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Everything posted by Amymaniac

  1. congratulations everyone. welcome James to the Minecraft team!
  2. your experience is vital to help taking Minecraft forward, it is true I am overwhelmed with the issues the server is having and to be honest at a bit of a standstill at this point so somebody with not only experience in configuration but also in plugin creation is absolutely more than welcome on the team. I would love to work with both you and hina so together we can bring the minecraft server to what I envisioned it can be. so thats definitely a +1 from me.
  3. thats a weird bug I have no idea how or why that happened. Also atm I can't get into the ftp, console or permissions due to my computer exploding which had my passwords and everything stored on. In the process of getting the data from the hard drives asap so I will be unable to fix or work on anything for the next week or so. Also due to how long ago Atamo's bug happened I don't' think it would be fair to the other players to do a rollback, I will try to see if we can replace the items and chests somehow, I will talk with hina and see what we can do about it.
  4. sorry for the delay ata, me and hina have been so busy with server stuff and trying to fix things. in regards to your app. CONGRATULATIONS! Your Moderator Submission has been accepted! Please remember to be... -Active on teamspeak, forums and servers -a Positive role model to the other players in our servers -Taking initiative and making sure our servers are #1
  5. was happy to serve TF2 division thanks guys.
  6. Me and Hina have decided it is best we close the Minecraft server for the time being while we work on resolving the issues the server is having. Thank you for playing and we hope to bring you the server back soon working and fully updated. Your current accomplishments, currency, towns and equipment all remain safe and I will be taking the extra step of saving a local backup to my computer. I will post an announcement when Minecraft is working to the standards we are Xenogamers should be providing. Thank you.
  7. like I have said I am terribly sorry with the permission problems but its out of my control right now. I need to discuss a course of action with hina and silence on how we can resolve it. For now I am afraid you will have to play without the permissions. I can't even set the default group for guest so all guests have no permissions, server is not in a good state and I can't do anything on my end right now. and yes when everything else is fixed I will set up a mail system.
  8. ok guys I am going to have a long chat with silence sometime soon about this I am pretty sure the problems that keep cropping up are related to how we do the permissions, instead of editing the permissions config directly we go though a gui which silence made. I am sure theres an issue with the gui syncing with the server somewhere which is messing up peoples permissions. It could also be related to why people have their gold reset to 0 but that could be another issue related with a mysql database not syncing with the server. I'm not very tech savvy and this method of doing things for minecraft is all new to me since previously I have only worked with editing config files directly. but still I am sorry there is little I can do with the current problems with permissions. Believe me I am trying I can't see a thing wrong on the gui so it must be the connections, I will talk to silence and see what we can do.
  9. Hey guys. Some may have noticed my hours on TF2 have dropped well below the threshold for what is considered acceptable for staff. I have just lost the urge to play TF2 and with me only interested in playing DR anyway there is little more I can offer the division at this time. So I think it is best for myself and for the clan that I step down from my moderator position on TF2. I would like to put my full focus on my job as Minecraft DL and that takes most of my attention over being able to find that couple of hours a day to throw into TF2. I just can't handle both right now and would like to only focus on my more important role in the clan. I have enjoyed serving the TF2 division and can see DR is well looked after with the current staff regularly playing there. Thanks everyone and hope to see you on Minecraft! (y)
  10. I know the issue it will have given you only donator rank and taken your mod rank aswell. easy fix one sec. let me know if its still an issue, it should work though.
  11. now that donator packages are finished and fireworks are enabled again the next things I am going to be working on is an event hub with arenas for various events tbc. on top of that there will also be work beginning sometime on a secret project which will involve a fun additional way to obtain (and lose) credits, more on that at a later date! I will be posting various updates about the upcoming event hub as it gets developed, so stay tuned.
  12. Fireworks are now ENABLED. If any problems crop up with them feel free to contact myself or hina with any issues you may have. have fun.
  13. if it resets your name again, i'll try running some ingame commands to transfer your towns mayor to another user and then back to you to see if that works as a permanent fix if you have another player in your town ofcourse.
