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Horrible xG Member

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Gonna keep this short and sweet and I don't care what happens to me.

This is actually starting to bother me. Right now xG is split into two groups, the Furry friends, then the Tuna group.

The furry group despises the entirety of the Tuna group because of one person, who imo never did anything to deserve it. They're taking it to the extreme and banishing friends to the shadow realm because they have friends in that group. Then what friends they have left after that try to convince them that Tuna's group is the devils house and never talk to anyone there.

Then the Tuna group, obviously is poop on the most, it isn't perfect, (I do think that some things could have been handled a little better, but they did what they needed to get the message across) but I think they're much better than the other.

It's just fudgeing nonsense and shouldn't be a thing. As a part of the tuna group, the furry group can chill tfo.

Do something about it, thanks.

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Alrighty, hopefully everyone has had a good nights sleep and had a chance to gather their thoughts a bit. I'm going to adress the points made in OP, throw my opinion in the pile and then unlock the thread to allow further discussion. I think its impossible to be unbiased in situations like this, but i do think i have a decent grasp on how both sides are feeling. If there is anything i have gotten wrong though, correct me or call me stupid, whatever works for you.

First off, @LemonVolt, i think the intention of your thread is fine, but you could definitely have expressed yourself better which i think is why this thread was met with such an negative response right off the bat. Labeling people "furries" with a clear negative connotation in addition to the ending of your post makes you come off super condescending. Demanding people do something when you are part of the problem is kinda silly, but im just nitpicking at this point. Lets get into it!


22 hours ago, LemonVolt said:

Right now xG is split into two groups, the Furry friends, then the Tuna group.

These are the groups that are currently clashing and creating drama. Theyre not the only groups in our community, but i can agree that they are probably the most vocal and the most public ones that we have.

22 hours ago, LemonVolt said:

The furry group despises the entirety of the Tuna group because of one person, who imo never did anything to deserve it. They're taking it to the extreme and banishing friends to the shadow realm because they have friends in that group. Then what friends they have left after that try to convince them that Tuna's group is the devils house and never talk to anyone there.

If i understand this correctly, this statement is because of a private conversation between a few or couple people that got kind of sour and added tension between you guys. I would like to say though, most people dislike tuna not for his current self, which they might not have seen enough of because of arguments or not playing with him or whatever, but because of what he did in the past. I'm sure @YeEternalTuna himself can agree that he is a very opinionated person that isn't afraid of speaking up and just doesnt mesh well with some people. Thats completely fine, we dont have to like or get along with everyone but i think you are being unfair to drag all of the people in that group into the mix because of what happened in a DM between a couple of people from both groups. You said it yourself, people are hating on your group because of one person, isnt it hypocritical to do the same to them?

22 hours ago, LemonVolt said:

Then the Tuna group, obviously is poop on the most, it isn't perfect, (I do think that some things could have been handled a little better, but they did what they needed to get the message across) but I think they're much better than the other.


22 hours ago, LemonVolt said:

It's just fudgeing nonsense and shouldn't be a thing. As a part of the tuna group, the furry group can chill tfo.

Do something about it, thanks. 

Of course you think the side you're on is better, you're knee deep in this. I'm going to refrain to point out any specifics, but both sides are equally at fault for a bunch of different reasons. I agree though, it shouldnt be a thing. It should have never gotten to this and I should have put my foot down and dealt with it a long time ago. However; (rant)


Please don't put all of the blame on the other side when your side is just as much into in this poop as the the other one. There is a lot of built up frustrations from both sides, some of which are completely overblown and are honestly really stupid, others which are very valid and do have basis to them and everything inbetween. Your "group" fall flat in a lot of the same ways as you accuse the "furries" (i hate that you chose to call them this, eugh) of and this problem isnt going to fix itself until all of you realise that. If you want to bury the axe or not is up to you but for the love of god take a good look into the mirror before you do.

I'm sick of people constantly blaming others for issues that they play a part in without looking at themselves first. You can point fingers how much you want, but until the people involved are mature enough to try to at least tolerate eachother and not constantly be at each others throats at a mistake so small you would need a microscope to see it, this is going to keep happening. Of course tension rises and fights happen when all your friends jump into the pile of garbage as soon as people disagree about something instead of actually going to the bottom of the problem. This is honestly ridiculous and its turned into "he says, she says" at this point. If we want to fix this, we all all have to put effort in to actually do so. We're a gaming community, we're nerds who just want to hang out and play videogames and have a good time.

As a part of the very disappointed and upset CM, all of us need to chill tfo.
Can we do something about it, please?

Thread is staying open from now on. I need a hug.


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Everyone was just paranoid from the start, I doubt anyone in this whole scenario genuinely hates one another. I felt coupled into this whole "group" war thing by association (or crossfire), but I don't have quarrel with anyone imo. None of the pm'd remarks or mudslinging ever got to me. 

