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  1. Like
    Red got a reaction from Caribou in Favorite thing about xG   
    bullying people on tgh 
  2. Gross
    Red reacted to Arnude in Favorite thing about xG   
    How I can call a staff member gay on TF2 and they'll agree. 
  3. RIP
    Red reacted to Kypari in Red   
    Closed at request of OP because he's a troll. i HATE trolls.
    - Closed
  4. Losing It
    Red reacted to ScottNi in Goldfish/lottamos   
    Aswell I want to bring what @Dannypicacho  said here into this discussion as I think he made several valid points. I couldnt quote cause lithium already closed the thread so I copy and pasted four paragraphs you can check the rest at his mod submission.
    "First off, goldfish has problems with some members, one of the main ones being @ScottNi. There's been many times where goldfish has complained about scott for something that goldfish was wrong about, and tried to get him banned for a hypothetical HE made up. In this same incident, after being told by several members, mods, admins, the division leader, and even a community manager that he was wrong and he should drop it, he continued to INSIST that he was right, and only stopped after his mute. I can easily see goldfish's punishments being more severe and biased against the poor souls whom the almighty goldfish does not find pleasing. He would be insanely power hungry and most likely abuse the hell out of his powers. He seems to think anytime he dies is a freekill and there would be a lot of people getting falsely slayed. This is the exact kind of behavior I get from JohnGalt42. 
    Goldfish also has problems with common sense. There have been countless times where he makes a statement that is just plain wrong or debates on something while being hugely misinformed. He can never admit he is wrong and seems to not actually fully understand the rules of the server. He has issues with understanding basic things and has a bad grasp on reality. He has people issues and has a very hard time making relationships which is a problem and not something we want out of a moderator representing the clan. He whines about everything and in general has a thing for trouble.
    Goldfish, you yourself need to understand that there is always room for improvement but you need to actually act on it, because we're not just going to suddenly like you for no reason, you have to try and become a likeable person. Stop being a troll.
    Lastly, you're extremely annoying and immature, yet self aware. I'm not just saying this like some middle school girl or older sister who needs a reason to hate someone, I'm saying this because you are the definition of annoying. I don't care about your voice, there are people who have voices ten times worse than yours where I would rather stab myself than hear them, but you are something different. I don't want to stab myself hearing your voice, I want to stab myself hearing your arguments and accusations. You seem to purposely annoy people and also feed off of it. Everything we tell you not to do or how to improve, you take it and pull it inside out. The worst part of this is that you know full well that everybody finds you annoying and continue to annoy people as an attempt at a "funny" reaction. 
    The biggest factor of my -1 is that you don't try to improve and you are a huge troll. You made this app after being told you would get -1'd to hell and also being told your flaws, and you did it anyways. You knew you weren't going to get accepted, and just by looking at the description of your mod app I can easily tell you did this as another attempt to troll us. I don't even understand how you got MEMBER, probably because Lithium did it out of pity. A colossal portion of the community doesn't seem to enjoy your presence, and you abuse this by making it worse. You're like a little cousin who knows he's annoying and just to be a little devil acts abnormally annoying to piss everyone off like if they fed off of anger."
  5. Agree
    Red reacted to Aegean in Goldfish/lottamos   
    This is becoming extremely petty, regardless of what you think of Goldfish, being annoying isn't enough of a contributing factor to remove his membership. I also have been in discord multiple times where you all egg on Goldfish and when he says something back in frustration, you all gang up on him. 

    @Lottamos I'm telling you right now, you seriously also need to improve your attitude. I know you're young but you should seriously consider improving your attitude and not trying to make everything into an argument.

    Unless Lithium thinks this has any validity, I'm closing this thread for now.
  6. Losing It
    Red reacted to ScottNi in Goldfish/lottamos   
    I mean not alot of it is proof. He is pretty toxic all the time but here are some screenshots of the hour long event i mentioned earlier
    Aswell this is about me. Not that Im butthurt over this situation its just probably some of the best "proof" i guess you could want.
