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
  15. Informative
    SegFault got a reaction from Dannypicacho in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 from me. Your antisemitic, racist, and homophobic tendencies I believe speak enough to say -1, but due to the lack of hard evidence, I will elaborate a bit more. You have publicly said on our surf server that many of your views align with that of white power fronts in historical and modern times so that alone is enough to make me feel uncomfortable with welcoming you back. You also pioneered nicknames for individuals to loophole racial slurs and insisted on using them and encouraged others to do so, even after the warning of staff on the server.
    There is also a strong point of your relationship to and involvement to an extent in an event in which certain members of the clan were greatly harassed, slandered, and doxed (the exact happenings of the event will not be brought up here, but I am confident that you are familiar with what I am referring  to). I realize to be fair, I personally have not been the most friendly towards you due to these actions, and for that I apologize, but for now I think these actions out shadow what redeeming characters you believe you have to bring to the table.
  16. Ding!
    SegFault reacted to Kypari in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    So you +1 him? I'm totally lost, that's all the more reason to -1 him for trolling and harassment.
    -1 Lacks in maturity and is disrespectful. Definitely want to see improvements before +1'ing as this is far too soon.
  17. Ding!
    SegFault reacted to Topaz in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    You know you just described loop-holing right? You know that is what that is called right? When someone calls some a 'tigger', them saying that they used a t instead of an n is not a valid defense. Especially if the context shows that it was meant to be loop-holing. Also, if a staff member (really anyone) tells you they do not want to be called something they find offensive, it is generally in your best interest to stop. 

    At any rate, while I do trust Seg's opinion, I have not played with you at all so I will remain neutral. I do suggest however, that you seek to improve how others see you. Just try to be more respectful and don't antagonize others in the servers.
  18. Friendly
    SegFault got a reaction from Queelsh in Which Coding Language Do You Like The Most?   
    Both are very helpful to know. Make sure to keep up with both languages because I can't state how important it is to be strong with both compiled (i.e. java) and interpreted (i.e. python/JavaScript) languages!
  19. Agree
    SegFault reacted to Brian in Which Coding Language Do You Like The Most?   
    Probably Go and Bash, if not just for their usefulness. Bash scripting is easily one of the best things to learn, and makes your job automating tasks ten times easier.
  20. Like
    SegFault got a reaction from james8470 in shwash   
    Your Moderator Submission has been accepted!
    Please remember to be...
    -Active on discord, forums and servers
    -A positive role model to the other players in our servers
    -Taking initiative and making sure our servers are #1

  21. Thinking
    SegFault reacted to FrostyBoiGrim in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    Gunna be a +1 from me.
    Kiro has done stupid things, but isn't inherently a bad guy. He's been a good friend to me and others. He is a human. He has his flaws. He is discriminatory towards certain people, but we all are to some extent. He opinions shouldn't prevent him from being a member, and just as you might feel uncomfortable around him, he may feel the same about you. Kiro is surprisingly open minded if you connect with him on a more personal level (uncommon opinion, I know). I have come to respect Kiro to an extent for how he refuses to collapse or give in. He stands proud with an unpopular opinion and isn't afraid to have others mock him for it, which is something we can all learn from. Do I agree with his opinions? No, I find it hard to believe that someone who supposedly has so much hatred for others to in reality be so deeply passionate and caring. If he is nurtured the right way he may just come to see others that he once thought of as lower as equals instead.
    Also that whole nickname thing. Segger sounds nothing like the N word. Snigger sounds like the N word. Nippers sounds like the N word. Niger, Bigger, Jigger, Wiggler all sound like the N word. Segger is only used to provoke @SegFault because he thinks it's somehow too similar to the N word when it really isn't.
  22. Drunk
    SegFault reacted to Tekk in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    I mean I need say no more. I appreciate that you would like to be part of the clan again, but now that we're aware that you would like to be member again you can bring some new cards to the table and show those cards off before playing the game? Idk I'm pretty drunk so idk if that made sense at all, but yes -1 sorry buddy
  23. Agree
    SegFault got a reaction from Tekk in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 from me. Your antisemitic, racist, and homophobic tendencies I believe speak enough to say -1, but due to the lack of hard evidence, I will elaborate a bit more. You have publicly said on our surf server that many of your views align with that of white power fronts in historical and modern times so that alone is enough to make me feel uncomfortable with welcoming you back. You also pioneered nicknames for individuals to loophole racial slurs and insisted on using them and encouraged others to do so, even after the warning of staff on the server.
    There is also a strong point of your relationship to and involvement to an extent in an event in which certain members of the clan were greatly harassed, slandered, and doxed (the exact happenings of the event will not be brought up here, but I am confident that you are familiar with what I am referring  to). I realize to be fair, I personally have not been the most friendly towards you due to these actions, and for that I apologize, but for now I think these actions out shadow what redeeming characters you believe you have to bring to the table.
  24. Disagree
    SegFault reacted to Owlknight_ in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    From what I've seen, Kiro has barely done anything wrong (aside from calling Seg "segger" sometimes) but overall is a nice guy. 
    I haven't seen you on surf recently Matteomaxx but also from when I'm there, he hasn't brought up political discussions, he's really changed a lot since his departure from March. I like having Kiro around on our servers, so I'm gonna give him a +1.
  25. Thinking
    SegFault reacted to General_Beret in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    I don't have any involvement with what the group did during that of the incident that occurred. I didn't approve nor side with what they did and neither did frosty. 
    And besides, I am only apply for member, that's it. It's not like getting member actually means anything, it's just a title with no authority.