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Posts posted by Moosty

  1. But how do we know it's your real age for real FOR REAL this time? This sub might not even be breaking the age rule for all we know ;) ;) ;)


    +1 you've matured since the before time and have done a good job getting DR populated again, and I'm pretty sure you won't abuse or get an ego the size of Texas again. Plus you'll get the best possible maturity test since there's so much history with you and the clan that snide joke comments will be inevitable (obviously all lighthearted of course). Just take it all in stride and be the best mod in xG you were meant to be. Good luck ya cyborg.

  2. +1 the dude has been active for years and is an upstanding member of the community. The maturity is there as well as huge amounts of activity. He's been the low key super knowledgeable and friendly guy forever let's give him the shot he deserves.



    Also he's my bby and I love him so I'm like, super biased ;)

  3. I don't want to quote the whole post but sesh just reminded me of a separate issue that I forgot to add, that it's wierd to see members use xG tags when staff aren't. If we had issues with people thinking xg members were staff before, then adding staff not wearing tags to that mix makes it way worse. I know xG tags aren't a requirement so that makes fixing it difficult but it makes it way more confusing.

  4. I'm just going to give the same reply I gave to @TheSupremePatriot asking almost the same thing.

    It's not about me though, I know your profile picture and I know @Sesh is going to be a single word under ten letters that's a pokemon or Reptile name. But new players and members are going to find it super confusing if they don't update their steam tags the second they add you. If that's the route you suggest then we should write in the staff lists to update friend tags for DMs+ once we add them.

  5. So since we've had this for a while I want to point out one thing I've noticed, it's not the biggest issue and I don't want to be the ruin the fun guy but It's really hard now to figure out who higher ups are looking through steam friends. And I'm sure new players and members have it even harder than those of us that have known you guys forever. So maybe if we tried out something like DM+ wearing tags all the time, or even just when they aren't on the server. Or even something as simple as being more consistent with names so it's easier to keep track. Just really anything different that makes it easier to communicate with or even find higher ups over steam. Because right now if you don't know profile pictures or renaming habits it's a crapshoot. Like I said it isn't the biggest issue but improving it could help communication.

  6. If admin+ can still deem it unbreakable than +1 It was a fun map to play and since the biggest problem with spawncanping (setting up buildings on top of the room model and behind the door on that one tent behind and to the left of spawn) would just be considered exploiting and stopped then it should be much harder to make breaking it absolutely impossible anymore. I'm a bit wary but it atleast can't be as bad as it was.




    I can't say I ever saw the spawn camping that I've heard so much about, but if we can live with the situation that clocktown stirs, then I feel this can't be much worse.........right...?


    Lol compared to what used to happen on nimbus the worst of clocktown is a brisk workout at best, you sweet summer child.

  7. We should remove this one. It does have the one area that's gaming related, but being gaming related should be a minimum standard, not grounds for a spot on the server. Bsor is overall a low quality map that doesn't live up to the standards of our other maps, and is usually just a troll nomination. It isn't fun and it isn't very well liked so there's really no reason it should keep it's place in the rotation. But that's just my opinion so let's hear what the community has to say.

  8. I always liked the rule before, but with staff switching to titles instead of tags, this kind of gets screwed. It's entirely possible for a user to use calladmin without knowing staff is online if staff aren't wearing tags. The only way to tell is if the staff happened to use chat without allchat, and the user happened to read it. If its no longer as easy as pressing tab it's unreasonable to expect randoms to know who staff is. This should be a warn/kick/ban like everything else.

  9. You are a staff member. I understand that having fun is your goal, but when you willingly accept the responsibility to uphold rules on the servers, you don't always reach the goal of fun.
    Give this man a medal he just put what I was thinking into words.


    As staff, your first priority is moderation of the servers. If those duties take away from your "fun" or make you less succesful at a gamemode, then so be it, you still need to fulfill those duties. As staff, your own personal fun is less important than the fun of everyone else on the server. You keep the server enjoyable for THEM, not yourself. Taking a few seconds to type a warning isn't going to ruin more than a round for yourself. But making a vocal warning that doesn't get heard just means the punished player will get confused, make a protest, and you'll spend your day defending yourself on the forums. All because you didn't want to waste that one round. More is expected of staff than other players, and part of that is giving up a turn as hale or getting backstabbed as a blu on jb to type out a warning.

  10. This thread is really disappointing.

    Rejects has done great work, really humongous amounts of work and he is definitely more experienced when it comes to server stuff than me.

    I mean, we got VSH back and it's actually really great, all thanks to Rejects.

    But Rejects, I really don't know what's going on in your mind. It is beyond me why you'd go back to abusing after everything that has happened.

    Rejects does care about the clan, very much, I believe, there's no doubt about it. -> Why else would he do all the work for our FF2 server.

    We spoke for a good two hours about the incidents that happened previously on TeamSpeak, you seemed like your position really meant something for you and that you wouldn't wanna lose it.

    You promised not to do it again, but here we are.

    I'm not even mad, angry or anything similar, just a little disappoined in Rejects.

    I'm not sure if he should be demoted, yes, he has really fricked up, but I, myself, couldn't even get to his level of server experience.

    I really don't think Rejects does realize what he's doing. Whenever he does things like that, it's probably just some harmless fun for him which I can't blame him for.

    >but bello, does that justify it!!! :rage: :punch: :mad: @Goblins

    No, it does not. In no way am I implying that it was justified whatsoever.

    Really, I'm quite unsure at this point what to do. I personally wouldn't want Rejects demoted, but if you're looking at everything from an unbiased perspective, you have to admit that it's pretty bad.

    No +1 or -1 from me yet, just my thoughts so far.

    Pretty much, all of this. The man knows his server side stuff, and without him we lose a large chunk of our ability to fix and customize our servers. That's a big thing to note, demoting rejects lessens what we can do with the servers, None of our other current higher ups are as savvy with server coding as rejects.



    That being said, continuing to do something you've been warned for is not a good look at all. I really dont know what to say here. It isn't as simple as just demoting him because we don't have someone else who can do the job as well right now. But there has to be SOMETHING done. I love my baby Rejects but this is not good. I'm neutral for now just because I don't see a good option either way, but damn.

  11. and I see the sole redeeming factoring in it being the link provided by Sesh proving that it is indeed related to gaming history.


    This brings up something ive noticed in this thread.I'm not saying anyones opinion is wrong, since this is an opinion based community poll, but I will say I see some people treating a map being gaming history related as reason enough for us to host it. And atleast in my opinion, a map being gaming related should be the bare minimum for consideration, not the standard requirement for getting through. A map can be gaming history related and still low quality.