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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. That's why I said that if people +1 him then the -1 would be void.
  2. You've been warned multiple times. Regardless of the exploit you did, at the end of the day it was still an exploit and you should be punished for breaking rules. If you want to get unbanned you can refer to what @virr posted.
  3. You won't be let back on because you have been warned multiple times in the past. You've had your warnings, it's time to pay the price.
  4. This always appears and this only happens on surf. Last night I was on with people such as @YeEternalTuna and my game would randomly freeze where I would be slightly shaking in the game and I was unable to speak on mic, see the chat/type in chat, I couldn't move and I couldn't see anyone else moving. The only thing that was working was hearing people on mic. Does anyone know how to fix this or why this is happening? I can connect to every other server just fine but not this one for some reason. I miss being a surf admin @Bello ;~;
  5. -1 Was banned rightfully for exploiting. I see no issue with this ban.
  6. How? It just means we won't get randoms in. If someone gets no vouches they will still be allowed in, or if they get 1, 2 or even more.
  7. I think if that -1'ing people because you've never seen them should be allowed now because we shouldn't have random people that no one has ever even heard of in xG in my opinion. If other people have heard of them then the vouch would be void.
  8. Shouldn't be a rule now since we have the new member application system. Either way -1 https://i.gyazo.com/46a9ac52d754b4af8f848a362b6c009c.png A: ? M: 3
  9. Kypari


    0 Clearly hasn't shown improvement since the very recent shoutbox complaints. Neutral since I don't really know them that well.
  10. Kypari


    This isn't a debate. You need to stop making random pointless threads. It's annoying.
  11. Kypari


    Spam is irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the Internet, typically to a large number of users. This thread has no purpose whatsoever and is just a shitpost.
  12. Kypari


    Shouldn't really be spamming extremely pointless threads.
  13. <3 -1 Lacks maturity as seen in the submission. We can't do anything if we don't see it. If someone says that someone is breaking a rule then we'll try and get there as fast as possible and try and watch the scene whether you can see us doing it or not (we may be using /stealth, in spectate (etc)). Not to mention how I am very strict and I will generally be the first to enforce a rule. If you have any problems you can talk to the staff using teamchat and start with @[put your message here].
  14. +1 Pretty chill and friendly I think probably maybe A: 8 M: 7
  15. This just proves the point further that it's because of ping. 120 is not fine and causes situations just like this. That's pretty strange and a nice find but it's not conclusive so is therefore just a coincidence as of now unless it can be proven they are the same person.
  16. Congrats @Sylux and @Isabelle ! Also Brit down @Forge
  17. This is one tail you don't want to chase, darling.
    1. hongkongatron


    2. Kypari


      omg get out it's about this girl https://i.ytimg.com/vi/SxnvhbNqjdA/hqdefault.jpg
    3. hongkongatron


      go OwO yourself
    4. Show next comments  135 more
  18. Yeah @Vacindak is from Peru and his internet is pretty bad. He gets around 120 on a good day. I think Vacindak should do it being as he is the person who recorded the demo but I'm cool with that. I remember spectating Manlyduck too and his shots would be really off the hitboxes and this was the case with everyone, including Americans.
  19. And Vacindak recorded the demo and has a high ping all of the time making it more likely it's just ping. I'm good at figuring out hackers. This is definitely not one.
  20. I feel this is definitely a good change. Nice work.