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  1. Salty
    Red got a reaction from Krampus in No Nut November   
  2. Like
    Red reacted to Queelsh in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    Wow that seems terrible. In my opinion you don’t say stuff like that about people, it’s irresponsible and downright dangerous in certain circumstances in today’s world but especially without complete proof of the incidents of this. 
    Regardless of who’s in the right or wrong, you don’t say stuff to that extent about people, those words are enough to ruin someone’s career. 
    I know I’m not a member but my vouch would have been neutral either way.
  3. Drunk
    Red reacted to FrostyBoiGrim in General_Beret - Team Fortress 2   
    Gunna be a +1 from me.
    Kiro has done stupid things, but isn't inherently a bad guy. He's been a good friend to me and others. He is a human. He has his flaws. He is discriminatory towards certain people, but we all are to some extent. He opinions shouldn't prevent him from being a member, and just as you might feel uncomfortable around him, he may feel the same about you. Kiro is surprisingly open minded if you connect with him on a more personal level (uncommon opinion, I know). I have come to respect Kiro to an extent for how he refuses to collapse or give in. He stands proud with an unpopular opinion and isn't afraid to have others mock him for it, which is something we can all learn from. Do I agree with his opinions? No, I find it hard to believe that someone who supposedly has so much hatred for others to in reality be so deeply passionate and caring. If he is nurtured the right way he may just come to see others that he once thought of as lower as equals instead.
    Also that whole nickname thing. Segger sounds nothing like the N word. Snigger sounds like the N word. Nippers sounds like the N word. Niger, Bigger, Jigger, Wiggler all sound like the N word. Segger is only used to provoke @SegFault because he thinks it's somehow too similar to the N word when it really isn't.
  4. Informative
    Red got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Flash Halloween Giveaway   
    Steam Community
  5. Funny
    Red reacted to Spoopy in Bluez_ - xG, a Retrospective.   
    Its like watching a bird leave it's nest for the first time ;A; fare well child... you won't make it far...
  6. Like
    Red reacted to jaygoki in CS:GO player 6v6   
    @Dannypicacho sorta brought it up when we had the 10 man composed solely of TF2 players, why not do the same sorta thing the other way around? a TF2 6v6 with only CS:GO players. to my knowledge this hasn't been done yet (unless I missed it in which case I'm gonna feel a bit foolish) and I feel like it would be as much of a success as the 10man, so lets try it out 
    should this be in CS:GO discussion?
  7. Like
    Red reacted to Jadow in minecraft server mod suggestions   
    What if we wait until 1.14 comes out and wait for the modders to implement it so we have to wait even longer ?
  8. Like
    Red got a reaction from Dannypicacho in Remove Random Crits?   
    get that shit out of here
  9. Agree
    Red reacted to Lithium in lolisme   
    Yeah you're unbanned now, just don't do it again, or it'll probably be a true perm then etc etc.
    Also, try not to be so unnecessarily hostile towards danny (or anyone else, for that matter) like you did before you got banned, that kind of shit will probably get you banned again too (although not necessarily a perm).
    being honest about what he did in the first place isn't a bad thing
  10. Like
    Red reacted to Tatost in Hello again.   
    bring back the css div, please
  11. Like
    Red reacted to Chrono in Hello again.   
    meet me on css kiddo ill show you unfriendly
  12. Losing It
    Red reacted to Brady1780 in Brian   
    This kid looks so toxic and he even said he still finds this shit funny so what would stop him from having "F U N" again
  13. Funny
    Red reacted to Dannypicacho in lolisme   
    Easiest -1 of my life (x2)
    First of all, you weren't hyperscrolling, you were using scripts. Hyperscroll doesn't work according to @Lithium. And now you're admitting to using scripts. Something we all already knew. Second of all, you were insanely toxic that my -1 on you remains my #1 strongest -1. Lastly, you didn't even play properly. You constantly loopholed and freekilled and complained to admins and even spammed me in steam messages with slurs and more vulgar and vile language. I don't believe you've become a better person in that short time and my opinions towards you remain the same. 
  14. Like
    Red reacted to Dannypicacho in Halloween Costumes?   
  15. Boring
    Red reacted to Precious in Add Politics Channel to Discord   
    Yeah no this is just going to be #shitposting all over again. You guys do realize that if you want to do things you aren't allowed to do in xG, you can always like, you know, make your own Discord, right? 
  16. Boring
    Red reacted to SyrixCoffeeWolf in Add Politics Channel to Discord   
    I really do not think that having a political channel would have the results that would be desired. There's a reason why we normally don't allow major talk about politics, it's very prone to breaking out into argument due to how different the view points other people can have are. I agree with Chrono that it is possible for politics to be talked about maturely but that is something I fairly rarely ever see.
  17. Like
    Red reacted to Darrth in Maplestory 2   
    this is true. 
  18. Agree
    Red reacted to jaygoki in Add Politics Channel to Discord   
    if it were able to stay civil and actually a discussion/debate rather than hurling insults at each other I'd fully support it but as everyone else has said that's obviously not what would be happening
  19. Like
    Red reacted to Chrono in Add Politics Channel to Discord   
    Politics is something that should be encouraged as healthy discussion and or debate. with that in mind however look at your audience and tell me honestly that there would be healthy discussion and or debate instead of "no you're fucking stupid you libtard cuck" "i bet you suck trumps dick too". While I am all for discussing politics in a proper way, I don't see that in really any gaming community save for oddly specific communities I used to play in. (=]H[= back in the Project Reality for BF2 Days where members had to be verified as 21 and above and go through heavy in game and ventrillo scrutiny is one that comes to mind)
    for proof why politics is not a thing that should ever happen in xG, read the above posts from brady frosty and lan
  20. Like
    Red got a reaction from TBOHB in Spoopy   
    "so ya... bye!" 

  21. Like
    Red reacted to SegFault in Spoopy   
    TO BE FAIR...he never specified lmao
  22. Gross
    Red reacted to Genocide in Remove #shitposting from discord   
    We are all Gay deep inside.
  23. Are You Insane
    Red reacted to Reptile in Remove #shitposting from discord   
    i have learned the error of my ways
    from now on i will stick to dirty, muddy, cheesy, or slimy toes when needed
    thank you, one day i hope we all can enjoy toes as one
  24. Funny
    Red reacted to Tatost in Hello again.   
    I believe I first joined in 2014, got banned mid-way through 2015 and unbanned in 2016 and I've been around since.
    I may or may not have come on a few times using an alt when I was banned so long ago for saying "kys"
  25. Like
    Red got a reaction from Caribou in Favorite thing about xG   
    bullying people on tgh