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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/14 in all areas

  1. 5 points

    Random Paint Drawing

    Made this out of boredom, might as well post it to post something.
  2. 3 points

    Gonna Try To Make A Community Event!

    So I was reading what @@Link! said in the Flaws of xG post... And I kind of... Dinged? I want to coordinate xG members and friends to play a game and engage in a community night. It will be on the TTT server (GMOD) this coming Saturday starting at 9 P.M. (EST). @@Haxx @@Hidingmaster @@Bleed @@Link!
  3. 3 points

    Speedlimit - Counter-strike: Source

    Come on guys, let's not. Since the beginning of time, we have all known these orders to be stable and fine as they were. Afk freeze = face anywhere unless specified, Guncheck freeze = look away from your cell, typically a complete 180 degree turn from facing it. These rules were set in stone (to an extent) and we had no problems or issues with them until Players/Members thought it would be funny to loophole and be smart asses. Now it seems like our own Staff can't distinguish between a rule that was long-ago determined between something that was made up on the spot. With that said, I'd like to see both sides of the coin before giving my own opinion on the matter, however; if it's as simple as it sounds, Speed should be well aware that it was always enforced as I mentioned above. Albeit you are technically facing away, but do we have to keep altering the MoTD in fine freaking print just so you people can play a game? I'm as fool-hardy as the next guy, I troll and state many things that are contradicting as a T, but not once have I slain someone for killing me when I was logically doing the right thing. Simply put, if you are going to be a smart ass about something, expect it to come back and bite you in the ass, and don't react in such a way that makes you come off as a "rule-whore" when you know you're just doing it to get away with some minuscule detail.
  4. 2 points


    Lets be honest... Most of the people posting -1 's are just people either trying to be funny, or are less active than Jubens.
  5. 2 points

    New Hello.

    Thanks, I plan to be, I'm always really actively into the communities I'm a part of, even as far as being the Event Coordinator for a clan of 150+ on Runescape. Just glad everyone's so friendly here.
  6. 2 points

    Speedlimit - Counter-strike: Source

    I am pretty sure this would count as a slay, a ban is just far too much, the ban reason is unreasonable, i would +1
  7. 2 points
    Wondering if @@Bleed can attend to help control server, as well as any other Gmod staff members. Should be fun if people will show up.
  8. 2 points
    Few problems with all of this here. First of with the way Speed and Trin were facing. They both very well know that a Guncheck Freeze means face away from cells, with the unstated rule that it does imply a 180 degree face away from cells. Because of various reasons, it is acceptable to be slightly turned. I don't care if they were 89 degrees or whatever, when you are turned to the right or left you know that you may be killed for it. I do it all the time, but i understand that if i do get killed that it was my responsibility since i was not really facing away (its trolling to be honest). We're they freekilled? As far as Chrono states it, no they were not since they were not truly facing away from cells. It was NOT a freekill. Second has to do with the ban for "freekilling fag". Speed, you know thats not respectful... why did you even think of doing that? Third is with the punishment. I don't even have to go over this with you speed. You didn't ask why you were killed (according to chrono), you banned for a day for it... just wow... And @@Chrono as far as I know, nobody told us about the CS:GO punishment thread... not very useful if we don't know about it. Just saying. Fourth, and final thing. You all need to stop the bickering, something like this should have been handled in game. It should have never got to this point, just get over your differences. @@Tsuchikure : I think the best action is to get both sides of the story, and talk to each of you one-on-one. Then get you both together to get it figured out. I don't see a reason to use punishments, but if you both keep this crap up then we will do what is necessary.
  9. 1 point

    Making An Xg Song

  10. 1 point


    oh alright thanks now i can finally use that.
  11. 1 point

    Festive Honmoyu ᐛ - Team Fortress 2

    User was permanently CT banned for mass freekilling.
  12. 1 point

    Jordozombie - Counter-strike: Source

    It's one thing to mass freekill intentionally. It's a completely different story when a Staff Member slays everyone for no reason other than for shits and giggles. As much as I like Jordo, what he did was unacceptable and he should not be let off the hook so easily. If he truly wants to be unbanned, he can contribute to XenoGamers or he can participate in the "pizza" challenge. It's a -1 from me.
  13. 1 point


