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2 hours ago, Lottamos said:

Although improvement is a great way to judge someone’s maturity and qualifications for member, going from out of this world toxic to extremely toxic is not good. Bro you brag about how toxic you are and how much fun it is for you to be toxic and ruin people’s fun. No way in hell I’d +1 this app. So what if you know the rules. Just cause you don’t break the jailbreak rules doesn’t mean that your qualified for member. Maybe like let the t’s do something that’s fun instead of farming points for yourself. 

+1 to getting your points reset so that you stop farming them

-1 to member



Couldn't have said it any better 

(Except about resetting the points)



2 hours ago, Lottamos said:

Although improvement is a great way to judge someone’s maturity and qualifications for member, going from out of this world toxic to extremely toxic is not good. Bro you brag about how toxic you are and how much fun it is for you to be toxic and ruin people’s fun. No way in hell I’d +1 this app. So what if you know the rules. Just cause you don’t break the jailbreak rules doesn’t mean that your qualified for member. Maybe like let the t’s do something that’s fun instead of farming points for yourself. 

+1 to getting your points reset so that you stop farming them

-1 to member



Couldn't have said it any better