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General Update Thread

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  • Updated all servers to use sourcemod version 1.9
  • Updated server map files found here
  • Changed guidelines for returning member applications
    • Quote

      If you have left or got kicked out of xG, and are allowed to re-apply, you must have

      5 positive vouches of which at least 2 must be from a Higher Up (Division Manager or higher) for your application to be accepted.

  • Revised all server MOTD's to be consistent with each other and the rules to be enforced


  • Disabled Advanced infinite ammo on demoman shield charges at the start of the round 


  • Enabled the ability to choose to be the death with !drtoggle
  • Disabled bhop (for now)

Objective Server

  • The server is operational in a mostly complete state and no longer locked
  • Report any issues or leave suggestions for changes here
  • Server IP-


  • Removed cyberpunk_2a from Trade gaming history
  • Removed vsh_mannopoly_a6 from Freak Fortress 2


Edited by Elcark (see edit history)

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  • Added the Marry plugin!  Type !marry to propose to your one true love!.. or a random person.
  • Population Events!These will *hopefully* be starting next week, we will be posting some more information about this soon!


Freak Fortress 2


  • Added vsh_mario64_bb



  • AFK Timeout added


Special Weapons

  • Razorback given ranged resistances
  • Thermal Thruster perks removed, abilities back to normal.
  • The Shahanshah given a super jump at cost of health.




  • New bhop plugin added, if there are any problems with bhop please let us know!




  • Removed ba_jail_casuarina_b5


Trade Gaming History

  • Removed trade_bsor_b5




  • Anti-Spawnkill plugin added


Edited by Caleb956 (see edit history)

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  • Disabled the Dragon's Fury's in !friendly (airblast was working)
  • Reworded the !duel plugin to be more grammatically accurate
  • Added a new donator punishment system. It is now Warn -> Kick -> Day -> Warn -> Week ban + removal of powers
  • Added a new !rtd plugin to all servers which have !rtd with various fixes after feedback from before
  • !rtd text position has been moved from the center of the screen
  • Updated the /happy command to have more updated jokes and phrases
  • Thriller taunts have been entirely disabled

TGH & Pokemon Trade

  • Spawn-Protection has been fixed


  • trade_minecraft_star_17_fix and koth_delivery_rc4 have been added to the map rotation


  • Removed surf_lullaby_redone_rc1 (bonus ramps did not work + we already have the original version)

Uber Upgrades

  • Added pl_goldheist_canyon_v13
  • Added cp_hadal_b13a
  • Added pl_corrode_rc2
  • Added cp_axle_rc1
  • Added koth_occult_rc6
  • Added spawn-protection
  • Rules on Spawncamping have been re-clarified
  • Fixed when people would get uber-shield as Medic


  • Fixed !rtd giving you the wrong rolls
  • Morshu's Damage on Cannons scaled from 75% less to 50% less


  • Disabled the Wrap Asassin's Projectile (activated traps)

Zombie Fortress

  • Added /adminspray



Edited by Kypari (see edit history)

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  • Gave mods access to noclip as an administrative tool
  • Fixed friendly and spawn protection bug with transparency
    • Weapons in friendly will now have green transparency
    • !rtd will be taken away when a player enters into friendly
    • Upon respawning after being in friendly, transparency is fixed
    • Supply lockers now fix transparency if there is an issue with it
  • Fixed spawn protection bugs/timing 
    • Players in friendly can rocket jump
    • Spawn protection message now shows at bottom of screen instead of chat
  • Removed the disguise command due to glitches effecting other players (Currently looking for a replacement) 
  • Removed the ability to use !rtd in friendly


  • Buffs:
    •  the Rock -
      • knock back reduced
      • speed buffed
      • added more control to super jump
    •  Game and Watch
      • removed fog effect from rage
      • decreased super jump recharge
      • increased speed by 25%
    •  Dio Bandito
      • increased jump height
    •  Heavydile
      • class base changed to heavy
    •  HHH Jr
      •  increased movement speed
    • Dark Vader
      • increased chain lightning damage
  • Nerfs:
    • Ninja Spy
      • decreased on death rage timer by 2 seconds
    •  James Bond
      • uber duration decreased from 5 seconds to 4, -25% knife attack speed
    •  Waluigi
      • decreased uber duration from 8 seconds to 6, and decreased stun duration from 8 seconds to 7
    •  MLG Sniper
      • health reduced per each life
  • Beggar's Bazooka now does +25% damage, +regenerative health, -20% healing and over heal from medics
  • Shahanshah damage per second increased by 1 and decreased the super jump by 20%
  • Crusaders crossbow no longer heals through shields
  • Disabled toxic as an !rtd effect
  • Only one person can use !rtd at a time
  • Fixed players getting random bosses


  • Disabled capping points


  • All chat now refers to Administrator as ADMIN instead of by name in all chat

Uber Upgrades

  • fixed Uber Upgrades plugin not properly starting on server reboot


  • Added ctf_closeencounters2 to TGH
  • Added dr_playstation to Deathrun
  • Removed dr_mandrillmaze_v2_4 from Deathrun
Edited by SegFault (see edit history)

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  • MGE Server created in place of the old Highlander Server!
    • IP to connect:
  • Calladmin has been fixed and completely replaced.
    • Being in the xG discord is now required to be staff in order to get calladmins!
  • Reworded a couple things within the /rules menu
    • The most notable being that we added a section that specifically states this is not a full list of rules, type !motd to read the full list.
  • All chat now shows the staff member's name who issued the command, instead of [ADMIN].
  • Removed Frozen from the list of possible RTDs.
  • Disabled the /me command due to chat issues.



