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  1. Like
    Dannypicacho reacted to Vertex in GMOD Suggestion Thread!   
    There is a ton of custom player models on the xG Morbus server. You can quickly open the pointshop menu, to find ones you like.
    Any server operator can mount this workshop file and contact myself on steam for the lua files to the pointshop menu. 
    Steam Workshop :: XenoGamers PointShop Pack
  2. Make xG Great Again
    Dannypicacho reacted to Tekk in In Regards To TF2's Future   
    As of recent, as you all know, the TF2 Divison has been struggling a lot recently. It is as a result of multiple reasons, one being a lack of motivation from us which has resulted in the game feeling stale, even on xG. However, Seg's demotion has been a massive wake-up call to Caleb and I who are now going to be working harder than ever before in order to return TF2 to its former glory.
    We have been discussing things recently and have decided that we are going to do a rework of the rules, coming up with ideas for plugins to keep the game fresh and hope to make our servers better than ever before. We will try to keep you all updated as much as possible as a result of there being previous complaints about lack of communication between the TF2 Higherups and the Community.
    If anyone has any suggestions whatsoever, please let us know here.
    Please don't go anywhere; there's much more to come and lots of fun to be had! Let's bring TF2 back.
    Edit of 7/18: Thank you to everyone for your feedback and encouragement. You've been a lot of help. Any further suggestions you might have, redirect to here.
  3. Winner
    Dannypicacho reacted to Lithium in SegFault   
  4. Thinking
    Dannypicacho reacted to ScottNi in Lottamos - Counter-Strike   
    You have to be member to vouch on applications
  5. Dislike
    Dannypicacho reacted to Lottamos in Lottamos - Counter-Strike   
    +1 Rad dude with a good tude.
    A: enough 
    M: 11/10
  6. RIP
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from Igorekvup in What's your favorite drink?   
    My favourite alcoholic drink is being a good child of the LORD and not drinking ??
    Sprite is the best drink don't @ me
  7. Agree
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from PolarCoded in JohnGalt !!!!!!!!!!   
    I wish he didn't
  8. Agree
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from Tatost in JohnGalt !!!!!!!!!!   
    I wish he didn't
  9. Agree
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from DepressedNeonNepp in JohnGalt !!!!!!!!!!   
    I wish he didn't
  10. Like
    Dannypicacho reacted to hongkongatron in PC or Laptop   
    as someone who was stuck on a laptop for ages, im never going back. pc > laptop for life
  11. Drunk
    Dannypicacho reacted to TAoWHunter in SegFault   

    Very cool girl, follows the rules and is F.U.N
    F is for friends who do things together, U is for U and meeeeeee. N is for Nyone anytime at all, down here in the deep blue seaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

    M:9-Cause you did something to me...
  12. Thinking
    Dannypicacho reacted to Aegean in News post, What works easier   
    We wanted to know everyone's opinion as Virr and I are split on the decision regarding what time news posts should be.

    I personally thought the first day of every month is much easier to track, and that way I can theme the monthly newsletter as the month they are being posted on. I do not want to post an October event on September etc. I also do not want the monthly news post potentially changing between being in the beginning, middle, or end of the month.
    Virr's opinion is to have it every 4 weeks, that way it doesn't collide on the same week as Promo-Demo, gives you something to look forward towards every 4th week as people are hyped biweekly from promo/demo, and gives us only 1 week of no content in a 4 week span.
    Thanks for leaving your opinions! 
  13. Sad
    Dannypicacho reacted to james8470 in bye   
  14. Furry
    Dannypicacho reacted to jaygoki in xG Meetup Chicago???   
    what is this thread
  15. Optimistic
    Dannypicacho reacted to Red in Explaining myself   
  16. Ding!
    Dannypicacho reacted to Egossi in Explaining myself   
    inb4 goodbye thread (leaving permanently for life forever for good indefinitely until the end of time unchangingly everlastingly enduringly eternally evermore in perpetuity this time (never coming back (literally (actually (100% safe crack working 2013))))) 
  17. Make xG Great Again
    Dannypicacho reacted to ScottNi in Explaining myself   
    I almost LOL'd while reading this! Have a good day nice commenter.
  18. Ding!
    Dannypicacho reacted to you get a gold star ⭐ in Hey guys   
    Tf2 div is deader than ever so I hope you’re csgo div
  19. Feels Bad Man
    Dannypicacho reacted to Jadow in Hey guys   
    @Dannypicacho hasn't finished his map.
  20. Thinking
    Dannypicacho reacted to ScottNi in enable more guns on scrim server   
    but people use the ak in ten mans that doesn't mean we should ban it?
  21. Are You Insane
    Dannypicacho reacted to yadingo in Pepper   
    +1 Why not lol
  22. Boring
    Dannypicacho reacted to nuen in xG Meetup Chicago???   
    shut up, i came out of chicago and im the ultimate lifeform
  23. Agree
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from nuen in PolarCoded   
    is this even english
  24. Bad Spelling
    Dannypicacho reacted to MinerTeddy in enable more guns on scrim server   
    Regarding Negevs:
    Unbanning them won't kill the scrim playerbase. In the event there is a magical amount of fun-killing abuse, then people will just agree to stop using Negevs or soft ban it in agreement beforehand; scrims won't suddenly die because people are incapable of agreement. To "abuse" a Negev, you literally have to echolocate yourself for about 15 bullets and stay vulnerable in a slow, crawling approach to retain its laser accuracy. If players are inept enough to not be able to fire at an essentially still target, they should honestly improve. Negevs are easily countered by waiting out bullets (through smokes/wallbangs/aggressive prefiring) and by not standing as still as possible into bullets which you should be easily aware of if you possess two eyes and ears (sorry @Rabid). In terms of the newer/worse players, they would have likely died either way, and isn't it already not fun to be completely trashed by the better players? There isn't really a noticeable difference in enjoyment until you're able to actually kill anyone, and dying to a Negev, getting one-tapped by an AK, or dying to an AWP aren't very different in that regard. There are far more annoying guns and situations to die to/in, and if anyone were to be genuinely angered by a Negev they shouldn't be playing a videogame which you die to death in. If we wanted to unban them with restrictions, there was literally a gamemode which limited the amount of times a gun could be purchased, and if that's unable to be smoothly implemented there are plugin options.
    Regarding Zeese:
    No money gained for a kill and you deserved to die scrublord, just hug corners less :^)
    Regarding Autos:
    Is really only strong in one-by-one peeks or weak rushes with low player awareness. The AWP easily outperforms it offensively and defensively, and a worse player who uses an auto would likely end up in a still, vulnerable position. Either way, you're going to die to a scope, run back, or kill them. It's not much different in the role of an AWP except that it allows people more forgiveness for a miss.
    Again, +1 to all. Don't BabyRage because you die in a video game :^)
  25. Furry
    Dannypicacho reacted to virr in ianisbiggey - Counter-Strike   
    dms sleeping zzzzzzzzz

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