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Posts posted by Moosty

  1. Please explain the ban.

    Ban is i think for our server yes? Or from profile, because his profile also had a vac ban.

    Would look it up but I'm on my phone, but somebody check the banlist and confirm. You'll be a hero.

  2. You can be sorry, but saying sorry usually doesn't cut it. You should know the rules, and you should know better.


    No one wants you to honestly stay banned, but what is the point of a punishment if we just unban everyone who makes a ban protest? I'm sure the DMs' will discuss your punishment and give something a bit more promising, but I don't know because I'm not them.

    This. We need a rating that's just "the key"

  3. The problem with this ban is that I can't join a server that I enjoy going to, and that's an issue.



    Sadly that's the point of the punishment. From what I can tell you continued to trigger a bug and break a rule after being given multiple warnings and smaller punishments. That's about as clear cut as these ban protests get. -1 from me.

  4. I think if that -1'ing people because you've never seen them should be allowed now because we shouldn't have random people that no one has ever even heard of in xG in my opinion. If other people have heard of them then the vouch would be void.

    I could support this. Maybe making that a valid vouch for staff or Dm/DL could work.

  5. +1 is fun to play with even if he gets edgy sometimes, but considering online gaming is the patient zero of anger issues he's not even close to the worst, or even close to anything I'd consider unfit for membership.


    The dude is active AF and generally makes the server a better place to be on.



    And if I'm being completely frank, with all of these zero to two reply submissions getting accepted, deci getting two pages in a day says a lot that he's made an impression, and nobody has denied he's active/dedicated, he deserves a shot.

  6. Also with more and more people joining, and it being easier, will we still be strict about multiclanning? I assume more will get through/join others later either way, but we should make it clearer where we stand.

  7. I like the new changes and definitely think making it easier to get in is a good thing. My only concern is that two days might be a little short. The percentage of our playerbase that checks forums daily is pretty low, so not very much of the community is going to be involved in the process in that short of time.


    But my suggestion, that would help whether we increase the time frame or not, is to start pushing the forums alot harder than we already do on the servers. Not just in chat, but in the middle and on the side of the screen (atleast in tf2 not sure how other games would work).


    As @Forest said, our community has until now been very selective, with a high bar to be accepted, and that's worked, but if we're going to change that we can't just make it this thread and higher ups running the changes and done. We need to commit to raising traffic total for this to work at it's best.



    Buckle up for the member protest section to be more than just the after thought it's been for years ;)

  8. So my first month cycle of the hotspot is up, and I had to download the bulk of the maps which crippled my activity, and I was still able to maintain minimum activity. Now that the first month is over I won't have to redownload those maps, so that's freed up bandwidth. I've also been taking advantage of visiting family and have downloaded the rest of pokemon and all of tgh (except for a couple stragglers that don't get picked ever and I couldn't find download links for) as well as five or six surf maps and a couple deathrun maps, and have started spending more time on those servers.. Those maps are all on my machine for good, so moderating servers other than tgh shouldn't be a huge problem. I'm working hard to make this work, and I've pretty much made it happen. I'm genuinely committed to this. I've proven it this month and it will continue to be proven next month.

  9. Ayy so this was posted over three weeks ago. And We just updated our activity to 14 hours. I've met that requirement for weeks on end and have proven my internet issues aren't keeping me from being active. I can meet the requirements and have proven that. And as for not seeing me around much, like I said I'm on at times when other staff aren't usually around, usually between 8 and 10 pm my time (11pm to 1am eastern)which is why I should be promoted so we can be covered on those times.



    Tldr I can meet our activity requirements and have proven it, I'm just here to aggressively wink.

  10. So I've always seen pokemon as a server that does and should have a very high standard of map quality. And looking through that lens, I'm gonna comment on each map individually, having played them all at multiple times.



    Saffron: -1 . Before you get to silph co the outside area is oddly proportioned and looks bad. So basically the map should be called silph co, which is just a tower you (I believe if I'm remembering correctly) teleport from floor to floor, which causes obvious problems. And even if it's stairs and I'm dumb the map is just aesthetically meh and it just being a tower would breed toxicity.



    Pokemon stadium: -1. Not as much to say on this one. It just isn't noticeably pokemon outside of the map layout and file name. Just doesn't really meet the standards we already have.




    Victory Road: +1 . We had this on rotation history, and had a ton of trouble with the balance of the final cap. That was literally the only issue. Gorgeous map, well made, and without the cap enabled it's only issue no longer exists. 100% meets our standards. We should add this ASAP.

  11. Here's another announcement! But don't worry, it's actually good news for once! Rejects and I figured out how to make certain titles accesable to certain flags.

    As of today, staff has the option to wear titles according to their ranks.

    How to claim your title:

    1. Type !store.
    2. Select "Titles".
    3. Buy the according title, it's gonna look like this:


    These titles are obviously only visible and buyable for staff members.


    Server Mod looks like this:


    Server Admin looks like this:



    • Titles will not replace tags for now, we'll have a discussion about that in the future and update you guys on this subject.

    Enjoy your titles, lads.

    Ok But who are u

  12. If you know how to actually play the game breaking the spawn camp is pretty easy too.


    I've seen this for years, biggest fallacy of the server. Playing the game doesn't help the camped team have less afks/people in spectate trying to join the other team/ or people leaving because of the camp.


    And if there is a spy who isn't bodyblocking, but is pixel perfect behind the exit backstabbing those who leave, it doesn't matter if you know how to play the game, because it's a race to turn your mouse before they click. It has nothing to do with skill and everything to do with luck.

  13. We have spawn protection for a reason though. You'd be fine for the first few seconds walking out and the medic can just uber you as you leave.


    I think the main problem is how you can't camp the area as like a Scout or Soldier or something. Sentry nests I agree should be banned.

    Even with spawn protection there is still airblasts/sentry knockback. Separating the heal pair even when they have spawn protection is EZPZ

  14. I still dont get it, what makes tele spawns worse than regular spawns? If anything spawncamping at regular spawns are worse because you can shoot inside the spawn but there are no rules against that.

    It's because literally not even uber can break a semi big to big camp on a tele spawn without pure luck, because during the delay of being placed in that new area the heal stream is broken, which makes re finding the heal target and popping uber without being moved away, killed, or both by enemy players next to impossible.


    I'm gonna -1 but as long as we still put a stop to sentry camps after tele spawns I'll grudgingly accept it. I am just of the opinion that camping teleporter spawn exits (especially with buildings or pixel perfect backstab spies) because you know you'll have an advantage is shady business for shady people, and leads to more upset people leaving the server than fun havers staying.