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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. Someone could still report it or we could see it. It wouldn't be really hard to enforce because you can just check if they're using that weapon by switching to spectator. Being as it's an offensive term being using on the server that is the reason I still acted on it.
  2. Is it against the rules to have a weapon that has an offensive slur as its name or description? I've always enforced this and so have multiple other staff. If offensive slurs/material are against the rules on mic and in the chat and even on sprays/objectors I don't see why we wouldn't be able to enforce the rule on people who have offensive names for their weapons that everyone can see if you inspect their weapons or get killed by them. @Vexx reportedly said that it's allowed but I've heard from other staff and used my judgement to depict that it's against the rules Can we please have some clarification?
  3. This is a really neat idea Health + + Strength + + Magic + Skill + + + Speed + + + + + Luck + + + Defense + + + Resistance + + + +
  4. One of the few American drinks we get over here :coffee:
  5. I think you can still vouch since at the end of the day it's a higherup decision. Even if you're not a member your opinion still helps :coffee:
  6. #alliedstrong
  7. Being as our titles on the TF2 server are azure or something I demand this! :shakefist::shakefist::shakefist:
  9. +1 Very active and friendly. Would be a nice addition
  10. I was only joking :c
  11. Titles are fine. They can clearly see that we're staff in the chat. Literally every server other than us does titles
  13. +1
  14. It's because of the map and no it can't be fixed. Just start the map again.
  15. im actually the best mod in xg, so yeah
  16. stunning xoxo :emoji_heart_eyes::emoji_heart_eyes::emoji_heart_eyes::emoji_heart_eyes::emoji_lips::emoji_lips::emoji_kissing_heart::emoji_kissing_heart:
  17. +1 Really fun map and brings back a lot of memories
  18. Kypari


    +1 See often and is pretty nice A: 8 M: 8
  19. This suggestion is a bit more controversial. I'll try and explain it as simply as possible. This is surf_air_arena_v4, one of the more popular arena maps on our surf server. You spawn inside there. Placing a /cpsave in your team's spawn is fine. Placing a /cpsave when that's not your spawn is illegal. Currently you can place your /cpsave on top of the enemy spawn regardless of if it is your spawn or not. The problem with this is that you can just place your /cpsave location on top of their spawn and get into the enemy team's spawn about half a second slower by loopholing the /cpsave in their spawn rule. This basically makes the entire /cpsave in their spawn rule completely useless as you can access their spawn just as easily but not break the rules by placing it in a very slightly different location. The area behind the spawn is about 3 seconds before you can enter their spawn if you're slow. The reason behind the /cpsave in their spawn rule being illegal is to prevent spawnkilling. As spawnkilling is already illegal and /cpsaving in the opposing team's spawn causes no other harm, I would suggest that we remove the /cpsaving in the enemy team's spawn rule as there is no real reason to have it. An alternate idea would be to make it so that you cannot place your /cpsave on top of their spawn at all if you can access ONLY THEIR SPAWN. If you can access both it should be fine. EG This surf_utopia_v3. After beating the map (or completing a part of it) you can access TOP, which is above both spawns. This place you can fight legally and /cpsave up there as both spawns are located in the same vicinity.
  20. How come we ban people for using /calladmin when a staff member is already present? It's basically the same as talking to admins in teamchat starting with @ but not many people know that feature as well as /calladmin. I don't think anyone has ever meant any harm in using /calladmin with a staff on the server when they aren't abusing it with silly reasons. Perhaps this rule should be removed? Of course the rule that you can't abuse it with reasons like mass freekill on Trade Gaming History should stay but I think that it would be good if we let people use /calladmin to report things on the server when staff are present secretly since it doesn't really cause any harm. I would also like to suggest that we have a scheduled timer for where it tells people on the server in the chat that you can talk to staff using @ in teamchat and if people abuse it then they could be warned, kicked (etc). @Vexx @Bello @mrnutty12 @Sesh @Rejects