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Reputation Activity

  1. Losing It
    virr got a reaction from FrostyBoiGrim in DoDoman   
  2. Agree
    virr reacted to NitNat in so how about them 'mons   
    some examples of what it looks like

    Random pokemon spawn just by talking in discord, many discord servers already have this bot added being one of the many favorited bots.  No pokeballs required it's just buy whoever type p!catch (name) first.  you're able to level up pokemon just by talking too and even have the chance to catch your favorites and battle with friends
    If you're worried about pokemon spawning everywhere it even comes with the ability of being set to just one channel so everything pokemon related can be done there
  3. Sad
    virr reacted to james8470 in Leaving the Clan   
    This is a very hard post to make.
    Please remove my membership status from forums, discord, etc. 
    The main reason I'm leaving is because someone like me, a member who proudly wore the [xG] tag for so long and was a former staff member to boot, shouldn't be representing xG. What happened is I was saying some stupid stuff (like, really bad) on YouTube comments* I regret and am very sorry for. Someone recently brought them to my attention (I forgot all about them). I was immature, and, well I guess I've changed since then. I feel really really bad about them. 
    *Don't bother looking for them I deleted my channel 
    I want to say sorry to @Tatost and anyone else who may've been affected, and also one last time to @bagggel for something that happened awhile ago where I was also immature in the Minecraft division.
    But there's another big reason I'm leaving xG; I just got bored of it. I rarely find myself on xG servers anymore, and as such I'm not very qualified to partake in forum discussions so that's out too. I guess there's just not much here for me anymore ?
    I just can't find the words to express my gratitude and love of some of the amazing people I've had the pleasure of becoming friends with here. It's been such a gift to have met such wonderful personalities. @ClassicGamer64 @Natsu @Krampus @virr @Aegean @Chrono @YeEternalTuna @Kypari @CappyCappy @Egossi @ael_fjordling @shwash @TBOHB @Caleb956 (and these are just the people I feel closest to, you guys rock!!)
     xG has no doubt led to me growing as a person and it will always hold a special place in my life.
  4. Got It
    virr got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Remove Rando Melee Crit on AllTrade   
    This isnt how percentages work at all. One person getting a crit or not is independent from any other player. Everyone has a 4.5% chance of getting a crit.
  5. Friendly
    virr got a reaction from Reiki in Hi there   
  6. Dislike
    virr got a reaction from Egossi in Remove Rando Melee Crit on AllTrade   
    This isnt how percentages work at all. One person getting a crit or not is independent from any other player. Everyone has a 4.5% chance of getting a crit.
  7. Ding!
    virr got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Remove Rando Melee Crit on AllTrade   
    This isnt how percentages work at all. One person getting a crit or not is independent from any other player. Everyone has a 4.5% chance of getting a crit.
  8. Friendly
    virr reacted to YeEternalTuna in Genesis   
    I don't know where to start with this apology. It'll probably be all over the place because I'm not so good with conveying my emotions/thoughts. 
    I guess I'll start with saying I'm sorry for what Lemonvolt said in the thread. He didn't mean to group everyone (who isn't in my friend group) in this ''furry'' group. He did the worst thing possible (which is something everyone agreed with) especially since there was tension before that. He did it out of frustration and I can understand but I still didn't think it was okay for him to do that.
    I'm sorry to @Caribou to being a hypocrite towards him (and anyone else that found me to be a hypocrite). I reflected on what I had said and what I've done and I thought it was pretty retarded of me to say that people were picking on me for my past when I was doing the very same thing.
    I'm sorry to @Kypari (and anyone that can apply themselves to this or however you want to phrase it) for arguing with you in the past (and if I've argued with you recently which I dont think I've done, correct me if I'm wrong).
    I'm sorry to @bagggel and anyone else I've been passive aggressive towards. I should've thought before I sent that message. I should've went to a higher up instead of trying to stir up drama and I fully admit that I was completely in the wrong there.
    (Sorry for the repetition but) I'm sorry for all of the passive aggressive comments n' such. I don't know how to explain my actions there other than wanting to cause drama or something. (Was usually done due to having anger and frustrations that I couldn't do anything about).
    I'm sorry for anything my friends have said and done that upset anyone.
    I'm sorry for all the drama that's been caused due to my idiocy and immaturity.
    I would like to have a clean slate with everyone and try to do better this time. I ask for forgiveness for the dumb stuff I've done and if you don't want to forgive, I'm fine with that. I just hope I can get along with everyone from now on and to keep any snarky poop to myself and to improve myself on my behavior n such.
