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Status Updates posted by Egossi

  1. "_______ is what keeps me up at night." Fill in the blank!
    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Bone


      "Work is what keeps me up at night". They kind of frown upon sleeping on the job, but the joke's on them, I've been sleepwalking the whole time
    3. Egossi


      @[106807:@Bone] skeletons can't sleep dummy ¶:P
    4. Stan_Laurel


      Filthy Frank, Idubbbztv and Maxmoefoe
  2. "______ is the real cancer of xG." You know the deal
    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Egossi


      should have* >:((((((( @[51806:@BelloWaldi]
    3. Goblins


      I don't know what you're talking about :^)
    4. Tomahawk


      I FREAKING LOOOVE NOTIFICATIONS TO THIS STATUS *insert stale meme* only 6 at a time
  3. Promo/Demo hype.
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. virr


      http://i.imgur.com/HLHpDTL.png can confirm
    3. Moosty


      Egossi from turkish to paid moderator
    4. Thorax_


      My life is a lie, egossi wasn't in it!!!
  4. Why do I get the feeling that Lennies and "xd"s were originally used ironically in xG but right now that's not even the case anymore?
  5. Just played Overwatch for 4 hours straight, way better than I expected. Thanks to @[51546:@Fink] for giving me a beta pass
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nu_13


      update: I don't have a 64 bit laptop...so rip overwatch...back to league and hearthstone.
    3. Egossi


      (sad faic)
    4. Nu_13


      indeed (sad faic)
  6. For all those weeaboos out there http://store.steampowered.com/sale/anime_sale/
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Goblin


      Now I can finally fap to all the yuri dating sims
    3. Egossi


      Great, now I'm gonna start mixing up the goblins again
    4. Barmithian


      @[106854:@Goblins] lol wtf
  7. Join us now and share the software; You'll be free, hackers, you'll be free!
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SnowyMinion


      Who are you again? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    3. realBelloWaldi
    4. SnowyMinion


      What Are  THO     O      O      o       o      o      。     。    .    .     .     se
  8. The newfаgs on JB telling me the what the rules are while they are breaking every single one of them is making me cringe so hard
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Goblin


      The retardation of jailbreak is what's so lovable about it, you get to feed on other peoples stupidity and make yourself feel so goddamn smart.
    3. Egossi


      don't get me wrong goblin, thats one of the reasons i love jailbreak so much :3
    4. Flareon


      add me on stem
  9. So many new people on the forums, I don't recognize half of these people in the recent statuses bar
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hushpuppy


      Look your opinions don't matter I'm the greatest and anything you say that goes against that is ignorant.
    3. Egossi


      i'm actually one of the best mods in xg so yeah
    4. MinerTeddy


      That was a +2 meme
  10. People who can't take criticism deserve to be criticised.
  11. helo guys my name is belo i com from german and i like all your post ok :D
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. realBelloWaldi


      wow Viktor Jag är mycket besviken. Våra skämt är inte egossi.
    3. Egossi


      wow knulla dig också bello
    4. virr
  12. Knock knock
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DemonicDisaster


      It's America. Open the country, Stop having it be closed.
    3. Tomahawk


      oh shit it's team GrabbinyourOil
    4. Forge


      Back off America! You're nothing but a baby compared to us real Empires!
  13. Anyone who says "TF2 is dead, Overwatch killed it" or anything of the sort is genuinely braindead
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hushpuppy


      My mistake, I just kinda stroked out there for a bit.
    3. Fink


      60k player count=dead apparently
    4. Fink


      mogs paladins was announced a year after ow. ow's heroes were all ready created by then. and theyre nothing like tf2
  14. I think the answer to "who is currently the best higher up" is very obvious and I think we're all on the same page on that one
  15. Apparently I can't criticize a staff member who doesn't do anything constructive at all other than trying to look like he is
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bone


      *cough* I did something similar recently and it just got brushed under the xG carpet *cough* it's dusty in here *cough* *wheeze*
    3. Dethman
    4. Goblin


      It's dusty here even when you aren't under the carpet.
  16. Actually stop it with the dumb meme faces, god knows how many people you're scaring off :steamfacepalm:
  17. #Bello4DL&Goblins4DM
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Egossi


      It's not you! I'm the CEO >:(
    3. Jon_N64


      Egossi for CL?
    4. Egossi


      Jon for paid banned?
  18. I'm sick of all this boring shit, WHERE IS THE GOD DAMN FUN!?
  19. "I fuсking hate _____" Fill in the blank!
  20. Solo mid or feed = solo feed
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The_Meme_Machin


      Referencing to League are we? I'm Diamond I lol ez game ez life
    3. Egossi


      no im referencing to dota
    4. The_Meme_Machin
  21. Adam Sandler is my favorite anime
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Egossi


      Don't tell me you haven't seen Foodfight! though, its a masterpiece. it has received great ratings from critics and nothing but positive reviews by the viewers. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0249516/
    3. The_Unlit_Torch


      Taylor Swift is my favourite anime
    4. Egossi


      ew thats a shitty internet cartoon
  22. http://www.dota2.com/687 wew finally new dota update
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Caleb956


      Well me being the scrub who has 1300 hours in doto, I will say iz ded gaem. Oh who am I kidding I don't even play the game anymore..༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIFF DIRETIDE
    3. Goblin


      the update sucks dick
    4. Egossi


      I went pub stumping with Maziko66 and honestly this update felt better than the previous one
  23. Hdd is crashing again, plus all the school stuff going on. Once again, expect 0 activity for about 1-2 weeks.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Egossi


      İ didnt bump the hdd directly if thats what you mean (but i did accidently move my pc a little roughly from time to time) and its almost 2 years old. What are the possibilities? İd say its a shitty hdd that doesnt last very long
    3. Thorax_


      Oops, didn’t mean to word the question like that XD The little rough move shouldn’t do that but it definitely could. 2 years old, it should be fine... but technology is not perfect and it can fail even at its earliest use. Maybe just need a new one as you said...
    4. Thorax_


      If that ever is the case that your hard drive was to have a problem, you really should consider getting a backup drive (personally I would go for a Seagate 3TB)
  24. So many weeaboos in this clan, where the true OG's at?
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Swift


      ayy, i like cartoons
    3. The_Unlit_Torch


      I enjoy watching chinese cartoons yya oaml
    4. DrLee

