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  1. Bad Spelling
    Dannypicacho reacted to Roy in Hey everyone I'm back and better   

    Welcome back, Pear. I hope you last long in the server and the discord without saying the “N-word”. I hope you have fun doing sideways bhop again. Also. Word of advice, if you really want to say the n-word, just say, “Fuck Danny”....
  2. Thinking
    Dannypicacho reacted to Rabid in Hey everyone I'm back and better   
    why is your bhopping good but movement in comp ass?
  3. Agree
    Dannypicacho reacted to SegFault in Oden   
    Neutral. You're a cool dude but I think it might be good to wait a little bit after just getting back to the servers to reintroduce yourself to everyone and readjust ?
  4. Like
    Dannypicacho reacted to virr in Savage_Pear   
    As the vast majority of the community are positive and believe you have changed, i think it would be reasonable to unban you. A month is a fair time for a ban for someone as active , but its very likely that the next ban will be a lot longer if you don't improve your behavior. That being said, lets hope it doesn't get to that point again and we can all stay friends from now on. ?
    @Savage_Pear has been unbanned from discord and servers.
  5. Gross
    Dannypicacho reacted to Roy in Do you guys have a Play Station 4?   
    Do you guys have ps4? I bought one like a few days ago and yes, I can afford it. I had to move away from my house (Dumpster place) and I left my old computer in my house and I got board and I bought myself a ps4. I couldn’t bring my computer because it’s connected to the wall and I don’t know why. 
  6. Are You Insane
    Dannypicacho reacted to -Diphikult in Do you guys have a Play Station 4?   
    I play Minecraft in my spare time, sometimes other stuff
    It's a great console!
  7. Are You Insane
    Dannypicacho reacted to XpertMeleee in Thrillhouse   
    +1. Thrillhouse is just Bumpy but older and doesn't say "Bumpy Bumpy" or "Warden, can I have a gun?".
  8. Bad Spelling
    Dannypicacho reacted to Duke in Thrillhouse   
    +1 would be better then most staff
  9. Useful
    Dannypicacho reacted to MinerTeddy in Savage_Pear   
    Steps to unban:
    1. ~
    2. unbind n
  10. Thinking
    Dannypicacho reacted to Bumpy in Oldfags throwback   
    I joined in September of last year. I'm really old.
  11. Random
    Dannypicacho reacted to Roy in Oldfags throwback   
    Wait a minute, are you guys old flags or old fags? But, I can’t tell the difference...

  12. Ding!
    Dannypicacho reacted to Darrth in Savage_Pear   
    +1, seems like he genuinely wants to be here. He has improved and is a much better person to be around now. In my recent interactions with him, not once have I heard him throw around the n word. ?
  13. Furry
    Dannypicacho reacted to Genocide in Savage_Pear   
    Am I still allowed to post? Or am I just a hated man still :(?
    +1 for unban if he stops the racism and toxicity shit
    Just don’t be fucking retarded 
  14. Agree
    Dannypicacho reacted to BullseyeX in New Last CT Music Suggestions   
    if we don't get this as a last ct music I might just die
  15. Are You Insane
    Dannypicacho reacted to ABlueSkittle123 in what's your favorite candy?   
    Now you are not gonna believe what my favorite candy is, but it may or may not be tropical skittles, I bet you didn't expect that one!
  16. Gross
    Dannypicacho got a reaction from Forest in what's your favorite candy?   
    Have you ever heard the Jolly ranchers story 
  17. Like
    Dannypicacho reacted to Chrono in Savage_Pear   
    "I wasn't there for when he got banned, so I don't know the situation other than what was spoken about previously. My only interaction with anything relevant to his ban was what I posted on his "goodbye" thread regarding his immediate previous situation/outburst. I don't really have an opinion either way on pear, he's funny to hang around and talk with sometimes and other times it makes you want to cut your ears off but that's just him. I tend to ignore most of the things he says because typically it would be him talking mad shit and I don't really get butthurt by shit talking unless it gets personal.
    I had previously warned him before that his actions and how he behaves on discord and servers do warrant a ban and that he has gotten a lot of leniency considering I was the one who would always be around when he was since we would play at pretty similar times and typically all the shit he did/said would be in voice with people who thought it was funny. I do believe that some form of ban is justified/required and don't think he will fully grasp the scope that his actions even on the internet have consequences unless he has to wait out some form of punishment.
    I don't know what made Virr decide to make his ban "indefinite, he can protest it later just not now" but that's his decision and all I've done since is attempt to keep people like Char and Red from being on the servers and attempting to rile up a shitstorm by spamming on the servers about it and getting loud and aggressive using names like "fuck Virr" (the #justice4pear part of their names was fine as without the actual voice spam and angry loud remarks constantly it was just a silent peaceful protest.)"
    in reference to @Tatost and a private conversation that took place shortly after the ban.
    To me it seems pear has gotten significantly better with his attitude and taking things personally, as well as not having received messages in a long time saying "NIGGER!", and I'm usually all for a second chance on people if they feel like they have changed but go into it full well knowing the thin ice they are on especially when freshly coming back.
