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[xg:a] Vector

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Also i wanna again go on the record that most of the disrespect was actually encouraged by @Maymalays. When we were on the servers he would generally go "HERE WE GO AGAIN" and say "i hope vector goes on his rant" So where does all this HE'S AN ASS HOLE come from? i can test that every single person on gaming history knows maymalays did this and infact, actually joined in on the fun. Also don't deny it maymalays because you did the same exact shit as i did and the only reason why you are actually saying something now is because YOU are now the one who is feeling he is being attacked. Why does everyone assume now people who support me are afraid of me? How come it's not because maybe they actually like me? Couldn't that be considered disrespect? Disrespect is the most retarded rule with the largest grey area because what is disrespectful to him might not be disrespectful to her. There is so much "disrespect" and "Shit posting" that most of the time it doesn't get handled but when someone who has powers says something it's a crisis. What about rabid? no one does shit about rabid because "he is just rabid" fucking lol. Or when other members call others retarded for not going on with what they think. Also keep in mind the date. i LOVE how this thread is posted the same day as promo-demo. Get some fresh air kids and be sure to go to your parents whenever someone says something bad to you on the internet.

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Btw Disrespecting Elaborated | Xeno Gamers thats what is considered disrespect (mostly) and, as i've said MULTIPLE TIMES there is NO valid reason for disrespect. It doesn't matter if he/she encouraged it, it doesn't matter if he/she deserved it, its still an immature and uncalled for way to handle a situation

Is no one reading what I post?

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My playtime on the server is enough to see what vector is like. There is almost always one staff member on TGH so there is no reason for me to join anyway. Im not even sure why everyone who plays mainly on TGH acts like you have to be super active on TGH to have an opinion about vector. You can see what he posts in the forums and shoutbox and that is enough.

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because seeing somebody everyday is different than jumping to conclusions after a few meetings. i dont think we're saying you can't have an opinion on him, just that those of us who spend hours with him daily would be able to provide more accurate insight.

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My playtime on the server is enough to see what vector is like. There is almost always one staff member on TGH so there is no reason for me to join anyway. Im not even sure why everyone who plays mainly on TGH acts like you have to be super active on TGH to have an opinion about vector. You can see what he posts in the forums and shoutbox and that is enough.

I'm not even active enough on TGH to say I'm a regular. So it's not just people who are regulars there who have an opinion to say.

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because seeing somebody everyday is different than jumping to conclusions after a few meetings. i dont think we're saying you can't have an opinion on him, just that those of us who spend hours with him daily would be able to provide more accurate insight.

Apparently watching him on the server and on forums for 6 months is only a few meetings

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Honestly i'm pretty active on the Trade Gaming History and I've seen Vector a lot on there. but I'm not taking sides so I'm not going to say something (• ε •)

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-1 I've known vector for quite some time. #twerk 4 jesus. He's a pretty nice guy, but can be a dickhole just like everyone else. You people should know what it's like when there's the Minecraft map up and the 12 year olds just get magnetized to it. It's a pretty rough server to be on, but Vector's on there to keep it in line. I think maybe, he should add a reason for the ban. But when the bans are on just 11 year old squeakers who break the rules by just talking, I think it's perfectly acceptable that unknowing young ones who don't read the rules shouldn't need too much of a reason for a ban if the next thing they do after this is just go find a different minecraft map to play on. Vector has some wrongs, and some rights. But with the kids he's dealing with, I think it's okay to make a ban for autism to have a joke every now and then since he's the really active one on TGH

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