    I'm deeply sorry.
  9. Furry
    virr reacted to Aegean in Genesis   
    Good for you for stepping up and apologizing amidst all the conflict. It sometimes just takes one person to stop a chain of hostility.
    Also @Tatost 10/10 meme for rating the post Furry.
  10. Winner
    virr reacted to LAN_Megalodon in Quick PSA: How to Civilly Discuss   
    Greetings members and guests. You may be wondering what in the high heavens has been going on lately. Threads are a mess of toxicity and hate. It's very difficult to pinpoint the actual claims of many a thread, oh dear oh dear.
    It is because of this that in this thread I will be trying to explain how to actually engage in constructive dialogue with your fellow xenogamers members.. 
    Part 1. Make sure any claims you make in any thread are substantiated by verifiable evidence.  
    For instance, were I to make a thread called "Virr is an incredibly toxic individual who bullies and harasses me daily please demote" it would probably help to have multiple things. Maybe witness testimony that, yes indeed, Virr does do these things. Maybe a screencap of the abuse Virr definitely really sends me on the daily. 
    However the strongest form of evidence I could provide would be unedited records of the events that had occured in full context. It is very very easy to clip a sentence or two out of context to try and assassinate someone's character
    Even if doing this somewhat incriminates me, it is better to provide evidence of the occurrence in context. It adds towards the credibility of my claim, as I am obviously not trying to hide any bad acting on my part this way. While this is the strongest form of evidence, that does not mean that Anecdotal evidence is inherently bad. It is especially useful in cases such as abuse through voice. Abuses or violations through voice are especially difficult to gather evidence against, as demos must start being recorded before the event transpires, and it's unreasonable to expect anyone making an abuse report to have been running demos at all times or for them to have enabled some kind of third party recording software. In this situation, you can see how merely the testimony of multiple unrelated individuals might be sufficient evidence worthy of creating a thread about. 
    What isn't strong evidence though is "I feel like virr is being toxic because they vaguely don't like me and don't want to communicate with me outside of the platform of xenogamers when necessary". 
    Which brings us to step two. 
    Part 2: Realize that opinions are not really worth discussing if you are not willing to try and back them up. 

    We've all got opinions. 'They're like armpits' or some other bottom-of-the-barrel-dad-joke. But generally it's not worth making a thread about an opinion if the most reasoning you have for an opinion is "idk i just feel that way I guess". That's not to say you don't have a right to that opinion, but the point of the forums is to provide some outlet for discussion. If I wanted to make a vote to remove clocktown because I think it's a bad garbage map, but I cannot elaborate on why I think that, it's pointless to even try to discuss it. That's why the vote exists, to just be able to give your input without having to defend it. It would be pointless and unproductive to just constantly parrot "Idk man I want it removed because I think it's bad" (which usually just devolves into a sh¡tstorm). Just create the vote, vote, and be done with it. You'd make just as much progress arguing over whether blue is a better color than green.  
    Part 3: Please don't needlessly attack other folks' character, thanks. 
    This one kind of speaks for itself. Kinda a "love the sinner, hate the sin" kind of deal. Generally you should take issue with what people are saying and not who's saying it. If virr said something as absolutely stupid as...
    it would still not be acceptable or intelligent to attack virr directly for his opinion on things. Attack his argument, that's fine, but the end goal of discussion is not mindless name-calling. There's a big difference between saying "hey man, I think your opinion is poorly thought through and inconsistent because xyz" and "lol ur dumb nerd". 
    Part 4: Do not, under any circumstances, posit that you know what anyone's thoughts are unless they've already explicitly stated it.  
    This is the big one that really annoys me the most. Like okay Sherlock, we get it, you think so highly of your genius self that you think you've conquered what philosophers worldwide have grappled with for decades, the impenetrable prison of the human mind. 
    Here's the reality; you likely do not know what that other person is thinking. Even if they were to explicitly tell you what they are thinking, there's always something lost in the transition from thoughts to words. You can directly quote someone's opinion on a matter, you can try to theorize what their feelings on a matter may be through some amount of evidence, but to approach the matter without delicacy and just assume that you've got an individuals stance or views nailed down with no supporting evidence makes you look like an arrogant idiot who's so strapped for any modicum of support for their claims that you literally have to build a straw-man and burn it to have any impact.  
