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Posts posted by Bags

  1. Make the revolver actually fire where you aim it so there is no rng in it.

    Make fully charged sniper bodyshots scale to 100 but keep the headshot scaling the same.

    Remove vaccinator’s passive resistance when healing and make it only have 2 charges instead of 4.

    Make minisentries cost 110 ammo and not movable.

    Make natascha a minigun reskin.

    Change the sticky bomb launcher so that it sticks to its original purpose; you can detonate stickies after 4 seconds of shooting them out.

    Make scorch shot into a flare gun reskin.

    Direct hit meatshots should deal 110 damage so it can’t one shot.

    Mad milk heals for 75% less of what it heals for right now.


  2. 5 minutes ago, Dannypicacho said:

    Holy shit why is it so early in the morning 

    So every team will be able to play since I feel it will go on for a few hours and it won't be too late at night so Europeans can play in the tourney. But we can make it be at 1 or 2 pm est actually.

  3. jump_destination


    Dev-styled intermediate soldier map.... A Team Fortress 2 (TF2) Map in the Jump category, by sitood

    T3-4 Soldier map Complete remake of destination i've been working on for too long. Jumps 2, 3, 8, 10, 12, 13 have been


    literally the best map ever made and not because I am in the top 10 for time on the bonus ?

    Both links are different versions of destination but are basically completely different maps. I recommend both of them.

  4. Just now, Kypari said:

    In terms of actual prizes we could throw in some credits and items. Here's to competitive event actually happening for the 3rd time, but I guess 3rd time's a charm

    That would be awesome. Here is to hoping it work out lol.

  5. So on December 29th at 11 am EST there will be a 6s tournament on xG's stock server.

    The rules for it are simple, have a team of 6-10 people; 6 starters and 0-4 subs. If you don't have enough players to play when it is your turn to fight, you will just 

    To make it simple, each team will consist of 2 soldiers, 2 scouts, 1 medic and 1 demoman. One person from each team should post their team name and team players before December 22nd so brackets can be made.

    You can take your time to come up with teams since the event will start in a month and a half. Winners will get bragging rights of being the best players on xG.

  6. My new mouse that I just started using for the past 2 months is the logitech g305, it is mid range in price, it is ambidexterous, comfortable in hand for claw grip or claw palm hybrid grip, it has rgb but I have it turned off and the best part of the mouse is that it's wireless but it is lighter than majority of wired gaming mice (80-85 g) and the weight is balanced. Also, it has no input lag like other wireless gaming mouse have.

    Others recommend the g502 but imo that mouse is only good for people with palm grip which isn't that ideal for fps and on top of that, it is a pretty heavy mouse at 120 g.

  7. 20 years old and applied to a bunch of medical schools recently. I doubt I'll get in this year since I rushed all my shit; shitty applications and average on the MCAT (only studied 4 weeks prior). But my gpa is up there so I should eventually get into a medical school. It depends on when I do well on my MCAT haha

  8. 10 hours ago, Deko said:


    I would 100% wear this. I prefer the Ghastlierest Gibus though.

    Did you make that in sfm? It hontestly looks a lot better than I expected. I really want it now lol.