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Everything posted by Moosty

  1. Tfw my god tier calves get rekt by atrophy
  2. Try harder sniper scrub Jk you're a pretty chill dude, glad you're finally making an account c:
  3. Congrats to all promoted obviously, but I have to come clean and apologize... Somehow I thought @Vargas was just one of @Kitsune many name changes, I didn't know you were your own person I'm sorry. Plz forgive me lol I'm real dumb.
  4. Bought Uber-don for buddha and Trophy points. Will use nothing else. #NotableMember
  5. From what I can tell he meant that people -1 on the basis that they don't think a thread to remove a map is valid because "not liking a map isn't a good enough reason to make a thread" (even though it totally is, it's still up to the community not whoever made the thread), not because of anything to do with the map itself. Which is pretty clearly happening. Septik nor I have a problem with people supporting the map and speaking their opinion on the map, what we have a problem with is saying valid reasonings for making thread aren't actually valid, which scares off people from making suggestions in the future. Atleast that's what I gathered.
  6. The whole falling off the overworld killzone never being coded in? That rather seems like a mistake or design flaw no?
  7. True, but whether it's a large majority complaining, or a few people with a grudge is the question. If more than half want it gone, it should be gone. If a few want it gone, it won't pass the vote. That's how our system works. Saying dislike isn't a valid reason to make a poll is what I have a problem with. If we only have the oppurtunity to make threads about technically (code wise) flawed maps, that greatly lessens the communities ability to build the best server. And I don't want to hate on our higher ups because I love the speedy responses and activity, I just want consistency. But we've been adding maps that are suggested usually after just a higher up testing it. No community vote and no arbitrary two week wait. It shouldn't be easier to add a map than remove one. Either make both easy or both difficult. But we're at a place right now where it's easier for a map to be added than removed, and that breeds lower quality maps in the rotation.
  8. Still waiting on a single positive thing to be said about 3dland as a map, clearly some people want it to stay, but the why just seems to not be being posted. Anyone? Bueller?
  9. That's still a perfectly valid reason to make a remove clocktown thread. It would get -1d to hell but you would have every right. The maps are negotiable, and the community decides them. That is how it works, buddy.
  10. Nevermind there's at least one incomplete facet of the map
  11. The way I see it, gaming related and not broken are MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS, not automatic grounds for a spot on the server. This idea that whoever made the thread just wants it gone for personal reasons is pretty dumb. I see it as the same type of argument as hating on people for less than stellar posts to get to 50, what are they supposed to do? If multiple people think a map is bad, and not up to our servers standards, whether that map is complete and bug free or not really doesn't matter. And besides, outside of clear personal favoritism and begging higher ups outside of the forums, starting a discussion around whether or not we should have a map is perfectly valid. For any reason. It's a community vote, not one persons opinion. 3dland is generally disliked. Groans flood voice chat whenever it gets picked, and I think it's telling that your argument is "we shouldn't remove maps we dislike" instead of bringing up a single positive thing about the map. If the map can't be defended on the merits, and only on what is basically procedural grounds, then it should be removed. Tl;dr: the map is bad, fairly objectively. it may be complete, but it's bad. If you want it gone, say why. If you want it to stay, defend it on its merits. But if all you can say is "we shouldn't remove maps the community as a majority dislikes" then nah fam, we should. +1 for removal
  12. That's actually pretty standard. Two promo demo cycles is a good period of time to make sure somebody's fit for staff. But +1. The dudes active enough and maturity has improved, probationary mod seems in order.
  13. +1 1 hour is better than no hours
  14. Moosty

    Doggo Tuesday

    This is Bruno. He's shaped like a cheeto and acts like a sweeto.
  15. Xmas is more fun in my opinion. (Really I just like doing the mini obstacle course and then hanging out reading chat in the disco and I'm not afraid to admit it)
  16. I mean I'm going to be a cynic before I actually vouch and say I've seen a lot of people try and save minecraft but it just doesn't seem to work ever. That being said if it's going to stick around we should still try. I look at minecraft higher ups like I look at social media manager, kind of a thankless, crappy job without much benefit to the person doing it. That being said if it's something you're interested in and capable of then I don't see why not. +1. I don't see why anyone would want to do it, but if being a masochist is your prerogative then do you, maybe it will actually succeed this time lol. Good luck.
  17. +1 it's OP as frick and ruins the flow of the game
  18. My only advice is learning in an immersion classroom is so much more effective than Rosetta Stone. So whenever possible do that. Source:My sister is studying to teach English as a Second language and speaks fluent Español.
  19. Honestly I'm so salty i broke my leg throwing that I'm still going to stand throw at atleast one meet once it's healed. Just to spite fate.
    1. MineCrack


      remember the pain tho
  20. Grats to all promoted especially @Vexx @Shwoos and @Natsu RIP to tha boy @Shadower :(:(
  21. So I broke my leg yesterday and am just miserable laying in bed, I'm not sleeping so I have loads of time to kill. I'm already onto season 2 of Samurai Jack but when that shows over I'll have nothing. Suggest some shows for ya boy to watch. I'll even watch anime if it's not TOO weeby. I liked Durarara and AOT and FMA, and obviously the classics (bebop, trigun, DB/Z) please I'm going to go crazy.
  22. -1, It's a no from me dog, just chill and wait it out, a week isn't long enough. We've forgiven major mistakes in the past but that takes months, not weeks
  23. Welcome to the forums my dude