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Posts posted by Tatost

  1. 24 minutes ago, Brady1780 said:

    there are no unwarning challenges so idk if I can help with that

    the fact that you've been warned that many times (many of them for racist/bigoted comments and the like) means you should have been banned a long fucking time ago, but no one ever checks history before punishing

  2. I wouldn't enforce anything that's too lengthy or strict, because we can't forget that moderating our servers isn't a job, it's volunteer work. They don't get paid to spend their time on the servers dealing with jackasses, it really wouldn't be fair to them if we try to enforce lengthy hours on top of their everyday regime. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be a time "requirement", but just try to keep in mind that the staff do what they do because their nice enough to devote some of their free time to helping out the community. Whatever you guys think is suitable will probably be fine, but don't think people don't want to do real life things too.

  3. 10 hours ago, WubbaLubbaDubDu said:

    imageproxy.php?img=&key=2323e751061330c2I'm just gonna plop this here for safe keeping and future blackmail endeavors



    this was so long ago, why do you still have these pictures lmfao

  4. To be completely honest, the outlawing of soundboards/voice changers was always a bit of an odd rule. As long as they aren't playing ear rape and make it impossible for other people to even have a conversation over mic, I don't see a problem with it.

  5. My one and only suggestion for the TF2 div is to keep your staff informed. I've seen time and time again that staff members are enforcing rules that no longer exist/have never existed. Before someone asks me to provide an example- "no spoilers"- I've had one too many players talking to me about how staff members have been enforcing the no spoilers rule, that was dropped just a few weeks after the release of Endgame. It's no wonder that the players bite the hand that feeds them, especially when they feed them moderation that's even worse than the medicine your mom tries to get you to take when you're a little kid.

    @Tekk I don't feel like I really need to tell you this, but as the sole higher up for TF2, you should not only look at possible applicants for higher up positions among your current staff team, but among the members as well. This isn't me saying that your current staff team don't have the ability to run the servers well- just that there are probably people better suited for higher up positions among the general populace. It doesn't hurt to keep an eye open for any individuals among our members who have some potential to make the servers more enjoyable.

  6. 42 minutes ago, onlyalittlegay said:

    We'll definitely look into modded minecraft, but for now, it seems that people are wanting towny. If there is overwhelming support for modded I'm sure we can work towards developing it while the current server is up.

    Towny/Factions/Vanilla all get really bland really fast. You guys apparently never realize how quickly the population spikes then drops because you've done the exact same thing multiple times already. Way too much wait, not a lot to back it up once the server is out. You guys will 100% see a huge drop in players soon because reaching endgame in these modes is so easy it's insane. Start the server with one big mod, then slowly cycle through to fresh mods once people have run out of things to do other than sit and afk farm.

  7. 3 hours ago, hongkongatron said:


    Idk if you're tagging me to let me know or if you want me to post mine as well. My name comes from a joke with an old friend, I've had it since late 2015, really not much to the story. Since I very seldom see the old friend online anymore I tend to change my name around but usually end up going back to "tatost" or "matt".