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I guess it's my time to shine.

Before I start, I'd to let you guys know that activity and ability to play JB correctly does NOT mean someone is fit for moderator. If that were the case we'd promote everyone who's been on for a decent while and knows how to play.

ScottNi is definitely a special case in xG. He's a generally fun person in most cases but can also show signs of immaturity or just not being ready. Through this TEDTalk writing I will explain the three things you should keep in mind about Scott before coming to a real decision, and maybe I can change some points of view. Firstly, we'd have to talk about Scott's impact on the community, we'd have to talk about his maturity, and his readiness to handle leadership. Scott has the potential to be a great staff member but does not clearly present it.

To start us off, Scott is usually an enjoyable person. There hasn't been major troubles with him since Goldfish. But even coming from me, Scott has some serious issues with goldfish and did not show even the slightest bit of kindness when around him. Scott plays a lot of 10mans but in the case when it gets toxic, he often contributes to the toxicity rather than helping. While he usually doesn't start the problems, he sure doesn't fix them and a lot of the times causes them to continue further and build up more toxicity. Scott has made friends with the majority of the community as well as joining in on memes, them being annoying or not. Scott has definitely shown his involvement with the community, but not his commitment.

Scott has issues with maturity. He doesn't showcase his best behavior and often has problems with certain members. He also doesn't react kindly to random people who don't like him. Scott has shown that one of his major weaknesses is his immaturity and while there are attempts to improve, nothing is achieved. Scott also doesn't seem to own up to his mistakes and instead tries to play it off or just make an excuse. When receiving criticism, Scott often pulls the hypocrisy card or shifts blame. This minecraft stuff that's been going on shouldn't be disregarded since it is key evidence displaying Scott's personality. If he acts this way on other servers chances are he's not going to put on a mask on xG. I assume we wouldn't encourage fake personalities solely on our servers while also representing the xG community outside and being intolerable. Scott needs to improve on his overall maturity and how he acts around the public of our servers.

Donald McGannon, a broadcasting industry executive in the mid 1900's, once said "Leadership is an action, not a postion". This is a perfect example to use here since it seems like Scott doesn't have much interest in moderating servers, but more for the position you stand in. I'm not saying he is power hungry or would abuse, the problem here is that I've seen too many of these examples where someone is just tired of getting freekilled and being too lazy to get evidence. Another issue here is that due to either his wardening skills, his voice, or his overall personality, it doesn't seem like the semi-new community likes him much. With the moderator position you will get less disrespect and can act on the people who don't like you, which is not at all what it's about. Moderating is about leadership and readiness to voluntarily commit your devotion to the community. The willingness and eagerness to help out when needed is what it's about. The ability to not play, but moderate carefully when needed. I just don't think Scott shows visible signs that he is ready.

In conclusion, Scott hasn't shown enough maturity or readiness to be a moderator in the community. He may have a decent reputation in the clan but just doesn't show the leadership skills or the maturity to join us in the roster yet. I believe Scott will one day soon be ready but for now he just hasn't got it in him. One day Scott could make a great moderator and he definitely has the potential but just overall does not show enough that we can see. I will not be +1ing this moderator application due to the fact that Scott does know clearly present his potential to be a moderator.

Unfortunately, a "neutral" does nothing and gets nothing done. In this case I am going to have to go with a -1. Scott's overall maturity and presented moderator-friendly skills do not convince me that he is ready to join the CS:GO XenoGamer staff roster.

-1 for mod
-1 for probationary mod. I don't feel like probationary mod is the way to go. I believe someone should apply when they are truly ready to join the staff as a full mod and shouldn't have to prove themselves worthy or whatever. 

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5 minutes ago, Dannypicacho said:

-1 for probationary mod. I don't feel like probationary mod is the way to go. I believe someone should apply when they are truly ready to join the staff as a full mod and shouldn't have to prove themselves worthy or whatever.


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14 minutes ago, Dannypicacho said:

Donald McGannon, a broadcasting industry executive in the mid 1900's, once said "Leadership is an action, not a postion".