    Part 5: Every single person on this planet has a set of biases. 
    Everyone has a set of actions, opinions, or choices that they are predisposed to. This brings back the point about being humble. You are not above this. You may think you have no active bias against anyone or even anything, but previous experience and interaction always paints an individual's worldview a certain way. Some biases we can be conscious of, while others we can't. There isn't anything wrong with anyone for having an internal blind bias, it's completely normal, but my hope is that the more people who know about this, the less people will think that someone's bias exists solely to harm them. Just please be kind; as much as you're thinking the other person on the opposite end of the argument is a biased garbage bin, they're probably thinking the exact same about you, and it doesn't help anyone to grow sore over it. 
    So there it is, my not-so-brief outline on issues with a couple of recent trends in threads. I hope it was at least somewhat coherent and I hope you have a wonderful day. 
  11. Winner
    virr got a reaction from Red in Horrible xG Member   
    Alrighty, hopefully everyone has had a good nights sleep and had a chance to gather their thoughts a bit. I'm going to adress the points made in OP, throw my opinion in the pile and then unlock the thread to allow further discussion. I think its impossible to be unbiased in situations like this, but i do think i have a decent grasp on how both sides are feeling. If there is anything i have gotten wrong though, correct me or call me stupid, whatever works for you.
    First off, @LemonVolt, i think the intention of your thread is fine, but you could definitely have expressed yourself better which i think is why this thread was met with such an negative response right off the bat. Labeling people "furries" with a clear negative connotation in addition to the ending of your post makes you come off super condescending. Demanding people do something when you are part of the problem is kinda silly, but im just nitpicking at this point. Lets get into it!
    These are the groups that are currently clashing and creating drama. Theyre not the only groups in our community, but i can agree that they are probably the most vocal and the most public ones that we have.
    If i understand this correctly, this statement is because of a private conversation between a few or couple people that got kind of sour and added tension between you guys. I would like to say though, most people dislike tuna not for his current self, which they might not have seen enough of because of arguments or not playing with him or whatever, but because of what he did in the past. I'm sure @YeEternalTuna himself can agree that he is a very opinionated person that isn't afraid of speaking up and just doesnt mesh well with some people. Thats completely fine, we dont have to like or get along with everyone but i think you are being unfair to drag all of the people in that group into the mix because of what happened in a DM between a couple of people from both groups. You said it yourself, people are hating on your group because of one person, isnt it hypocritical to do the same to them?
    Of course you think the side you're on is better, you're knee deep in this. I'm going to refrain to point out any specifics, but both sides are equally at fault for a bunch of different reasons. I agree though, it shouldnt be a thing. It should have never gotten to this and I should have put my foot down and dealt with it a long time ago. However; (rant)
    Please don't put all of the blame on the other side when your side is just as much into in this poop as the the other one. There is a lot of built up frustrations from both sides, some of which are completely overblown and are honestly really stupid, others which are very valid and do have basis to them and everything inbetween. Your "group" fall flat in a lot of the same ways as you accuse the "furries" (i hate that you chose to call them this, eugh) of and this problem isnt going to fix itself until all of you realise that. If you want to bury the axe or not is up to you but for the love of god take a good look into the mirror before you do.
    I'm sick of people constantly blaming others for issues that they play a part in without looking at themselves first. You can point fingers how much you want, but until the people involved are mature enough to try to at least tolerate eachother and not constantly be at each others throats at a mistake so small you would need a microscope to see it, this is going to keep happening. Of course tension rises and fights happen when all your friends jump into the pile of garbage as soon as people disagree about something instead of actually going to the bottom of the problem. This is honestly ridiculous and its turned into "he says, she says" at this point. If we want to fix this, we all all have to put effort in to actually do so. We're a gaming community, we're nerds who just want to hang out and play videogames and have a good time.
    As a part of the very disappointed and upset CM, all of us need to chill tfo.
    Can we do something about it, please?
    Thread is staying open from now on. I need a hug.
  12. Winner
    virr got a reaction from hongkongatron in Horrible xG Member   
    Alrighty, hopefully everyone has had a good nights sleep and had a chance to gather their thoughts a bit. I'm going to adress the points made in OP, throw my opinion in the pile and then unlock the thread to allow further discussion. I think its impossible to be unbiased in situations like this, but i do think i have a decent grasp on how both sides are feeling. If there is anything i have gotten wrong though, correct me or call me stupid, whatever works for you.
