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Posts posted by Genocide

  1. 33 minutes ago, cook said:

    Haha genocide i am included please love me

    ew did a tf2 staff member just talk to a csgo staff member, what is this? We have segregation in order not integration. 

    I still love you, Congrats on Mod

  2. 1 hour ago, Dannypicacho said:

    Staying neutral until you fix your mic or stop taking warden.

    A: 8

    M: 7


    Just now, Dannypicacho said:

    if that's how it's gonna be you should elaborate a LITTLE bit more

    don't have to do a full 4 paragraph essay like I did on sodium, but a little explanation is always nice

    "Elaborate more" 

    Danny this is not a reason to stay neutral? Because of a mic or a warden? Is he a good role model to the community? Does he follow the rules? Does he try and bend the rules in his favor? 

    I'm gonna stay Neutral because MULTIPLE times i have warned him about mic spamming and things like that, so i'm not truly sure if he should be a member of XG due to his common dismissing's of not wanting to listen. But he has grown up a little bit, I'll give him that.

  3. 18 hours ago, ScottNi said:

    -1 He isn't too great at the rules mostly plays warden and the game breaks into chaos. (edit) also, I find it very unfun when he is a fellow guard or a guard when I am a prisoner



    Scottni, Just because you find it very unfun when he is a guard doesn't mean that stops him from being a member, personally i don't like it when A LOT of people are guards, but it doesn't stop me from +1ing or having fun with them, and personally when i'm on at least I never really see alec break any types of rules unless it's a accidental tarp before 7:00 even then he doesn't kill anybody by it, also just because the game breaks into "chaos" when he is warden doesn't mean he should be rejected member because of how he is as a guard/warden. 

    Anyways +1 He is a decent person (besides the mic spam sometimes) and would love to watch him keep playing our XG servers.

    A- 6.7

    M- 8

  4. On 9/3/2018 at 5:44 PM, Shox said:

    Never seen him but im a late nighter nowadays so that might be why


    I usually play all hours of the day besides early and I don’t even know who he is, he might be a early bird who plays the server 


  5. 4 minutes ago, Tatost said:


    I'm so sorry for my little brother, Genocide. He's just a tad special : /


    I won’t hold it against him, but I’m gonna hold it against you, next time put a leash on him?