I tried my best to stay in the middle on a neutral stance, y'all just need to get along. You don't have to like one another, but this "drama stuff" I suppose is really dumb. Both sides


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On 7/13/2018 at 10:08 PM, LemonVolt said:

This is actually starting to bother me. Right now xG is split into two groups, the Furry friends, then the Tuna group.

There are far more groups than just the furry group. That specification is so broad that I don't think I can even place who you mean by it. There's groups of Wyverness' discord, Krampus', Healix's, Hachi's, and many of us are in multiple of them. Just labeling everyone as furries despite how surprisingly enough a lot of people aren't actually furries doesn't exactly come across very well at all.

On 7/13/2018 at 10:08 PM, LemonVolt said:

The furry group despises the entirety of the Tuna group because of one person, who imo never did anything to deserve it. They're taking it to the extreme and banishing friends to the shadow realm because they have friends in that group. Then what friends they have left after that try to convince them that Tuna's group is the devils house and never talk to anyone there.

I'm really unsure why you're pinning this all on Tuna, I don't have problems with any of you solely because of tuna because that's completely unfair. Many people in your friendship group I have had problems with in the past and currently, and since most of the people in that group go around sort of in packs and often do things together, I don't think it's unsurprising personally to say that a lot of us aren't a fan at all of how many of you have acted. Hopefully we can all put a change to that!

On 7/13/2018 at 10:08 PM, LemonVolt said:

Then the Tuna group, obviously is poop on the most, it isn't perfect, (I do think that some things could have been handled a little better, but they did what they needed to get the message across) but I think they're much better than the other.

It's just fudgeing nonsense and shouldn't be a thing. As a part of the tuna group, the furry group can chill tfo.

I don't even know if I would have called it the tuna group in the first place to be honest Things could definitely have been handled better to a degree where (I mean this with the upmost respect) it just makes you guys look rude, snarky and I hate to say it but kind of childish. As virr said, we're a gaming community and there's no need for drama and I just want everyone to get along, but when I see passive aggression (from both sides too) it just makes me feel like we've lost something.

You're saying you're much better than the other and that's obviously entirely biased and pretty unfair to say, but obviously you see your group from a different standpoint to what many of us do. In my personal opinion I would think the total opposite, no offense of course.


I feel a lot of drama stems from private discord ranting and people disagreeing with opinions. Why is it so bad if someone disagrees with your opinion? We are all human (surprisingly considering the current state of the tf2 division) and we all have feelings and opinions, and no one should be shamed or insulted for that. If someone disagrees with you, ask why, try to change their mind, and if all else fails that's OK!


This leads me to another problem that I've been having, which is in regards to people on TGH essentially tryharding and playing "as if it was competitive". This came up in an issue recently when many maps had votes to be removed and people were making comments such as "24/7 Aquatic Ruin". Complaining how people play in the first place is the problem, and I don't even play competitively - I just kill people because that's my way of fun and I prefer maps that are more balanced and are fun to fight on, I would join a comp team if I played competitively, not hang around on xG. Hanging out with you guys and killing is great and why I love playing on xG servers, so if people would stop judging other people for playing they way they do that would be nice, and I'm directing this at the people who play it competitively and call people idiots for liking to explore maps too (that really bothers me), not just the people making snarky comments towards those who do play it competitively. People play in their own way and as long as we're not breaking rules or hurting anyone is it really such an issue?

I hear things like "why are we voting for this fudgeing map lol" (specifically from the competitive people since I'm often with them in a call) way too often and I also hear others complain like "lol competitive tf2", but I just don't understand why people can just vote for the maps they like, try to rile people up to go to the map you like and just get along, not argue over something so silly.


Edited by Kypari (see edit history)

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I'm very tempted to ask for claims to be substantiated. 

At the same time I'd like the monthly pooppost thread about drama that's not grounded in any verifiable claims or evidence to stop, you know, being at least a monthly thing. 

Decisions decisions... 

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I mean, so far the "Tuna group" are the ones stirring up the *drama, starting threads like these, claiming they're always in the right as "The furry group should chill tfo" and the "Tuna group" is "much better than the other"

When a private chat between a friend of mine and I goes to you guys you instantly jump on the bandwagon and create this thread, other than that bandwagon, when I speak to someone in the xG Discord, for example that one time with Jackie, Tuna tries his hardest to get involved, then you guys expect no backlash.