*insert clip of me in ten man telling someone to go somewhere to die as bait*

14 minutes ago, Dannypicacho said:

Scott's overall maturity and presented moderator-friendly skills do not convince me that he is ready to join the CS:GO XenoGamer staff roster.


getting gatekeeped by rabid = shoeonhead = ?

14 minutes ago, Dannypicacho said:

Scott Jadow has issues with maturity. He doesn't showcase his best behavior and often has problems with certain members. He also doesn't react kindly to random people who don't like him.


Danny is fat. ?

Edited by Jaydow
why are there numbers in the quote i can't remove it (see edit history)

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53 minutes ago, Dannypicacho said:


-1 for mod
-1 for probationary mod. I don't feel like probationary mod is the way to go. I believe someone should apply when they are truly ready to join the staff as a full mod and shouldn't have to prove themselves worthy or whatever. 


Usually probationary mod is given to previous staff members/players who abused or did something sketchy. Which isn't the case for @ScottNi. Take probationary mod out of the question.


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2 minutes ago, Red said:


Usually probationary mod is given to previous staff members/players who abused or did something sketchy. Which isn't the case for @ScottNi. Take probationary mod out of the question.


In my opinion probationary mod is stupid and if people aren't fit for full mod then they shouldn't be staff at all. It's nerf or nothing.

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12 hours ago, Sodium said:

I’ll show you all of our discord messages since he got mad at me.



Just looking at some of this i see it as childish/immature just grow up and don't play with people as for the mod thing i wouldn't be against giving him PM for the time being

but for now its neutral

A: 8

M: 5

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2 minutes ago, BullseyeX said:

Just looking at some of this i see it as childish/immature just grow up and don't play with people as for the mod thing i wouldn't be against giving him PM for the time being

but for now its neutral

A: 8

M: 5

Well, only one message is legit me being mad in that conversation and that is out of context. 

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7 minutes ago, BullseyeX said:

still it shouldn't be happening anyway just block him and move on

That’s literally what I did that caused him to micspam on jailbreak to get my attention. I talked to him once with the steam messages earlier and that’s it. The next interaction is here on this thread

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I'm remaining neutral as I have not seen him in-game and I don't play CS:GO (maybe on MC? ScottNi will have to tell me his username) but I still want to put in my 2 cents real quick.

ScottNi has clearly made an effort to be kind and helpful, and I always appreciate that. ? ScottNi doesn't deserve to be shut down just because of PMs between him and a friend (for reasons which have already been explained by others).

However, if I did play CS:GO servers I would -1 this app. I just don't feel super comfortable having ScottNi as staff given the stories of explosive immaturity - stories which have their truth enforced by the PMs (based on how ScottNi behaves and nothing more).

I probably could've explained that better, but I hope you catch my drift.   

Edited by james8470 (see edit history)

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 I’m assuming most of the reasons for the -1 all root from the single day on MC Which I was already pretty upset about irl things. So I pretty much just dropped everything by blocking sodium. Then this sprouted off to him mic spamming and spamming in chat over and over as I’m just trying to forget about things and I got mad at him. It’s the same thing that he did to Danny. I blocked him and it was over with. That was personal between me and him considering the fact that I didn’t affect anybody else and this happened off of xG servers. May Be hard to understand but that’s my reasoning for this happening. I was upset he made me mad then continued to bother me after the fact instead of just dropping it. 

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4 hours ago, ScottNi said:

 I’m assuming most of the reasons for the -1 all root from the single day on MC Which I was already pretty upset about irl things. So I pretty much just dropped everything by blocking sodium. Then this sprouted off to him mic spamming and spamming in chat over and over as I’m just trying to forget about things and I got mad at him. It’s the same thing that he did to Danny. I blocked him and it was over with. That was personal between me and him considering the fact that I didn’t affect anybody else and this happened off of xG servers. May Be hard to understand but that’s my reasoning for this happening. I was upset he made me mad then continued to bother me after the fact instead of just dropping it. 

I legitimately didn’t micspam. You love comparing this to what I did to Danny, but it’s nothing like it. As for “spamming the chat” I asked you about Fallen like 2 or 3 times, said hahahahahah when you died once and said ScottNi more like Badni

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