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Posts posted by Genocide

  1. 5 hours ago, Topaz said:

    I am fully aware the staff for the CS Division is pretty large, but if we do have extra room I think that you would be pretty qualified. Keeps up with the rules, friendly to new players, and is respectful to staff. The few times I have seen him goof up were usually minor things that he corrected himself.


    also he lets me repeat ninja steps sooooo



    3 hours ago, BullseyeX said:

    This is mine now


    2 hours ago, Darrth said:


    This is also mine

    I am now the Captain of this Quote. (This is mine)

  2. Just now, SegFault said:

    If you like Negev try the heavy lol. But don't stop moving while you shoot, and spy check around you.

    Genocide, you're a furry tho I thought?

    Did you just ACCUSE me of being a FURRY??I would never be such a DEGENERATE.

    Seg is a True Furry at heart.

  3. 3 hours ago, Sodium said:

     has no place being a member on this server

    22 minutes ago, Dannypicacho said:

    genocide are you high or something

    ??? So as a admin you'd let people get treated like shit because he is a 13 year old kid ??? 

    Anyways Neutral, i rarely see him anyways in my perspective.

  4. 3 hours ago, Sodium said:

    Immature, tarps before 7, doesn’t know the rules, and insists on being a guard, and has no place being a member on this server

    A:6 Not much to say about this



    Just BECAUSE you do not like him or he isn't a good warden/guard doesn't mean you can bully and say things we don't care to know ON HIS MEMBER APP, people tend to forget that this is a MEMBER app not a damned General post, We need to know -1 or +1, yes that includes a reason, but for people to say "has no place being a member on this server" is ABSURD. Mouse is a young guy and he will mature over time, DON'T -1 him because of his age or his freaking guard skills or just because you don't like him, -1 over his basic knowledge of jb and overall status on the server. I don't know what is wrong with some of the people who posted on this app, but that shit needs to stop. Anybody is welcomed to our server, so treat him like that, treat him like a person instead of a damn animal. 

  5. 10 hours ago, TheProPizza said:

    boi i play with rules and make jokes get off my back

    I was just saying how I've personally seen you, like I said, you might not actually be that way but that's the way I've seen you. 

  6. I'm going to stay Neutral due to the fact that I have seen him on before but not that much plus when he is on I'm usually not on so other people might see differently then I do, there has been multiple times that I've had to remind him of the rules and he likes to try to bend rules in his favor, this is only my opinion and like I said, I don't see him much so I don't really know how much you can credit me on this. 

    M: ?6?

    A:  ?6?

  7. On 9/24/2018 at 5:53 PM, DepressedNeonNepp said:

    I'm stepping down from member to apply as admin on F-o-G because I'm clearly unwanted and would like to apply for admin over there where I am wanted. Goodbye everyone.


    1 hour ago, DepressedNeonNepp said:

    Hey guys I'm back forever. I realized how kind this community can be and how I like it much more. And it didn't say I was demoted so I guess you I'm still member. I'm sorry for being so toxic in the past special apologies to @Red and @Dannypicacho for being especially rude to them. That's all I got to say for now and I'm back now. Just forever.

    Welcome back.

  8. On 9/30/2018 at 12:40 AM, Tatost said:

    never show your face on the server again, or I will find you and kill you like some disgusting friendly scum.

    Listen here TATOST You WON'T talk to my boy SEGFAULT like that AGAIN

    I'm just kidding please don't hurt me 


  9. So last night we did a 10 man and Segfault joined, we were on inferno and segfault was rushing out of apts with a ak and Aegean was near hay barrel I think, and SegFault killed him, does this mean Segfault is our new Community Leader?? It was csgo btw 

    Last time I checked, you dominate somebody as hard as seg did the Ex Co Leader of xG I think you get his powers and his position. 

    This was just a goodbye post and sad step down for Aegean and welcome Segfault, for he is now Co leader and Community Leader 

    btw seg said Aegean was ez (also his first kill this game after team killing twice)
