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Posts posted by Genocide

  1. 11 minutes ago, Chrono said:

    one of my coworkers is an avid study of martial arts and things like that, and he said "If you haven't taken any sort of contact sport like boxing or mma seriously since you were basically born, you will not go anywhere in that. you will have guys that did take it seriously from the moment they could stand on the mat by themself lay you out immediately."


    but give it your best shot ?


    I work for Disneyland (california) in a restaurant where if the servers leave the doors open going out to give food to the guests too long, we would all get fired for how loud we are and the stupid shit we are always saying. picture 10 people on the line yelling obscenities at the rate gordon ramsay does. that and talking about sex/dry fucking/other overtly sexualized things. we cook steak chicken and fish too, all of which are referred to as your meat.

    I disagree with that. I have laid people out who feel like they were born to box and just because I'm thinking about taking it seriously doesn't mean I'm going to get laid out by someone who has already.

  2. 3 hours ago, Queelsh said:

    I think that’s my problem, my diet is completely fucked and I eat whatever. This causes me to have bigger muscles but only the chest and thighs are shown in great definition. Also I’ve only been wpactually going to the gym for two months so I’m proud of myself to lift that much. You lift a good amount though I can’t deny that lmao.

    Hard work and dedication - even through summer i go to a nearby gym and do workouts there. Eat good - You can have yourself a cheat day but not EVERY day is cheat day. 

  3. 36 minutes ago, Queelsh said:

    My most difficult workout is bench press because I have a thing in my hands that makes them constantly shake so I can’t center the bar on my own. I either need a spotter or a smith machine. I only run four miles because after the day I’m pooped so I can’t run my normal miles. Every Sunday I run a ten mile with one stop at the five for water.


    My schedule and workout regiment is this.

    Wake up

    do a quick fifteen minute strecthing and forearm workout

    go to school

    go to wrestling practice (lasts about htree hours)


    If i have judo that day I go to that

    if I don’t then I go to the gym

    First I work on chest biceps and shoulders, I don’t like doing bench presses because I have something that doesn’t let me center the bar properly without a spotter, if I have a spotter I do ten reps of however much weight I cannlift for three reps.

    sfter my chest biceps and shoulders I work on legs, right now I’m at about 250 for squats and run about four miles at a seven minute pace.

    then I do abdomen workouts, first I work on the lower abdomen, then the middle and upper, afterwards I do sides.

    I get home then eat again.

    Video games from about 6pm to 1innthe morning

    crash at my desk



    Right now i squat 320 bench 235 incline 190 and powerclean 200

    The running is a big plus but make sure you eat correctly.

  4. 31 minutes ago, Dannypicacho said:

    Find a sport you like, play it for like an hour every day. It helps keep your general fitness up.

    If you can't be bothered to get into sports, do some small workouts at home every day, it'll take you like 30 minutes max. Set an alarm for a specific time to do them if you have to. Don't do them after supper though ☺️

    I wish this is how easy it was ?. I do my workouts after school for about an two hours over the past 6 months. Also I wake up in the morning do a couple of exercises and stretches for about 30 minutes then shower and get dressed. During the day I lift in 2 classes so i'm always busy trying to gain muscle and have the dream body I want. He isn't going for general fitness he is going for advance core fitness. 30 minutes a day won't help him.

  5. There is multiple things you can do on improving your body physique - what exactly are you asking for? Trying to gain more core strength or are you just trying to get the physique? Either way make sure you are doing exercises daily and running daily also, Running and basic exercises (push ups, sit ups, chin ups, curls, etc) Doing things like this for around a hour a day will result in pretty good core value muscle, if you need more tips once i get home holler at me on discord and I can talk you through what I do on a daily basis. I also have another question for you - Do you weight lift? If so what are you the best/worst at and I can help you. Whether it be deadlift, power clean, squat, bench, or incline, I've weight lifted for a couple of years and my body is healthy besides all the alcohol I consume. LUL 

  6. This is a dead meme. Why do people keep @ing me there is legit no reason to it. All it does is waste your time, my time, and spam my inboxes. Stop this dumb shit.

    42 minutes ago, Brady1780 said:

    Hi I'm Brady

    I love crashing cars

    I love chicken wins bbq or buffalo of course

    I hate @Genocide and his depressed mind

    Fuck you. I hate myself too. 

  7. Hellooooooooooo! I'm Genocide, otherwise known as Pookie, or the black guy. I'm a moderator for the CSGO Servers and the only black staff atm for CSGO at that. It gets lonely, but it's okay. Something you should know about me before getting to know me is that I have Manic Depression and sometimes I'm really upset, sometimes I'm REALLY mad, and sometimes I'm somewhat happy. xG is a great community filled with Joyful people, I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay!

    Cheers bud! ?

    TF2 is Filled with Weebs and Furries though, you might fit in best over there.

  8. Meh I say give him another chance, but if he fucks up again just give him a perm and don't unban him. It wouldn't hurt to see how he has "reformed" over time now. It was back a couple of months ago also, Why not give him the chance to mean what he says.

    +1 for unban

    Also +1 for a perm if we unban him and he decides to fuck up again.

  9. 17 hours ago, -Diphikult said:

    I'm not gay, not a furry either.

    not yet at least (`・ω・´)”



    On 10/25/2018 at 12:08 AM, Owlknight_ said:

    Owl is straight non-furry, everyone either forgets about me or thinks I'm a furry, is sad.


    On 10/25/2018 at 12:23 AM, mrnutty12 said:

    Given the name, it can be an easy mistake to make...

    Not a non- Furry

    Why does the TF2 Division lie about being a furry? It's okay, this is xG! The land of Furries, Weebs, and Virgins! (Take @Jaydow for say)

    There is NOTHING wrong with being a Furry, Weeb, or a Virgin!

    Not until I reenact what my name says like Hitler did the Jews and I take out every single TF2 staff for not being a purebred GAMER. 

    HAHA! Just Joking! But i'd like a list of every furry, weeb, or virgin in the clan, asking for a friend. ?


  10. 1 hour ago, Tekage said:

    I mean I think 90% of xG doesn't wanna see constant furry porn and ponies with giant dicks in their mouth, but hey.

    I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather see questionable things. And don't lie, most of you get curious and take a look. I don't know anyone who isn't a furry and has done the same for furry porn

    inb4 -50 rep from the furry members ?

    Aren't you a admin of the tf2 division? Doesn't that make you a furry by association? 

  11. 5 hours ago, Dannypicacho said:

    Just because I'm one of the only staff who actually leaves in depth vouches to help the DL make a decision ok

    My essay still counts, but the quotes don't.

    Leave actual vouches.

    Pretty sure Lithium makes his own Decisions and doesn't really need your in depth essays. 

    And the Quotes still count btw. Nobody here has -1'ed and actually meant it. We just don't feel like going in depth because we already have enough people who would vouch for him anyways. 

    I take this as my own
