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Posts posted by Roy

  1. I have updated my drawing. I did not add fur (tatost suggestion) because I’m not a furry and fur would not be good on this drawing. Anyone plz tell me to fix/improve something in my drawing before I color it.


  2. 22 hours ago, Reiki said:

    A few months ago, my friend challenged me to create an character by myself.
    So, I ended up this female dog that it will probably be called Clover.

    I have the full version, but I'm still working on her body, so I will just let this piece here.

    What do you guys think? Hehe


    Created by me using Paint Tool SAI


    Using paint tool? Can you do a hand drawn if you want to.

  3. Hey guys and gals, present you all with my new drawing today, and I want to ask that, What should I improve in this drawing or what color should use for the eyes, skin ( plz no racism),hair, and the clothing.


  4. If there is 20 Gladiators in the arena, 3 Gladiators been killed by a @Genocide, 6 Gladiator been thrown into the fire pit. 1 Gladiator Run away to freedom, 10 Gladiators fight each other to the death(no survivors been found). how many Gladiators are left.guggy.png



  5. +1 Really fun to play with, so-so good warden but better than me at JB. He helpful and friendly at some point in time. If he can be a good person, I belief that, he can be a good moderator.

                                                                              -Love, Mr.Gladiator ?