    We've had our share of people given 2nd 3rd and even 9th chances in xg, which isn't knocking them, or the ones giving them so many chances as they are all valued members with good input and helped in forming xg to what it is/was. that being said, I haven't heard much about pear recently other than he got into a situation with @Duke and that they were arguing for a while and now duke is relatively ignoring him. ?‍♂️
    Remember that your actions have consequences, and in the end you are the one to live with those consequences, not those that enact punishment(s) for breaking rules, and as always if you feel depressed or potentially more, that there are always ways out there to seek proper medical and psychological help for free.
  18. Are You Insane
    Dannypicacho reacted to PolarCoded in Savage_Pear   
    +1 he has improved quite a bit and I know he’s missed being back in the community. The fact that most of the -1s are because he sold cheats is stupid, if you had the chance to make money for someone else doing all the work then why not? He hasn’t used them on the severs or around people in the servers so why scold his ban request because for his activities outside the community? That’s just my two cents in the matter. Best of luck on the ban protest?
  19. Bad Spelling
    Dannypicacho reacted to Lottamos in Savage_Pear   
    Isn’t pear the one who spans the n word in dms anyways. I don’t know if that’s a good chat to be in sometimes. But he’s reformed anyway so.
  20. Eggplant
    Dannypicacho reacted to Thrillhouse in Thrillhouse   
    I'll take whatever you wanna give me, daddy ?
  21. Furry
    Dannypicacho reacted to jaygoki in What do you do for work?   
    I had an interview at Chick-fil-a on Monday and they said they would call back within a week which means I pretty much aced the interview I actually don't know but I don't see why they wouldn't hire me
    I'm also considering volunteering at the animal shelter near my high school on the days I took off bc of my super weird schedule for an hour or two every day because they're SUPER understaffed
  22. Gross
    Dannypicacho reacted to Brady1780 in Savage_Pear   
    hes my dad +1
  23. Make xG Great Again
    Dannypicacho reacted to Jadow in Lottamos - Counter-Strike   
    You have more negative vouches than positive vouches. Seems like you are improving though!
    You may reapply in 30 days.
  24. Bad Spelling
    Dannypicacho reacted to Lottamos in Savage_Pear   
    I mean pear used to really hate me and he doesn’t anymore at all (I think) which shows that he’s at least partly reformed and changed. Also technically didn’t he basically do what I did. Toxicity and many warnings. It’s always good to take a step back and come back better which I think is what would happen here. +1 cause first of all a situation like his ban would be better for like a ban request so he probably shouldn’t of gotten permed and he’s reformed/better now.
  25. Like
    Dannypicacho reacted to Tatost in Savage_Pear   
    Going to stay neutral on this, but there are some things I'd like to point out. A certain individual (I'll leave it anonymous, but if you want to claim ownership, go ahead : D) PM'd a few others along with myself asking for a lighter sentence for Pear- this was my reply:
    "I haven't really talked about my opinion outside of the staff chat, but I've said it once and I'll say it again- Pear will not be unbanned until he gets his attitude under control. He's incredibly spontaneous and will blow up over nothing; something I'm far too familiar with, as I had to sit through a relatively long argument/discussion with him 2-3 days ago, in which he provided solid evidence that he does, in fact, sell cheats (which I believe some of the higher-ups were already aware of but didn't have any solid evidence to act on it.)
    Regarding his ban on the Discord: He will not be unbanned from Discord until he can keep his personality and brain in check, I don't want any sort of problems coming out of him whatsoever. If/when he gets unbanned, he will be on extremely thin ice and will be banned again if any staff/members hear him slur, stir up drama, or talk about his suicidal thoughts. (All of these are fine in PM, so long as both parties are fine with it.) If you or Pear want to, you can go ahead and make a private server for you and your friends, but at the moment I'm not willing to let him back in the main server.
    That being said, I will be more than happy to have him unbanned after 'x' amount of time where he can show us that he has improved over the duration of his ban. If you want to relay this list of things he needs to improve on, be my guest.
    Work on keeping your depression private, do not go around on our servers claiming that you are suicidal and have attempted suicide multiple times. I highly recommend seeking therapeutic assistance. Chill out on the blatant racism, stop calling people "stupid fucking niggers" every two minutes. Cease and desist all cheating and related operations (this includes selling, using, advertising, and condoning cheats.) Adopt an attitude in which you don't constantly belittle others Stop with the compulsive lying " I'm not sure whether or not the OP in the PMs actually did relay any information, but I might as well put it out there.
    If the other person who actually replied to the PM wants to share their reply, now would be a pretty good time.
    @Savage_Pear If you really do enjoy being a part of this community please at least try and keep your cool. I've seen the extremes to which your attitude can reach, both good and bad. For the most part, you were really fun to hang out with, but there were also times where you completely turned around and started shitting in everyone's throats. If you want to PM me on steam (since I think I still have you added) I'd like to see how well you've improved yourself over the last month. Good luck on your ban protest.
    Just going to tag @virr and @Aegean since this was kind of a hot topic for a while.