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  1. Winner
    Red reacted to Caleb956 in The staff requirements are too much   
    I would like to say a few things here, a couple of which may have already been said.
                     1.  There is no such thing as a 7 hour a week requirement, it is 14 hours in two weeks(In response to @mrnutty12).  This means if someone can't be on for a week or so, they have the opportunity to do all 14 hours in one week, or it could be 10 hours in one week and 4 in the others (which I don't encourage anyways..) and even at that, if they are unable to play I'm sure @Tekk @Kypari and @SegFault wouldn't have an issue giving them a pass if they explained their situation to them.
                      2. We have the hour requirement because even though being a staff member is a volunteer job, it is still a JOB.  Like all jobs, it requires commitment, if you aren't committed to what you do as a staff member then chances are you won't be performing like one, quality over quantity.
    At the end of the day, like @TBOHB said, people step down for their own reasons.  I don't recall seeing someone step down because the hour requirement was too harsh, and there is only a handful of people that have been demoted for inactivity.  If they don't find the game fun anymore, or they just don't want to commit to being a staff anymore, then that is their choice.  The same could be said about everyone that decides to stick around as staff, every two weeks they decide whether they want to stick around and commit their time to the servers or not.  They probably enjoy the game, or maybe they just stick around because of how much they care about the future of the clan and want to see it succeed, but regardless of what the reasoning may be,  they still have to follow the requirements laid out for all staff members.  Not only would having a basically non existent hour requirement hurt the image of the staff team, it would also more than likely be seen as unfair.
  2. Like
    Red reacted to Spoopy in The staff requirements are too much   
    This is why I'm Monager. Staff but not staff :^)
  3. Creative
    Red got a reaction from Egossi in SEEE YAAAAAAA   
  4. Creative
    Red got a reaction from Dannypicacho in SEEE YAAAAAAA   
  5. Thinking
    Red got a reaction from Owlknight_ in SEEE YAAAAAAA   
  6. Ding!
    Red got a reaction from TBOHB in SEEE YAAAAAAA   
  7. Like
    Red reacted to bagggel in Rising epidemic of harassment   
    wow like that one time where you mistaken 2 of my dogs for spiders and fucking murdered them yea ok shut up retard 
  8. Like
    Red reacted to Thrillhouse in Rising epidemic of harassment   
    I'm going to give my 2 cents and then stay far the hell away from this thread cause I'm too old for this shit.
    Without mentioning names, some of y'all need to grow the fuck up (if you feel this applies to you, it probably does). I definitely act like a troll/weirdo at times, but shit some of you dudes take it to a level of just being a terrible person.
  9. Like
    Red reacted to Aegean in My thoughts moving forward   
    Hey friends, I've been reading the posts that you all have been writing recently, whether it was people stepping down, planning events, making statements on xG in its current form etc. so I wanted to just give a few thoughts.
    Staff Stepping Down
       There are never enough to say about staff who took the time to volunteer so many hours to help out xG. It is a thankless job that helps keep xG as populated as it is, due to the efforts from all our staff, whether it is new mods, all the way to the community managers. People get stressed doing this, and stepping down makes total sense as people have their own lives to worry about. School, work, mental health, and anything in between is more important than xG, so if people need to step down for those reasons, we encourage it and we will always welcome back those people with open arms if they decide they can and want to help out again.
    Toxicity and Harassment
       As xG is a gaming community and the fact that we are not a private community, many different types of personalities with varying age ranges are all going to come and go. Disputes, problems, cliques, they are all bound to happen. It is also not only on staff but also members to hold each other accountable for how others are getting treated. Remember, we are all people in front of that screen at the end of the day, so please know that your words have weight behind them. If there are any issues that you don't feel comfortable discussing on the forums or with other members, you can always message me on discord privately and I'll always respond within 24 hours. Sometimes problems are just misunderstandings, but regardless I'm happy to take time out to resolve whatever problem you might have. People who intentionally try to get a rise out of others get little sympathy from me, but at the same time if you truly wish to improve or need a wake up call, I'm always here for that too.
    Planning Events
       You do NOT need to be a higher-up or even staff to organize an event. I just want to say thank you to everyone who tries to figure out fun things we can do as a community by posting threads and being active on discord. Aside from CS:GO 10 mans, it's been a lot of fun playing golf-it, skribble.io, and other games with the rest of ya and I can see that a lot of you have been enjoying it too. Respect to everyone honoring the golf-it shoe pics btw on discord. If you need any help organizing an event, feel free to reach out to me or any of the other higher-ups! Looking forward to all the new things we organize as a community.

    Moving Forward
       I'll be posting a thread soon about recapping what's been going on recently, and thoughts we have for 2019 in terms of divisions. It will also include getting your thoughts on what we should do, so we learn from the people who make our community so great, what they think we should implement.

    Thanks for reading everyone!
