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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/13 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Joshi3 - Counter-Strike: Source

    i've been a member twice I have a pretty good standing in my opinion and I was gone for over a year so then why pull this shit the first day back, you gotta ease into it man, you cant just rawdog a bitch without givin her some tongue first to loosen that shit up
  2. 3 points

    PuppyLuv - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 whenever you warden, all people do is complain about your voice, and then mods have to tell them to shut the fuck up, because it's "disrespecting" You also constantly talk over people, active warden included, screaming the most random bullshit. And whenever you're warden and you call "talk over warden you're a rebel" and you would kill people talking over you AS you called the order. Yesterday I pressed the voice chat button for a literal second, didn't even say anything, and you killed me.
  3. 3 points

    Donator Privileges

  4. 2 points

    Rulebreakers beware.

    Finally found a balance between my personal life and XenoGamers, so expect to see me far more active in the CS:S Division. Just thought I'd let everyone know! Let the good times rooooooooll. - Dat guy, Forest
  5. 2 points

    (movetobanprotest) Trinindol

    I don't agree with [nor condone] mass intentional freekilling. Whether it was for shits and giggles, or done upon a "no balls" request, the intention to do it was there. You're a great guy Trin, but I made a recent vow to treat every Ban Protest with the unbiased truth of the matter at hand. You Intentionally mass freekilled, you knew the consequences of your actions (as do most who do it) yet you continued to do so. Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not spiting you in any way, I'm just doing my job as part of the Staff of XenoGamers. My decision is a -1, as will it be with any other player/member who is naive enough to mass freekill and expect to be unbanned. If you people want to carry on this legacy of the "But this guy did this and got away with it" then you might as well remove permanent bans. Hell, you might as well not deal out punishments while you're at it. Regarding this ordeal of "Warrior freesmited @all, why shouldn't he be punished?", to that, I say the following, as I did in a previous thread: At this rate, the more you unban permanent CT bans that are perfectly valid, the more you're implying "It's okay to mass freekill only once, everyone gets the one free of charge and won't be punished." - Dat guy, Forest
  6. 2 points

    (movetobanprotest) Trinindol

    re-apply and I'll +1.
  7. 2 points

    Shut up Chilled wren

    What is considered disrespect: If a player makes serious threats relating to the opposing users life, internet, or status in Xeno Gamers. Ignoring higher-uppers in Xeno Gamers when it relates to the rules that correspond to the server that user is on. What is not considered disrespect The frustrated occasional cuss words. Everyone gets annoyed when playing video games. Arguing over map choice. Attempting to state your opinion in a non-malicious way. Swearing is not malicious in anyway. What is considered disrespect: If a player makes serious threats relating to the opposing users life, internet, or status in Xeno Gamers. Ignoring higher-uppers in Xeno Gamers when it relates to the rules that correspond to the server that user is on. What is not considered disrespect The frustrated occasional cuss words. Everyone gets annoyed when playing video games. Arguing over map choice. Attempting to state your opinion in a non-malicious way. Swearing is not malicious in anyway.
  8. 2 points

    Rulebreakers beware.

    +1 for 3 year ban.
  9. 1 point

    Custom Join messages

    I think we really should have custom join messages (that chrono and bleed already have) for donors too. It would encourage more people to donate and it doesnt really hurt anyone to have a custom join message.
  10. 1 point

    PuppyLuv - Counter-Strike: Source

    Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: ♡❤PuppyLuv❤♡ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:44613559 Information: I am sorry for mass free killing. I thought it was an invalid free day, and I shot those who shot guns and where knifing people. I would like a shortened ban because I wasn't listening to Wardens orders. I know what I did was wrong because I didn't mean to kill all those T's.
  11. 1 point
    I just want bombs back. Please. Even just in game currency or something. :/
  12. 1 point

    Stepping down for DM

    Whats the point when theres no hub? Fk it i'm stepping down. /end of story P.S don't know if this is the right section but YOLO DOUBLE P.S. reason is hub and hmmm really haven't done anything with CS:S so yoro.
  13. 1 point

    Donator Privileges

    yo I noticed that the cs:s jailbreak server doesn't have donator privileges anymore why is this I miss being colorful
  14. 1 point

    Joshi3 - Counter-Strike: Source

    Well mass freshooting is about a day or two, (depending on the severity), mass baiting is a day, so i say maybe a 3 day CT Ban or so 4320 i think is the time for 3 days, if my math is right. +1 to shorten to another day or 3
  15. 1 point

    A Few Things I've Noticed

    Jay breeze 4 co
  16. 1 point

    Joshi3 - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 For unban. I don't think that a week is too long. Who did he kill? Nobody. I have seen admins run into a stack too and at most they are slain.
  17. 1 point

    Joshi3 - Counter-Strike: Source

    sorry your profile picture is a naruto meme im having trouble taking you seriously i did it to make people laugh people laughed good enough for me
  18. 1 point

    (movetobanprotest) Trinindol

    I think I actually had a demo of when he did this... I could upload it when I get off work. If I rememb right, someone was noballsing someone to mass fk and they ended up not doing it. The next round or so Trin said "this is how you do It" and mowed down most of the Ts.
  19. 1 point