    Active, knows rules, a cool guy but too bad he's a noob -1 +1 A: 8 M:7
  14. 1 point
    Jordo just do that thing where you post a video of yourself horking down a piece of pizza while singing the Mona Pizza song to get unbanned.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point


    Application has been up for more than a month, please re-apply on January 29th -Closed
  17. 1 point

    Jordozombie - Counter-strike: Source

    -1. You slayed @all, you got permed and should stay permed. Abuse like like this is punished with a perm ban, not a 5-month ban. People who do stupid shit like this and get permed need to realize that you aren't going to get out of stuff like this, even if you waited to make a protest for nearly half a year. Permanent bans should be permanent, and I really see no reason at all to have you unbanned.
  18. 1 point

    New Hello.

    Glad to finally be part of a community.
  19. 1 point

    New Hello.

    Welcome to xG m8, I'm Forest. Hope to see you become an active Member of the community! ;)
  20. 1 point

    New Hello.

    I'm Theneva, pleased to make your acquaintance. Glad to have a new face in the community.
  21. 1 point
    You have to kiss so much ass to get advancement in css its not even funny. Some staff waited many months and years to get admin where other people jsut kissed ass got admin in like a fucking month. Hell people have gotten staff without even being in the clan with that div. The staff is a large problem for css, you got staff who are active but don't do their jobs then you got the good staff members who have been on for 2 years and they are rarely on. And all the clan does is fight with each other.
  22. 1 point


    +1 Cause he is always on and very mature A:7 M:9
  23. 1 point
    I'll show when the white women do.
  24. 1 point

    Best Music Videos Ever

    Those aren't music videos that you posted @@Hexx lol... My favorite music videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nevDworPXaQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mxebk1zAx2w http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdT_G5qZggM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNLsn_LfcV4
  25. 1 point

    Speedlimit - Counter-strike: Source

    the set up of cell blocks has nothing to do with it, it's the same concept regardless for each individual cell on each map. Take this beautifully drawn image as a descriptor. [MEDIA=imgur]uqSVxbv[/MEDIA]
  26. 1 point

    Speedlimit - Counter-strike: Source

    to continue on with this thread, as this was another recent incident (i just got home from going out to get chinese with the gf) I refreshed the ct ban list, to see any new bans as I usually do and if I need to change any fuck ups (perm ban reason 1440). [MEDIA=imgur]lMuUSzy[/MEDIA] I saw this. the original ban reason states it was for "gunplanting" now i'm not sure about what happened in server, so you will have to hear his testimony on it first, but assuming the ban is valid (he got slayed the first time, and kept doing it after) Why are you then going and reducing your original 1 day ban (the proper ban length, as defined in the CS:GO proper punishments thread that was mutually accepted as a legitimate ban time for both jb servers by the at the time div leaders of myself, nova, (pretty sure it was still poncher, if not then he was co as well, and he approved it as a guide for CS:S as well, it never got moved because we are lazy) and taking it down to a 1 hour ban because you "changed your mind about the ban time"?
  27. 1 point

    Cristo Thought D.c Was A State

    best thread 2014 10/10 would read to my grandchildren
  28. 1 point


    There wouldn't be a problem with putting something like "Applied for xG" in your name, but asking/begging/telling people to +1 you is a bad idea.
  29. 1 point

    Ganjamonster - Counter-strike: Source

    We may require a non-Jubens source; but if it was unintentional, +1
  30. 1 point


    "-1 faggot"
  31. 1 point


    A:8.1/10 M:8/10 +1 Active, has been around for a while, and is a cool guy, knows the rules. Changing to a -1. I've warned you numerous times about racism and you continue to use it, you got in trouble the last time I was on and left immediately most likely because you knew that you were in trouble. A:8.1/10 M:3/10
  32. 0 points


    I have been thinking about this for a long time and welp.It was a fun 2 years playing with you people but that time is over. I'm done I just stayed in this group to be with friends and most of those friends are either gone or afk. Or they just became old and never left their divs so yeah. I'll stay as inactive and random as I have I just don"t seen a point to wear a tag I just don't care about anymore.
  33. 0 points

    Speedlimit - Counter-strike: Source

    @@Haxx @@Haxx @@Haxx @@Haxx @@Hidingmaster @@Hidingmaster @@Haxx @@Hidingmaster
  34. 0 points
    yeaaaaaa lets keep making threads about the same bullshit every three weeks. this will surely be the one that motivates everyone and gets the clan back on track!
  35. -1 points


