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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. No offense but I would recommend Iron for now since we used to have an xG highlander team that weren't good enough to play in Steel but had some decent players on the team. Iron is a good starting point so I would start there and rank up if you do well.
  2. What league are you playing in? I don't plan on joining because of my bad internet but I would like it clarified.
  3. I would like to see you more active on other servers if you become staff. Regardless, he's active and pretty fun to be around. I'd give him a shot at it. +1
  4. Couldn't find it but I was looking for it. Not sure how I missed it so sorry about that :coffee:
  5. You used to be able to make gifs as profile pictures. Can this be fixed please? @Rhododendron
  6. My activity has suffered a lot recently because of my vacation (it's holiday you American fatties) in Wales. I'm back home now so I should be active again. (y)
  7. When are you next applying for mod?
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwLCjZVEtpE On an extremely serious note these past few promo demos have shocked me to say the least. Firstly @BonfireCentipede gets admin so he can /smite me and now @Sesh gets DM so I can't /smite him????? 0/10 On a serious note congrats @Sesh and of course @virr
  9. Welcome back we missed you
  10. I don't really think this should be added. Trade Gaming History is based off of old games that we used to/still play today and orange maps are part of TF2. We can just go and play an orange server if we want to play on an orange map, whereas Trade Gaming History is where we go if we want to play maps from games such as LoZ, Super Mario (etc). -1
  11. Well recently I've been able to connect again. We'll see how it goes :coffee:
  12. I eventually get in but I'm unable to move for more than one second before everything freezes and all I can do is look around helplessly. I really need a fix for this otherwise I can't connect to surf to do my job as surf admin (n)
  13. I'm not trying to argue with you at all :/ The idea I'm suggesting about being able to -1 people who you have never seen before is an alternate option to the minimum active hours which is under discussion. If there is a minimum activity then you wouldn't have to -1 people for hardly being on as there is already a regulation in place. If someone is an awful person then we do a member protest on them.
  14. You aren't getting what I'm saying man. I'm not going to -1 someone because I don't see them on the server. I would -1 them if I know that no one knows them because I don't want people that no one has ever heard of them in the clan. That is why the minimum active hours is being considered right now.
  15. +1 Pretty chill, see him often. A: 8 M: 8
  16. I just don't think people who have never been seen on the servers by anyone should be in the community because no-one even knows them
  17. The way that most staff have dealt with it matches his previous bans Xeno Gamers so I think the system needs to be clarified. I think the system we use works fine but I think staff need to know exactly what to do with no doubt in their mind.
  18. In some cases you can do an hour ban before day for minor rules. Forgot to mention that
  19. The system nearly all staff (as far as I know) are using is Warn, Gag/Mute/, Kick, Day, Week, Month, Perm, regardless of the differences between the rules that they have previously broken. For example, if someone gets banned for a day for micspam, they could get banned for a week for trolling. Changing the system to make it so this person isn't banned for as long would be altering the banning system that we should be using right now so I think a perm is justifiable for now unless the higherups want to have a discussion about the banning system we are currently using.
  20. Hopefully I am redeemed of this tragic mistake.
  21. It should be based off of activity on rank.xenogamers and we would see how long they've been on the server for. I don't really want people that know one has ever even heard of in the clan if you get what I mean. :coffee: