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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. Since /nofallme is getting removed from donator is there a chance we could have /rof and /aia since they are both fun commands? People would have to be in friendly or something to use it and obviously if they kill people with it then it's abuse. If we're allowed commands such as turning into the horsemann I feel as if rof and aia should be no issue :coffee:
  2. These icons appear for every single picture I have. It's suddenly started doing this. Anyone got a fix?
  3. Discord one is better
  4. I mean I wasn't there long before you got banned so I didn't really have much say in the ban. I'll take a look at the demo later and vouch based off that (y)
  5. It's less so aimbot more so wallhacks. That's what was discussed as you seemed to track invisible spies. The decision was made by @Vector and @BonfireCentipede specifically
  6. Just post the URL of your steam profile that you posted unprivated with the url at the top. It's not hard. I want to make sure that the profile you screenshotted are one and the same. Just unprivate it.
  7. No I mean with the profile on the same page
  8. It could be a separate account. He could have shown his primary account and have an alt that he is hacking on with the same name. I just want to make sure.
  9. Is there a chance you could un-private your profile or show your Steam URL in the screencap to make sure that is the same account? Thanks!
  10. Hope to see you become staff again if you become more active (y)
  11. I personally preferred it when was just permanently there without having to click or hover over anything. I just think it's neater for some reason
  12. They look really toony and big which doesn't work with default font. Not to mention how you have to click choose rating >:c
  13. Biggest promo/demo was when I got mod
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYAoV949iNo @Elcark @Frusty
  15. +1 Regular on surf, pretty chill
  16. Kypari

    Xg Merchandise

    Definitely agree. I would love an xG wristband or something along the lines of that. Manufacturing clothing such as t-shirts and hoodies would be too expensive to invest in considering that it's unlikely that lots of people would buy it.
  17. Kypari

    Xg Merchandise

    Who is making them? What are they making? Where and how are they going to make them? I don't really see how even though it would be neato. Plus do we have the money to get them to make something that probably won't sell?
  18. Took 31 tours but I finally found my second australium. Got an Australium Ambassador :D
    1. james8470


      Congrats Ky! You should join this http://steamcommunity.com/groups/xGMvM if you're interested in playing with a few of us xG bois ;)
    2. james8470
  19. I think it's Tea Cage?
  20. People who say stuff like "we have too much tgh staff" are just being silly. It's pretty sad since if you actually knew Donakonda you'd know that he's played on most of our servers since about 2015 and I actually saw him on JB the most before. Secondly I still think you're lacking in maturity but it's nice to see you try again -1
  21. A bunch of weapons can't be upgraded such as the Cleaner's Carbine and Air Strike.
  22. Since @Egossi and myself were flooding the thread, we decided to talk about it in PM. In the end we decided to agree to disagree as my belief that Egossi should work up from mod after he's proved his activity is a solution but as Egossi is obviously good at his job considering that he worked up to DM in the past, getting promoted to admin and then getting demoted if he is inactive to member is another solution. There's not really a wrong answer, it's just that I'm stricter :coffee:
  23. He was told before by Rejects and did know about it since Rejects leaked some stuff like higherups always do I think activity across every position needs at least 14 hours including DM and DL.