If anything, the "Furry" group are the ones trying to avoid drama, I'm pretty sure, most of the people in our Discord, (healix's) really don't care about you guys to put it boldly, we're literally just friends who play different games to have fun, if anything it's you guys who are always trying to cause a scene and ruin the fun, for example when Bagel slayed Tuna in the server, for a justified reason, and Tuna tried to cause a scene in the server, and failed, he took it instantly to the xG discord, another example is passive aggressiveness like this comment right here 76W1B4G.png

Another thing is the fact that the "Tuna" group never critcizes one another, for example the Jackie ban protest, although it was a clearly fair ban, you guys were still fine with the ban protest, as leaving positive rating on her and negative to anyone else's, friendship doesn't mean bandwagoning the wrong thing just because they're labelled friends; you can check my ban thread, my best friends -1'd me because I deserved it, something challenging to do for you guys, just don't forget, I cannot stress this enough that this is a gaming community, no one cares who you pooptalk in private or not, just remember that everyone's here to have fun, not sure about the "Tuna" group though

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You're making it sound like it was our intention to come here and cause chaos, pretty sure this whole thing blew up after tuna and I were hanging out on surf again.  It was the fact that so many different staff were pretty much doing what they felt like was right regardless of what the rules even said.  So many things were unjustified and no one seemed to be on the same page.  This whole situation blew up even more once Tuna decided to become a staff member to possibly help out some of the loose ends.  Yes things can always be handled better but some of the things you guys are saying against him were after the fact of questioning his past events.  It's ridiculous honestly and that's what frustrated me the most and made me step in as well.  Some of you didn't even try to actually get to know him beforehand and labeled him immature, toxic, whatever the name is now.  Anyways that's not the main point.  There's more to just "The Tuna Group" if you things it's just our small friend circle starting fire.  A lot of people were and are still upset on how things were handled before this all started.  Yes things should be more basic and carefree, we are a gaming community just like you said, but obviously as we all know there will be complications

Caribou I don't know what you meant by our personal friend group defending Jackie and coming in to rescue her with +1's.  You're making assumptions there because if you actually looked, none of us said anything at all for that thread.  One person reacted to some post, and that's it.  You're absolutely no better either.  Listen I'm all for giving people a chance to change and character develop but you can criticize and point fingers all you want but you're still just as bad.  Don't claim that you've matured or changed when you still go out of your way to try and bait people into anger and stir drama.  I'm not pointing my finger or trying to blame xG's problems on your friend group either which was crudely labeled "furry"  None of us knew someone *cough cough* @LemonVolt was going to do that  >:\  

To anyone who reads this I'm willing to start over on a better foot with some of you guys.  No one wants drama in a place where you're supposed to unwind after all, but when things feel sorta..unfair, it's hard to prevent regrettable statements or action

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@NitNat I didn't say you guys +1'd her, I am talking on Discord and since you said "only one person reacted to a post I'll go ahead and name every rating you guys did, can't get screenshots I am not home.

Tuna reacted agree to Jacklyn's ban protest (justified ban),

Lemonvolt reacted boring to Kypari's reply, which had good points, just passive aggressive, reacted the same to the following post aswell,

Tuna reacted Gross to Elcark's reply,


Tuna reacted are you insane Goblin's post, and Bliz thinking,

Tuna reacted losin it to my reply

And just now I got a thinking, yeah, just 1 react, all justified, not passive aggressive at all

And since you guys aren't starting fire presumably, why did Tuna pull that stunt from the FF2 thing, and why do you bundle everyone as "furries", your hate for furries is blatant, hating people for their interests is very much an act of instigation.

And you're saying I haven't changed, if you knew me back then you'd know how different I am, and how I act in private with my best friends is different from how I act on the server to strangers, for a person who didn't know Tuna I wasn't going to judge him from what I hear, I saw what he was doing

And I wouldn't make it seem you guys came from the dead to cause chaos if that wasn't what I saw, no drama was being caused, no one was salty or had a vendetta, no one complained about the rules as much, you guys came, created the problems, pinned it on everyone else, then act as massiahs coming to solve them, and things have only been getting worse

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34 minutes ago, NitNat said:

You're making it sound like it was our intention to come here and cause chaos




DDWKP2y.png(this one is literally targeting me for my mental health and anxiety, see the rating)



If this is your personal idea of "not causing chaos" I might need to throw a dictionary at your face. Blatantly disrespecting members, staff and such because you didn't get your way. All of these silly passive aggressive comments and massive posts on the forums in which you try to make something that's not even that big of a deal into a huge deal could be dealt with SO much better, and in fact are causing chaos. You can contact your local higherup alternatively to making passive aggressive comments and trying to cause a poopstorm. We can prevent this together just so long as everyone tries to be civil and friendly!


34 minutes ago, NitNat said:

Caribou I don't know what you meant by our personal friend group defending Jackie and coming in to rescue her with +1's.  You're making assumptions there because if you actually looked, none of us said anything at all for that thread.  One person reacted to some post, and that's it.


Not even going to paste picture after picture anymore because this post is getting very long >.> , but it's pretty evident that you guys weren't happy with the overall decision people were coming to. Just because you didn't vouch doesn't mean you didn't have an opinion regardless. Had I been doing what Jackie was doing on the server, I'm preeeetty sure you guys would have been all over that. Though I'm assuming that entirely, I think plenty of us are genuinely confused why you guys thought that was justified. You're entitled to your opinions of course, but it doesn't always come across very well if you guys just rate things instead of actually saying anything, it just looks like you guys know that she should be in trouble but want to deny it with ratings (of course, that may not have been your intention, but that is how it definitely comes across to me personally).

Edited by Kypari (see edit history)

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