  7. Make xG Great Again
    Red reacted to Tatost in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    90% of the unlockable items are absolute garbage not gonna lie. Just use stock most of the time and you should be fine, everything else is situational.
    Just recently they made it so only furries can get staff in the TF2 Div. If you wanna be a staff member you're gonna have to buy a fursuit.
  8. Sad
    Red got a reaction from Sodium in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   

  9. Sad
    Red got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   

  10. Like
    Red reacted to Genocide in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    r.i.p. Orr he got seduced to the furry porn. Damn, we lost him. +1 to ban all TF2 players so we have no more furries. This is Sickening.
  11. Are You Insane
    Red reacted to 0rr in Going to try TF2 Tommarow   
    Just wanted to make the post and ask any tips on how to play? I touched this game once on another account months ago and didn't even know you can do community servers. Still will play CS though like always. 
  12. Salty
    Red reacted to Owlknight_ in Lottamos   
    -1 I've seen this kid once on the TF2 surf server, he makes me want choke myself. I don't even know how he got member from how he acted there, he was trying to bait me and the other staff into thinking that he wasn't a member. I actually believed he wasn't a member due to how immature he acted by him constantly trolling us. I feel bad for the people on CS:GO who have to deal with him, especially the staff.
  13. Winner
    Red reacted to jaygoki in Lottamos   
    As opposed to everyone here (except tope), I'm going to give legitimate reasons for dropping a -1 rather than just saying "hehe fuck goldfish -1."
    Even just from this application alone, it's clear that you can't take a staff position seriously. You're one of the least mature members I've ever encountered in all of my years active in this clan, which includes the likes of Snackbar and that one 14 year old tf2 girl that got permed (kittylicious I think?). You constantly harass people that you don't like (ScottNi, just for example), you tend to become very hostile and, while I hate using the word, toxic when you get upset. For fuck's sake, you still scream into your mic when something happens that you don't like. In addition, you like to pick arguments with not only other people, but other staff members, and you like to nit pick rules just to try to get other people in trouble. You have a tendency to hold grudges/not drop an argument that has already been resolved. Honestly, I'm still not convinced that you are knowledgeable on all the rules yet. 
    You have a lot of things to work on. 
  14. Winner
    Red reacted to Jadow in Lottamos   
    +1 "Silence is the person marrying Rhododendron right?" - Goldfish
  15. Make xG Great Again
    Red reacted to Lottamos in Lottamos   
    Counter-Strike In-Game Name
    Goldfish Identity
    STEAM_0:1:126412160 Position
    Moderator Time Active on Servers
    226 hours Information
    I think I should be a mod because I am on when a lot of mods/admin aren't, I also am a great babysitter, and finally, I am mature, fun to be around, and well liked. I know all the rules and am very active. If it was up to me it would be a hard +1. I'm all set up to be the perfect mod.
  16. Bad Spelling
    Red reacted to Lottamos in Minecraft Server   
    Seems like to much trouble. The chances of a xG minecraft server getting big enough to have constant active lobbies is slim especially because people already have there servers to play on. Even if we had 24 people constantly playing HG that means once you die you wait for the round to be over witch seems tedious. 
  17. Like
    Red reacted to Tatost in Minecraft Server   
    I think he was joking LOL
  18. Funny
    Red got a reaction from Tatost in Red   
    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name
    red Identity
    STEAM_0:1:52947739 Position
    Moderator Time Active on Servers
    check gameMe B) Information
    Totally not meme thread. ?
    I believe I can be an exceptional moderator for the xg servers. I'm deeply loyal to the rules and I stand against any human being who threatens the well being of it's foundation. I also adore pointing out and exploiting fraudulent players / abusers who want to pollute the TF2 atmosphere with greed and corruption.
    I'd like to thank @SegFault for recommending me for staff. My TF2 debut starts on the 25th of October so I'm a free man from the broken system.