  14. I'm going to wait to see what others think. I personally think it would be a fun little touch and looks quite lightweight too. keep it mind when requesting plugins we need to keep them useful, fun and lightweight. We don't want to lag down the server with demanding plugins like flying zeppelins and stuff.
  15. I will take a look at it, I know if minimaps were allowed they should be server side so everyone is on even playing field with regards to pvp and such.
  16. I'm going to lower the price to make a town and increase the starting money so every new player can make a town. as for permissions I can't see anything wrong with them or why its not allowing /sethome to work. I can try to redo the entire guest permissions list to see if that fixes it.
  17. Donator Commands List: /uc menu - access the list of cosmetics menus /uc menu main - access the cosmetics main menu /backpack - access your expanded backpack and portable crafting table /nickname *name* - change in game name and colour (see guide above) /chatcolor - opens the GUI to change chat colour and format /sellblocks /selldecor /selldrops /sellnature /sellnether Opens up a GUI to sell items no matter where you are
  18. Mounts: Hypecart: $8 Snake: $8 Rudolph: $8 Infernal Horror: $10 Glacial Steed: $10 Walking Dead: $10 Mount of Fire: $10 Mount of Water: $10 Ecologist Horse: $10 Please note: These are NOT FOR SALE YET So dont be donating for these just yet :emoji_smile:
  19. Particle Effects: Rain Cloud: $2 Snow Cloud: $2 Frozen Walk: $2 Frost Lord: $4 Flame Rings: $4 Green Sparks: $4 Super Hero: $4 Santa Hat: $4 Blood Helix: $8 In Love: $8 Music: $8 Enchanted: $8 Inferno: $8 Angel Wings: $8 Crushed Candy Cane: $8 Ender Aura: $8 Flame Fairy: $8
  20. Gadgets: Blizzard Blaster: $2 Tsunami: $2 Fun Gun: $2 Bat Blaster: $4 Color Bomb: $4 Paintball gun: $4 Freeze Cannon: $4 Party Popper: $4 Chikenator: $8 Disco Ball: $8 Explosive Sheep: $8 Anti Gravity: $8 Smashdown: $8 Black Hole: $8 Parachute: $8 Ghost Party: $8 Christmas Tree: $8 Snowball: $8 Trampoline: $8
  21. Welcome to the Minecraft Real Money Store! aside from offering donator packages we are offering individual perks from the donator packages from as little as $2 for lifetime ownership of the perk. This is to offer something to players who want one or two things from the donator packages but do not want to purchase a full donator pack. Overall it is cheaper to buy a donator pack and upgrade it than to buy individual items here but like I have said this is intended for those that only want a couple of items to use. To purchase an item, make a donation the same way as you would buy a donator package and state in the message which perk you are buying, contact either me or Hina, provide us with proof of purchase and we will set up the item you purchased. >>>Click here to Donate<<< then add either: Amy: Steam Community :: ♥ aღy ♥ Hina: Steam Community :: Hina-san The Minecraft Real Money Store: Pets: Piggy: $2 Sheep: $2 Cow: $2 Chick: $2 Easter Bunny: $4 Kitty: $4 Dog: $4 Mooshroom: $8 Christmas Elf: $8 Rename Pet Ability: $10
  22. I will be taking the town down and keeping only the materials myself and my residents earned, we will be relocating to a new location and starting fresh without aid of creative mode.
  23. I've already been in discussion with this with Aegean and came to an agreement about using my creative for only community projects. regarding the other topic in question. I have many chat logs of certain members including healix disrespecting me. One of these members has been recently caught exploiting the store for credits. Every time I have been playing I have had certain members displaying disrespect towards me and repeated trolling which is getting very childish and annoying. Hence my grow up comment. The kick was for ignoring warnings on attitude regarding admin disrespect, You need to stop with the attitude because a ban will be next. You know who you are. Also I have been working very hard with getting donator ready, I can't be answering every players questions while I am not even tabbed into the game because I have my head in the ftp. People need to be patient if I do not reply straight away, I dont see how this is an issue its common sense if I am busy I can not help can I?
  24. I will go over and update them later.
  25. Minecraft Donator packages are out! Contact me for further details.