    First off, @LemonVolt, i think the intention of your thread is fine, but you could definitely have expressed yourself better which i think is why this thread was met with such an negative response right off the bat. Labeling people "furries" with a clear negative connotation in addition to the ending of your post makes you come off super condescending. Demanding people do something when you are part of the problem is kinda silly, but im just nitpicking at this point. Lets get into it!
    These are the groups that are currently clashing and creating drama. Theyre not the only groups in our community, but i can agree that they are probably the most vocal and the most public ones that we have.
    If i understand this correctly, this statement is because of a private conversation between a few or couple people that got kind of sour and added tension between you guys. I would like to say though, most people dislike tuna not for his current self, which they might not have seen enough of because of arguments or not playing with him or whatever, but because of what he did in the past. I'm sure @YeEternalTuna himself can agree that he is a very opinionated person that isn't afraid of speaking up and just doesnt mesh well with some people. Thats completely fine, we dont have to like or get along with everyone but i think you are being unfair to drag all of the people in that group into the mix because of what happened in a DM between a couple of people from both groups. You said it yourself, people are hating on your group because of one person, isnt it hypocritical to do the same to them?
    Of course you think the side you're on is better, you're knee deep in this. I'm going to refrain to point out any specifics, but both sides are equally at fault for a bunch of different reasons. I agree though, it shouldnt be a thing. It should have never gotten to this and I should have put my foot down and dealt with it a long time ago. However; (rant)
    Please don't put all of the blame on the other side when your side is just as much into in this poop as the the other one. There is a lot of built up frustrations from both sides, some of which are completely overblown and are honestly really stupid, others which are very valid and do have basis to them and everything inbetween. Your "group" fall flat in a lot of the same ways as you accuse the "furries" (i hate that you chose to call them this, eugh) of and this problem isnt going to fix itself until all of you realise that. If you want to bury the axe or not is up to you but for the love of god take a good look into the mirror before you do.
    I'm sick of people constantly blaming others for issues that they play a part in without looking at themselves first. You can point fingers how much you want, but until the people involved are mature enough to try to at least tolerate eachother and not constantly be at each others throats at a mistake so small you would need a microscope to see it, this is going to keep happening. Of course tension rises and fights happen when all your friends jump into the pile of garbage as soon as people disagree about something instead of actually going to the bottom of the problem. This is honestly ridiculous and its turned into "he says, she says" at this point. If we want to fix this, we all all have to put effort in to actually do so. We're a gaming community, we're nerds who just want to hang out and play videogames and have a good time.
    As a part of the very disappointed and upset CM, all of us need to chill tfo.
    Can we do something about it, please?
    Thread is staying open from now on. I need a hug.
  13. Winner
    virr got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Horrible xG Member   
    Alrighty, hopefully everyone has had a good nights sleep and had a chance to gather their thoughts a bit. I'm going to adress the points made in OP, throw my opinion in the pile and then unlock the thread to allow further discussion. I think its impossible to be unbiased in situations like this, but i do think i have a decent grasp on how both sides are feeling. If there is anything i have gotten wrong though, correct me or call me stupid, whatever works for you.
    First off, @LemonVolt, i think the intention of your thread is fine, but you could definitely have expressed yourself better which i think is why this thread was met with such an negative response right off the bat. Labeling people "furries" with a clear negative connotation in addition to the ending of your post makes you come off super condescending. Demanding people do something when you are part of the problem is kinda silly, but im just nitpicking at this point. Lets get into it!
    These are the groups that are currently clashing and creating drama. Theyre not the only groups in our community, but i can agree that they are probably the most vocal and the most public ones that we have.
    If i understand this correctly, this statement is because of a private conversation between a few or couple people that got kind of sour and added tension between you guys. I would like to say though, most people dislike tuna not for his current self, which they might not have seen enough of because of arguments or not playing with him or whatever, but because of what he did in the past. I'm sure @YeEternalTuna himself can agree that he is a very opinionated person that isn't afraid of speaking up and just doesnt mesh well with some people. Thats completely fine, we dont have to like or get along with everyone but i think you are being unfair to drag all of the people in that group into the mix because of what happened in a DM between a couple of people from both groups. You said it yourself, people are hating on your group because of one person, isnt it hypocritical to do the same to them?