    Happy gaming,
  10. Eggplant
    Red got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in stepping down :(   
    This has been quite a long time coming. I will be stepping down from the TF2 division. Got really bored of TF2 and kinda tired of forcing myself to play. Not really sure what else to say so I'll just keep this short. 
    i'm joking sorry.
  11. Drunk
    Red reacted to james8470 in The staff requirements are too much   
    Something needs to be said about this.  Everyone in the TF2 division is quitting all at once and they all have the reason for it:
    The servers have gotten stale and 14 hours a week (2 hours a day) is too much
    Here's what should be done IMO: halve the requirement (7 hours a week). It's a matter of keeping good staff members for the long-term. I don't think the current model of cycling though staff members every few months is a good one. Also, with a 7 hour a week requirement, wouldn't the servers be understaffed? No, I don't think so. With the lower requirement, we can simply have more TF2 staff members for one thing, and !calladmin and discord and the forums exist for a reason (that reason being the servers can't be staffed 24/7 anyways.
  12. Sad
    Red got a reaction from TBOHB in stepping down :(   
    This has been quite a long time coming. I will be stepping down from the TF2 division. Got really bored of TF2 and kinda tired of forcing myself to play. Not really sure what else to say so I'll just keep this short. 
    i'm joking sorry.
  13. Make xG Great Again
    Red got a reaction from Kypari in stepping down :(   
    This has been quite a long time coming. I will be stepping down from the TF2 division. Got really bored of TF2 and kinda tired of forcing myself to play. Not really sure what else to say so I'll just keep this short. 
    i'm joking sorry.
  14. Sad
    Red got a reaction from Semper in stepping down :(   
    This has been quite a long time coming. I will be stepping down from the TF2 division. Got really bored of TF2 and kinda tired of forcing myself to play. Not really sure what else to say so I'll just keep this short. 
    i'm joking sorry.
  15. Like
    Red reacted to Kypari in Goodbye or something   
    I don't care too much about the things that you said to me because at the end of the day I said some shit to you too but I've always felt like no matter what happens in higherup chat or xG related stuff we will still be good friends. Love you dude ❤️
  16. RIP
    Red reacted to mrnutty12 in Goodbye or something   
    Hi it is me, mrnutty12, and I'm finally stepping down.
    I have never really liked long winded blocks of text because they bore me to death, so I won't subject you guys to one listing off every little insignificant detail as to why I am stepping down. Suffice it to say I have neither the motivation nor the interest that I used to have for leading the tf2 division, especially not what I would personally consider acceptable from myself. (eg 10k+ hours in a game kinda makes it feel a bit stale yadda yadda not really a shocker there)
    I'll still pop in on the servers now and again when I feel like it, I am just done with higherup business and being staff in general.
    And a few personal notes... (sorry if I miss you but I am not going through every person I know to write something for)
    @PichuBoi ❤️
    @Kypari I can't apologize enough for some of the things I have said to you.
    @SegFault I probably won't delete my files and stuff so if you need to find them and I didn't leave such in the appropriate places feel free to ask
    @Tekk helo tekage
    @Caleb956 sand.
    @Dannypicacho A jug is superior to the bag and you should learn how to shotgun.
    @DiaperHyperWolf Awoo
    @Precious Also awoo
    @virr 01010100 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101011 01110011 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100010 01100101 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01110101 01110011 00100000 01110100 01100110 00110010 00100000 01110000 01100101 01101111 01110000 01101100 01100101 00101110
    @Lithium Thanks for the help when we were being dinguses with code and such.
  17. Drunk
    Red reacted to Lean in Rising epidemic of harassment   
    That’s too many words I’m not reading that
  18. Like
    Red got a reaction from Dannypicacho in johnGait42 - Counter-Strike   
    +1 bee bee bee bee
  19. Like
    Red got a reaction from Semper in johnGait42 - Counter-Strike   
    +1 bee bee bee bee
  20. Like
    Red reacted to Lithium in johnGait42 - Counter-Strike   
    active, been around for a while, and less annoying than danny +2
  21. Winner
    Red reacted to johnGait42 in johnGait42 - Counter-Strike   
    In-Game Name
    johnGalt42 Primary Division
    Counter-Strike Previous Member
    No Profile
    steam42 Age
    13 Previously Banned
    No Time Active on Servers
    xG sever Reason for Joining
    i play xg i like jb i play xg  all  i play with Danny and brady and lithium and jadow  and darrth and
  22. Funny
    Red got a reaction from Caribou in On a Scale 1-10   
    fucking crackhead
  23. Funny
    Red got a reaction from TBOHB in On a Scale 1-10   
    fucking crackhead
  24. Funny
    Red got a reaction from Segal in On a Scale 1-10   
    fucking crackhead
  25. Funny
    Red got a reaction from Tatost in On a Scale 1-10   
    fucking crackhead