    -1 he is mean to me in chat and tells me to go sucicde
  36. -1 points
  37. -1 points
    Please explain to me why we need MORE staff. You're just silly... (I would call you stupid but I don't want to get banned) You need better, more mature, less ignorant, less divided staff. The servers need to be more unique. The servers need to have UPPER ADMINISTRATION WITH SERVER POWERS who are ACTIVE and scared of dealing with things. You also need staff who can see through problems and fucking solve them without taking 10 years of complaining to someone els. You need staff who wont spread useless rumors/drama around the clan. Pretty much, it should be to the point where if ALL the staff were put in one room, they wouldn't argue or say anything disrespectful for a whole 10 hours without problem. They should also all try to put in something to contribute to the server. P.S: start demoting people please?
  38. -1 points
    What are the flaws with xG? 1. No one wants to do anything themselves to better xG, it's all about what they can get in return. I'll explain. There has been nothing innovative in XenoGamers that people implement to XenoGamers, or new ideas that people just do for the betterment. Here's an easy example. Community Nights - Super easy to do, no one has the initiative to do it. The idea that Rpgs had thought of that him and I implemented was every week we choose a random server to go on, and invite a group of people, invite them to TS and tell their friends about it, and I'd be giving away free credits. Did everyone get credits? No. Did everyone have fun? Yes. Did people meet new people? Yes. This is the biggest problem since when I was Co-leader, not just me but we had people who actually cared about the community. Did I have to do community night? Absolutely not, I coulda played games I actually wanted, but this was planned to be a weekly thing but when I left, I didn't think people would think of excuses to not keep Community Night going. There is no fucking reason to not do it every week, since it's easy to get a few admins to administrate since they'll want to be there and have fun. You don't need some "permission" from a co-leader or leader to do this, just tell your friends and post a thread. You don't even need to give out credits, just give out a reason for members to meet staff and each other, and just enjoy servers that might not be played so often. Tl;Dr = Community nights are easy but staff or people who "care" about the community don't want to do it because they personally have nothing to gain. 2. Staff don't talk to each other well, and forums are not regulated well. There's been so many times where staff disagreed with something a higher up has changed, and either the lower staff wouldn't implement this rule which would cause huge confusion over servers, or they would just be pissed about it. This is a gaming community, this shit should not be happening in such a developed community. Staff should ALL be discussed for the most part for new rules that might have dispute over it. Why are Divs implementing rules that admins and mods don't agree with? Easiest example was the dumbass rule over staff having to be in teamspeak while they are in server, and they can't be muted. This was such a dumb rule, and on top of that staff were to be punished over such a rule. This shit should not be happening, discuss it with staff, post it on forums and get the communities opinion on such changes. Tl;dr = Staff don't communicate well, and many disputes happen that shouldn't happen. Forums not being updated is a 2 parter. I. There are many rules (age wise, teamspeak being mandatory etc) that I myself put on as the rules. So many people get accepted into the clan without passing qualifications because A) People who accept don't know the rules and just assume they know. B) They like the person and don't care if they don't qualify 100% If you want some of these rules changed, if you discussed with others, implement the change on the actual appropriate areas, and bold the change with a timestamp. This will avoid confusion and weed out the 13 year olds who never use their mic and get +1's from people who +1 everyone. Tl;dr = Update and keep up your knowledge on the rules/guidelines of forums and applications. II. The main threads like jobs of staff, which I wrote about every staff position except DM who wasn't there when I was Co-leader, should have been updated months ago. Why can't div's just add a little description to it to say what DM's are supposed to do? Do you think it's stickied to remind people who I am? No, it's thread has an actual purpose, if you're staff, act like it. Another part to this, is that no one bothers to make helpful threads for new members, or has any new ideas to get the community involved. The forums have huge amounts of traffic every day, why not take advantage of it? The sticky threads should not be things that are over a year old and nothing more. Tl;dr = Update forums with current stuff, sticky important matters. There is much more to this I can add that I've seen this past year as a non-member, and I'll add to this later after thinking of how to word them.
  39. -1 points


    rip in peace.
  40. -1 points


    he adveritize gg -1
  41. -2 points

    Gonna Try To Make A Community Event!

    bleed and I are always available to RDM---- I mean admin
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