    Of course you think the side you're on is better, you're knee deep in this. I'm going to refrain to point out any specifics, but both sides are equally at fault for a bunch of different reasons. I agree though, it shouldnt be a thing. It should have never gotten to this and I should have put my foot down and dealt with it a long time ago. However; (rant)
    Please don't put all of the blame on the other side when your side is just as much into in this poop as the the other one. There is a lot of built up frustrations from both sides, some of which are completely overblown and are honestly really stupid, others which are very valid and do have basis to them and everything inbetween. Your "group" fall flat in a lot of the same ways as you accuse the "furries" (i hate that you chose to call them this, eugh) of and this problem isnt going to fix itself until all of you realise that. If you want to bury the axe or not is up to you but for the love of god take a good look into the mirror before you do.
    I'm sick of people constantly blaming others for issues that they play a part in without looking at themselves first. You can point fingers how much you want, but until the people involved are mature enough to try to at least tolerate eachother and not constantly be at each others throats at a mistake so small you would need a microscope to see it, this is going to keep happening. Of course tension rises and fights happen when all your friends jump into the pile of garbage as soon as people disagree about something instead of actually going to the bottom of the problem. This is honestly ridiculous and its turned into "he says, she says" at this point. If we want to fix this, we all all have to put effort in to actually do so. We're a gaming community, we're nerds who just want to hang out and play videogames and have a good time.
    As a part of the very disappointed and upset CM, all of us need to chill tfo.
    Can we do something about it, please?
    Thread is staying open from now on. I need a hug.
  14. Winner
    virr got a reaction from Kypari in Horrible xG Member   
    Alrighty, hopefully everyone has had a good nights sleep and had a chance to gather their thoughts a bit. I'm going to adress the points made in OP, throw my opinion in the pile and then unlock the thread to allow further discussion. I think its impossible to be unbiased in situations like this, but i do think i have a decent grasp on how both sides are feeling. If there is anything i have gotten wrong though, correct me or call me stupid, whatever works for you.
    First off, @LemonVolt, i think the intention of your thread is fine, but you could definitely have expressed yourself better which i think is why this thread was met with such an negative response right off the bat. Labeling people "furries" with a clear negative connotation in addition to the ending of your post makes you come off super condescending. Demanding people do something when you are part of the problem is kinda silly, but im just nitpicking at this point. Lets get into it!
    These are the groups that are currently clashing and creating drama. Theyre not the only groups in our community, but i can agree that they are probably the most vocal and the most public ones that we have.
    If i understand this correctly, this statement is because of a private conversation between a few or couple people that got kind of sour and added tension between you guys. I would like to say though, most people dislike tuna not for his current self, which they might not have seen enough of because of arguments or not playing with him or whatever, but because of what he did in the past. I'm sure @YeEternalTuna himself can agree that he is a very opinionated person that isn't afraid of speaking up and just doesnt mesh well with some people. Thats completely fine, we dont have to like or get along with everyone but i think you are being unfair to drag all of the people in that group into the mix because of what happened in a DM between a couple of people from both groups. You said it yourself, people are hating on your group because of one person, isnt it hypocritical to do the same to them?
    Of course you think the side you're on is better, you're knee deep in this. I'm going to refrain to point out any specifics, but both sides are equally at fault for a bunch of different reasons. I agree though, it shouldnt be a thing. It should have never gotten to this and I should have put my foot down and dealt with it a long time ago. However; (rant)
    Please don't put all of the blame on the other side when your side is just as much into in this poop as the the other one. There is a lot of built up frustrations from both sides, some of which are completely overblown and are honestly really stupid, others which are very valid and do have basis to them and everything inbetween. Your "group" fall flat in a lot of the same ways as you accuse the "furries" (i hate that you chose to call them this, eugh) of and this problem isnt going to fix itself until all of you realise that. If you want to bury the axe or not is up to you but for the love of god take a good look into the mirror before you do.
    I'm sick of people constantly blaming others for issues that they play a part in without looking at themselves first. You can point fingers how much you want, but until the people involved are mature enough to try to at least tolerate eachother and not constantly be at each others throats at a mistake so small you would need a microscope to see it, this is going to keep happening. Of course tension rises and fights happen when all your friends jump into the pile of garbage as soon as people disagree about something instead of actually going to the bottom of the problem. This is honestly ridiculous and its turned into "he says, she says" at this point. If we want to fix this, we all all have to put effort in to actually do so. We're a gaming community, we're nerds who just want to hang out and play videogames and have a good time.
    As a part of the very disappointed and upset CM, all of us need to chill tfo.
    Can we do something about it, please?
    Thread is staying open from now on. I need a hug.
