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Currency System on CS:S xG Jailbait server

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Well basically you have to link ur steam acc to xG website then once u get money u can type !hub or !store then u can buy stuff with th money u earn or pick up...Such as Hats,Trails,Tracers,and so on...And u can wear them on ur character

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Currency is easy one you have linked your accounts.

At the top left of this page click "Sign in with steam" After you have signed in with steam, your forum account is now linked with your steam account. You then go in game and type in !hub. It should say how many credits you have. You get 1 credit per minute for playing (Not in spec). When someone dies they drop a dollar bill and you can pick that up. In chat it should say something along the lines of "You have picked up "Warriorsfury's" dollar! you have gained 1 credit!" Or something like that. Other then that you can donate to the css division where $1 = 1,000 credits. With credits type in !hub to buy cool things such as tracers, trails, hats, glasses and a lot of other cool items.

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Currency is easy one you have linked your accounts.


Pretty much summed it up in a easy to understand manner. Someone close this thread?


Cough @@Neo Cough

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