    - red
  19. Make xG Great Again
    Red got a reaction from Goblins in Red   
    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name
    red Identity
    STEAM_0:1:52947739 Position
    Moderator Time Active on Servers
    check gameMe B) Information
    Totally not meme thread. ?
    I believe I can be an exceptional moderator for the xg servers. I'm deeply loyal to the rules and I stand against any human being who threatens the well being of it's foundation. I also adore pointing out and exploiting fraudulent players / abusers who want to pollute the TF2 atmosphere with greed and corruption.
    I'd like to thank @SegFault for recommending me for staff. My TF2 debut starts on the 25th of October so I'm a free man from the broken system.
    - red
  20. Furry
    Red got a reaction from Thorax_ in Red   
    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name
    red Identity
    STEAM_0:1:52947739 Position
    Moderator Time Active on Servers
    check gameMe B) Information
    Totally not meme thread. ?
    I believe I can be an exceptional moderator for the xg servers. I'm deeply loyal to the rules and I stand against any human being who threatens the well being of it's foundation. I also adore pointing out and exploiting fraudulent players / abusers who want to pollute the TF2 atmosphere with greed and corruption.
    I'd like to thank @SegFault for recommending me for staff. My TF2 debut starts on the 25th of October so I'm a free man from the broken system.
    - red
  21. Feels Bad Man
    Red reacted to ABlueSkittle123 in Texting and Driving   
    Well, what can I say? Today on may way to get a flu-shot someone was texting and driving and collided into my family's car. Luckily my family wasn't hurt at all however, I was. My arm got a bit messed up but I am lucky enough to be able to get it back into shape in just two days. I will still be able to play on servers however most likely not be able to do much. The best I could do is stop mic-spammers/spammers in chat. Ill still do my best but don't be surprised if I am a bit slow to react to something while I am on the server. This is just my little forum post to allow for everyone to know why I may be a bit inactive for this weekend and or be a bit slow to react to situations in which I need to mute, gag, kick, etc. Thanks for reading and please never text while driving. 
  22. Blaze It
    Red got a reaction from SegFault in Red   
    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name
    red Identity
    STEAM_0:1:52947739 Position
    Moderator Time Active on Servers
    check gameMe B) Information
    Totally not meme thread. ?
    I believe I can be an exceptional moderator for the xg servers. I'm deeply loyal to the rules and I stand against any human being who threatens the well being of it's foundation. I also adore pointing out and exploiting fraudulent players / abusers who want to pollute the TF2 atmosphere with greed and corruption.
    I'd like to thank @SegFault for recommending me for staff. My TF2 debut starts on the 25th of October so I'm a free man from the broken system.
    - red
  23. Like
    Red reacted to Dannypicacho in Official Skribbl.io Division   
    For a while we've been playing skribbl.io, a game where people draw and others guess what they're drawing. It's a very fun game, I think we need to turn it into a division.
    Can we get a role on discord for the skribblers?
  24. Like
    Red reacted to SegFault in tree_   
    My friend, I love you to death. You are an absolutely awesome dude, a supportive friend, and a good player. That being said, I don't feel like you show those sides of yourself on the server. You need to open up to the community in game a bit more and greet people with a smile instead of a troll Lenny bind or going mute when others are around! Knowing you personally and knowing you on servers is what makes this hard, I believe you have potential to be a great mod, but i'm not sure if now is the best time until you can break out of your shell a bit on server. 
    For now i'm going to stay neutral.
    P.s. Tree, keep trying and you will get it, you've already come a crazy long way from 6 months ago :^)
  25. Like
    Red reacted to Arthman in Minecraft Server   
    Don`t worry about that. I`m starting to set up multiverse tonight, i`ll get the basics down and then I`ll probably push a prod server on my personal machine for the time being.
    I`ll have to properly research and test for Pixelmon in a multi-verse, given that pixelmon`s latest build seems to be on 1.12...
    I'll get a skyblock (coop no FF) working, a towny (FF allowed depending on the zone) and a factions running ASAP, then test the water for more mods.