  15. Useful
    virr got a reaction from Blizzard in Horrible xG Member   
    Alrighty, hopefully everyone has had a good nights sleep and had a chance to gather their thoughts a bit. I'm going to adress the points made in OP, throw my opinion in the pile and then unlock the thread to allow further discussion. I think its impossible to be unbiased in situations like this, but i do think i have a decent grasp on how both sides are feeling. If there is anything i have gotten wrong though, correct me or call me stupid, whatever works for you.
    First off, @LemonVolt, i think the intention of your thread is fine, but you could definitely have expressed yourself better which i think is why this thread was met with such an negative response right off the bat. Labeling people "furries" with a clear negative connotation in addition to the ending of your post makes you come off super condescending. Demanding people do something when you are part of the problem is kinda silly, but im just nitpicking at this point. Lets get into it!
    These are the groups that are currently clashing and creating drama. Theyre not the only groups in our community, but i can agree that they are probably the most vocal and the most public ones that we have.
    If i understand this correctly, this statement is because of a private conversation between a few or couple people that got kind of sour and added tension between you guys. I would like to say though, most people dislike tuna not for his current self, which they might not have seen enough of because of arguments or not playing with him or whatever, but because of what he did in the past. I'm sure @YeEternalTuna himself can agree that he is a very opinionated person that isn't afraid of speaking up and just doesnt mesh well with some people. Thats completely fine, we dont have to like or get along with everyone but i think you are being unfair to drag all of the people in that group into the mix because of what happened in a DM between a couple of people from both groups. You said it yourself, people are hating on your group because of one person, isnt it hypocritical to do the same to them?
    Of course you think the side you're on is better, you're knee deep in this. I'm going to refrain to point out any specifics, but both sides are equally at fault for a bunch of different reasons. I agree though, it shouldnt be a thing. It should have never gotten to this and I should have put my foot down and dealt with it a long time ago. However; (rant)
    Please don't put all of the blame on the other side when your side is just as much into in this poop as the the other one. There is a lot of built up frustrations from both sides, some of which are completely overblown and are honestly really stupid, others which are very valid and do have basis to them and everything inbetween. Your "group" fall flat in a lot of the same ways as you accuse the "furries" (i hate that you chose to call them this, eugh) of and this problem isnt going to fix itself until all of you realise that. If you want to bury the axe or not is up to you but for the love of god take a good look into the mirror before you do.
    I'm sick of people constantly blaming others for issues that they play a part in without looking at themselves first. You can point fingers how much you want, but until the people involved are mature enough to try to at least tolerate eachother and not constantly be at each others throats at a mistake so small you would need a microscope to see it, this is going to keep happening. Of course tension rises and fights happen when all your friends jump into the pile of garbage as soon as people disagree about something instead of actually going to the bottom of the problem. This is honestly ridiculous and its turned into "he says, she says" at this point. If we want to fix this, we all all have to put effort in to actually do so. We're a gaming community, we're nerds who just want to hang out and play videogames and have a good time.
    As a part of the very disappointed and upset CM, all of us need to chill tfo.
    Can we do something about it, please?
    Thread is staying open from now on. I need a hug.
  16. Winner
    virr got a reaction from TBOHB in Horrible xG Member   
    Locking for a bit since the responses already arent looking good. brb
  17. F!$k Off
    virr got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Horrible xG Member   
    Locking for a bit since the responses already arent looking good. brb
  18. Smelly
    virr got a reaction from RussianDoggo in Horrible xG Member   
    Locking for a bit since the responses already arent looking good. brb
  19. Boring
    virr got a reaction from Shadower in Horrible xG Member   
    Locking for a bit since the responses already arent looking good. brb
  20. Winner
    virr got a reaction from Thorax_ in Horrible xG Member   
    Locking for a bit since the responses already arent looking good. brb
  21. Like
    virr got a reaction from Caleb956 in Horrible xG Member   
    Locking for a bit since the responses already arent looking good. brb
  22. Winner
    virr got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Horrible xG Member   
    Locking for a bit since the responses already arent looking good. brb
  23. Furry
    virr reacted to bagggel in Horrible xG Member   
    I'm not a furry ?
  24. Like
    virr got a reaction from hongkongatron in Horrible xG Member   
    Locking for a bit since the responses already arent looking good. brb
  25. Friendly
    virr got a reaction from Red in Horrible xG Member   
    Locking for a bit since the responses already arent looking good. brb