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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. From the day I was born to the day I died, I never helped anyone. I lived for myself and, in the end, I died for myself.
  2. I personally think they should as it's literally just hub credits. No one is going to run away. If moderators cannot do it (for whatever reason) then I believe if they are trusted they should be able to. EG if they have a trust page such as this Kypari!'s Trust
  3. No staff should run away with hub credits. It's entirely pointless and they would just get demoted or something.
  4. I think all staff can be trusted to not scam someone of hub credits so I think staff doing it should be good unless a trusted member has a good reputation or something
  5. I have middlemanned multiple times on the servers. I've done some things like this in the past with /hub credits.
  6. It's very helpful but I feel we're giving people way too many warnings at this point.
  7. Yeah obviously if someone's breaking a rule I will deal with it and go out of my way to stop them from breaking that rule. However, a simple warn on mic is so much more efficient and is just as good as a warn in chat as it has its positives such as being a lot easier to do without breaking the flow of the game and you can do it anywhere at anytime almost. Obvious negatives include what has already been stated, but I strongly believe that warnings on mic are a lot more efficient in situations as I've watched every staff member do who have mics. I take a lot of pride in being staff of course but I'm trying to say if you aren't enjoying yourself then you should probably step down. Some situations as I've previously stated still apply such as being the death on deathrun as that can ruin the game for everyone else who doesn't have a challenge and can rush on ahead and win the game because a staff member has to do their job. Being a warden on jailbreak obviously means that people should be listening to you on mic so you should be able to warn them as warden anyway.
  8. 1. If they're micspamming they can't always hear Anything past that just ruins the flow of the game and makes me wonder why people can't just listen It's gaming community, the whole objective is to have fun. Being staff is a privilege but not a way to ruin fun for yourself
  9. It's not recorded in the chat logs but higherups apparently can see it? Don't quote me on that though. If someone is micspamming then of course you use @ chat instead but in some situations that can be very difficult and ruin the flow of the game and makes it really difficult to play.
  10. Some situations like i said will make this really difficult. Someone could be spamming the chat and I can't warn them. We should still count it as an official warning because they've already heard the warning on mic. This also opens up opportunities to 1. Kill the warden if they are a staff member giving a warning 2. Run past traps in deathrun 3. Saxton has to stand still You should still be able to give verbal warnings and them counting otherwise gamemodes can be ruined
  11. He needs to learn that he can't do shit like this. Obviously Rejects cares about the clan a lot and he is very helpful but I don't think he is mature enough to handle DL right now. I would personally demote him and repromote him once we can see an improvement.
  12. I don't really agree with how you have to warn in chat instead of mic because you could be really busy or something such as in combat, surfing (etc) and someone could be spamming the chat and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Not to mention how having their in game volume off is as bad as muting a staff member so you can't hear what they say. I personally believe it's their fault for having sound disabled. At least it's clarified but I'm not sure how I feel about this.
  13. +1 Going to admit that me and Grape worked together on this because I was one of the people who suspected Rejects of using commands to make his firing speed faster after what happened in the past with his Rocket Launcher. Nothing was said on the weapon like it would if there was an added attribute but it makes sense that he was using /rof. Love you man but you can't be breaking your own rules. You should be enforcing this, not doing it yourself.
  14. Was not a mistake. Has happened in the past every time he plays Heavy and he never uses rapid fire as his goto class when in godmode was generally sniper.
  15. That's just as bad as adding the attribute to the weapon. In fact, it's worse because it gives you a faster revving up speed with the minigun.
  16. Months ago. He'd been using the minigun attributes for months and lied to us on discord about it until he came clear with us after being confronted
  17. I remember that happening. Asked him why he did it afterwards and told him not to do it again
  18. Rejects has also had a history with using extra damage on his rocket launcher and it was confirmed that he used extra firing speed on his minigun Want to hear Reject's side first.
  19. I mean I personally like the map sometimes so I think I'm going to -1 this based off that MassCC is actually pretty fun sometimes. Me and @Thunder got everyone on the server playing things like sharks and minnows and whatnot with the entire server. Of course it's not gaming history related but it's pretty fun when you can organize things
  20. That one has a secret mario kart area and bsor has super mario 64. Not sure about the rest
  21. Is there any reason this map was added? Does it have any gaming relation at all?
  22. Add Bowser and forget every other boss :coffee:
  23. Still doesn't seem to be working. Not sure what's going on. :c
  24. I still can't set my profile picture as a gif @Rhododendron