  • When you !cpsave, your saved location will now persist through switching teams.



  • Recently played list now affects less maps, so more maps can be nominated more often.
    • For example: If we went from Minecraft to Mlcastle, Minecraft would be disabled.  However, if we went from Mlcastle to Chretien, then Minecraft would be back on the list to be nominated, and Mlcastle would be disabled.


Stock Rotation

  • The /gimme command has been removed in order to stay true to the core gameplay of the server.


Coming Soon!

  • New Jump server!
  • Updates to the Jailbreak Server MOTD in order to reduce the length of it





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  • /tauntem ID list updated
  • Given the Scottish Handshake Market Gardener Stats
  • /spec command added to all servers
  • !servers has been fixed
  • sm_bedeflector is now an uber donator command
  • /unusual has been updated to add new effects
  • Added back old !friendly

Trade Gaming History and Pokemon Trade

  • Removed masscc from TGH
  • Added Bianco Hills to TGH
  • Added back old !rtd
  • Random crits have been removed from melee


  • /rank has been fixed

Uber Upgrades

  • Particle system has been fixed


  • Removed auto-kick


  • General /motd has been updated and modernized

Stock Rotation

  • Fixed @all chat now specifies the staff member instead of just saying "admin"


  • Added dr_lazytown


  • Exists
  • Rockets no longer collide with teammates
  • Fixed @all chat now specifies the staff member instead of just saying "admin"
  • Fixed the the !cpsave guide being uninformative of how to get rid of it





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  • Added 16 brand new titles to hub
  • Created a server commands guide (continually being worked on)
  • Created an Admin and Moderator Quiz to help staff that are struggling or upcoming. Congratulations to @BonfireCentipede , @Krampus and @Ms.Spooks for all scoring the highest! You will each be given the new "Honor Student" title.
  • Removed !calladmin reasons in servers where it's not possible (I.E: Mass Freekill on Trade Gaming History)
  • All Admins now have access to all raffle commands 
  • Banning Hackers rule updated (you must now always have a demo)
  • Extended Mutes (warn -> 30 minute silence -> 1 day silence -> 1 week silence -> 1 month silence -> permanent silence). Use these for situations for, but not limited to: Bad mics, complaining about dying. Think: Is it harming anyone on the server?
  • We encourage Silences, rather than gags/mutes. If someone is breaking a rule in the chat, can they break that same rule in mic?
  • No private profiles and display activity for staff
  • New donator prices!

Trade Gaming History

  • Added the Fortnite Default Dance for Basic Donator; Trade Gaming History exclusive!
  • Echidna Shrine has been removed from the rotation


  • Added surf_peppermint_clean_01 to the rotation
  • Added surf_quack_v2


  • Neutral Team Plugin added (fight each other whilst waiting for round to end)


  • Converted Zombie Fortress into a TF2 Scrim server.
Edited by Kypari (see edit history)

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All Servers

  • The /marry command has been fixed, propose to whoever you wish! (Courtesy of @Lithium ❤️)
  • Added The Saxxy to the Hub shop as a donator item for 10,000 credits.
  • Added /trailgun as an upgraded donator command
    • Type /trailgun to open up the prop menu
    • You must be pyro with the flaregun equipped in order to use the trailgun



  • Increased time it takes to go back to a map
  • Permanently enabled cap on Megaman, every other map is still disabled as should be.
  • Visual Indicator added for spawn protection (Also added to pokemon trade)
    • Now has an uber effect as a visual indicator.
  • Default Dance: Fixed.
    • (The cloak spy, charging demo sound fixed)
  • Added trade_portal2_v4 to server rotation
  • Added trade_rogueport_xg_maufix_v4 to rotation (thank you @you get a gold star ⭐!)


  • Removed Neutral Team plugin
    • Replaced with Ghost Mode plugin


  • Completely reworked. (New jump plugin added, chat spam de_stroyed, should actually work properly now.)
    • Conc plugin added, type +conc in console to throw a conc grenade and propel yourself forward.  It is highly recommended you bind a key to +conc so you are able to hold it and detonate manually.
      • Conc jumps are used mainly for scout jumping.  The command is usable by medics, scouts, pyros.

Pokemon Trade

  • Added ecruteakcity_v1 back to map rotation.



  • Added a ground marker command
    • Used so wardens can specify where they want people to walk, etc.





Edited by virr (see edit history)

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