    (movetobanprotest) Trinindol

    Still holder of my tree saplings
  20. 1 point

    (movetobanprotest) Trinindol

    At this rate, the more you unban permanent CT bans that are perfectly valid, the more you're implying "It's okay to mass freekill only once, everyone gets the one free of charge and won't be punished." - Dat guy, Forest i still lov u bb
  21. 1 point

    PuppyLuv - Counter-Strike: Source

    i already said that hoe
  22. 1 point

    PuppyLuv - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 #puppy4co
  23. 1 point

    (movetobanprotest) Trinindol

    And also Muffin not everyone is unbanned, most arn't maybe if you spent time in our division you would know that, but since you obviously dont you should probably STAY THE FUCK OUT. Btw changing my +1 so it makes more sense +1 because trin is a good ct i've known him for a LOOOOOONG ass time and ik personaly that he will never do it again. Shortned ban Yeah you are right Kirito not everyone is unbanned. Just everyone who has ever made a unban protest is unbanned (for the most part).
  24. 1 point

    It was fun

    *high pitched voice* My name is leotekk and im .
  25. 1 point

    (movetobanprotest) Trinindol

    Well I guess if you made the decision to mass freekill you deserve a ban for it. However, since you're being honest I don't think it should be perm. From what I can tell you don't intend to break server rules again, but if you do you can expect a *perm* ctban or a server ban. +1 for change from perm to a week/ time ban of Div Manager's choice
  26. 1 point

    (movetobanprotest) Trinindol

    +1 for shorten by the way, trinidol is one of the only good CTs
  27. 1 point

    (movetobanprotest) Trinindol

    Warrior, im half doing this because you brought it up and half doing it because its true If you think that since one person is banned for doing the same thing and anyone else should get the same time for doing it, then you should still be perm'd, as stated by the unban reason on the bans.xenogamers thing, its because you were begging serbian and poncher to unban you, which happened less than a day after, and only demoted once. Steam Community :: Group :: DemoteWarrior2013 New campaign started by Diabeetus
  28. 1 point

    (movetobanprotest) Trinindol

    It would be perm if it's a mass freekill either way. Doesn't matter if it's under no balls or not lol.. Any mass freekills are perm. I personally don't believe that unintentional mass's should be perm, but this was fully intentional and you knew the consequences of your actions.
  29. 1 point

    (movetobanprotest) Trinindol

    So we're just gonna use that excuse for every single mass freekill? Yes he mass smited and its obviously up to debate whether his punishment was sufficient enough, but you can't just use that to justify every single mass freekill. We might as well just have every regular on xG massfreekill and then !unban @all with that same excuse.
  30. 1 point

    (movetobanprotest) Trinindol

    Look at new post
  31. 1 point

    colored text

    A little preview of what I'm testing
  32. 1 point

    Custom Join messages

    I wouldn't mind having server access I am fluent in C++, HTTP, Java, www. and many other internetz codez
  33. 1 point

    Donator Privileges

    It has been down for a few months. And unless im wrong silence said he is not working on it. Only working on tf2. So unless we find someone to code it we are not going to have hub.
  34. 1 point

    Shut up Chilled wren

    OMG Tree posted something important. I think hes mad. Kids be carfuel.
  35. 1 point
    Development: 5% Creativity, 95% debugging.
  36. 1 point

    Shut up Chilled wren

  37. 1 point

    Rulebreakers beware.

    +1 fuck bitches get money forest
  38. 1 point

    Joshi3 - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 bigger dick than rabid.
  39. 1 point
    +1 even tho he smells like butthole he knows the motd he has changed he calls warden alot :) A 8/10 M 8/10
  40. 1 point

    Rulebreakers beware.

  41. 1 point

    Joshi3 - Counter-Strike: Source

    +1 cut him some slack he's not the only one :)
  42. 1 point

    Joshi3 - Counter-Strike: Source

    gg gg gg g gg g gg ggg +1 doesnt need to be a week.
  43. 1 point

    A Few Things I've Noticed

    You guys argue about the stupidest shit, so much hostility in a community is not a good thing
  44. 1 point
    the rule will be removed, dont complain when u get demoted for not being on teamspeak though -sealed away in the last great time war
  45. 1 point

    colored text

    o well then HUB WE NEED YOU
  46. 1 point

    Custom Join messages

    +1 to be honest we should add a !store plugin for csgo only server side, play time = credits, give aways etc
  47. 1 point

    One more problem

    you have a 14 year old kid that is power hungry and is gets what he wants or he gets all pissed off just think its sad.
  48. 1 point
    It was a justified slay. I watched the demo from @@Matsi where @@Kirito slayed you on Electric Razor, and it was valid. You didn't follow the wardens orders to go open cells, so you were slain. Valid slay.
  49. 1 point
    So first off: 1) abuse thread over one freeslay wtf? 2) You had PLENTY of time to go open cells as you were asked at 7:20-7:25. 3) I laughed at your talk over warden thing. Secondly @@MineCrack GROW THE FUCK UP. One freeslay and you make an abuse thread
  50. 0 points

    Custom Join messages

    @@Chrono's too busy lifting. @@Bleed's too busy breaking. WHO'S LEFT?!? Let the super @@mtown81 have access and configure some shit with CS:GO JB files and maybe... just maybe he can stir up something greater than !hub or !store... !universe :eek: (Just kidding don't do that, say peace-out to all the servers & your homes if you do)
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