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Posts posted by Caleb956

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    [TF2] [CS:GO] [GMOD] [Minecraft] [Nuclear Dawn]




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    [TF2] [CS:GO] [GMOD] [Minecraft] [Nuclear Dawn]




    Note: n/a


  3. 46 minutes ago, Tatost said:

     when I read this, I see the word "bias"

    I don't agree with this at all in fact.. people are throwing out the word like its nothing just as a blanket to cover almost anything and everything that happened. There's a difference between staff discretion and bias.  Bias is making a decision in favor or against a certain person really no matter the conditions.. so let's say I was playing with one of my best friends and he had a porn spray, and I allowed it even though its CLEARLY against the rules, that would be bias.  Discretion on the other hand would be somebody bringing a certain spray that they are unsure to a staff members attention,  and that staff decides whether or not it should be allowed or not, in HOPEFULLY an unbiased manner. And I know you can say that it may have been one of their friends who sprayed it, and that's true, and that's where bias would come in if that rose to the case. 


    2 hours ago, LemonVolt said:

    or you know, follow what the creators of the clan told you to do and punish people for using porn as their spray

    like any porn

    We don't allow porn sprays anyways, and we punish accordingly if someone is found to have one.  It's moreso a matter of how a spray is cropped that causes a discrepancy between people like has been stated.  The rule says no explicit nudity, meaning if a spray was cropped in such a way that may be suggestive but didn't actually show anything, it would be fine.. but that's where the problem is, people can GUESS what is cropped out, and that's the only argument anybody can have when they don't actually know for sure what it is, and think that it shouldn't be allowed because they "know" what is cropped.


    9 hours ago, Bone said:

    This is the biggest problem though. The majority of players who have rule breaking or borderline rule breaking sprays are the staff members themselves, it starts with them. Staff members need to be the first to change their sprays and lead by example. Imagine a newcomer or regular seeing a staff member with a rule breaking spray, they're gonna think "Oh, this is ok, because they know the rules pretty well". Until that happens, rewording a rule isn't going to do anything as long as staff refuses to follow it themselves. 

    If there are as many staff members or anybody in general that have inappropriate sprays, why wasn't it brought up before now?  I'm not saying there aren't problems with peoples sprays because there definitely are, but again why wasn't it brought to anybody's attention before now? Or at least I myself haven't heard anything of it, so I could be wrong. But I feel like a picture is being painted here that is way bigger than it needs to be.


    I think an easy solution would be to ask some players and staff members what THEY think of when you say something like an inappropriate spray, so we can get an idea of what other people think and then *somewhat* base the new rule on how people actually think of it, or at least that's my two cents.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Precious said:

    What really counts as an 'explicit spray'?

    "All sprays cannot contain nudity or derogatory content. This includes any spray that depicts sexual content or anything else that may be deemed inappropriate by Staff."

    As found here.


    4 minutes ago, Precious said:

    told that as long as a suggestive spray was properly cropped and censored, it was allowed

    This was just for clarification sake, correct me if I'm on wrong on that.




    I'm gonna bring up one example IN PARTICULAR that I think would be a good comparison. 



    So with this one, the argument was that on the left side, its just putting a sticker over it, and on the right side its showing "just a bit" of it.  You could argue that both are relatively similar in a sense if we are comparing them in terms of what they show, by how Krampus was enforcing the rule, both shouldn't have been ok to be sprayed.


    Now do I think it is a bit of bias? Yes. Do I think he should get punished? No.  I think the main solution to gain out of this is mainly just to clarify the spray rule so EVERY staff is on the SAME page, not one staff saying one thing and two others saying another. 



    -1 for punishment


  5. +1, seen her on the servers a bunch lately and definitely knows whats going on with all the rules and such.  Never seen her have problems with other people on the server and always is upbeat and friendly to everyone.  Good luck on the rest of your application! ?

  6. -1 for fact that the first time I've seen you back was yesterday.  In my opinion 2 days isn't long enough to judge if you've changed at all in the months you've been gone, and also I personally would like to see how active you will be now that you are back before I give a positive vouch.  Hope that makes sense, I'll see you around on the servers Beastboy, welcome back ?

  7. I feel like the only way it would gain any traction at all is through a third party website or if some popular youtuber hosted their own server for it, I don't think there would be enough people that would just hop on a server to play 6s personally.  Which at that point it might as well be comp 6s if it's gonna be coordinated through a website, but its a neat idea.  Valve could probably implement it into the matchmaking system but like Kypari said people probably wouldn't stick to the classic team comp and just go off class the whole time and then they'd probably add a class lock, so you queue as that class.  Which again, probably would make people stop playing relatively quickly after it comes out.  Maybe I'm overthinking this, basically all I'm saying is that it'd be a cool idea but I don't see it going anywhere personally.

  8. 1 minute ago, Segal said:

    As far as I know, you were banned for avoiding punishment by saying a slur and leaving immediately after. Because of this, we had to ban you by steam ID which is why it may not have show your name.

    Yeah, he should have been unbanned already since it looks like it was just a day ban.   It looks like it expired about 2 hours ago unless I'm bad at telling time, so you should be good to go regardless.

    Good to close @Kypari @mrnutty12 @Elcark @Shotgunprolapse

  9. 7 minutes ago, Arnude said:

    Also, possibly drop the length on Bread Spy's rage? It's quite obnoxious.

    If we did that we would have to change that for every halo that does an effect like that to make it fair cause there are several bosses that do the same thing and I'm *pretty* sure the effect is global. 


    7 minutes ago, Arnude said:

    Perhaps we can discuss about trying to fix that with both the bosses? 

    With Hitlers and Fujiwaras rage, I think the problem is more developer side, as in it's on the person that made me the boss. I dont think there's a way to fix it but @mrnutty12 knows more about it than me.


    8 minutes ago, Arnude said:

    Like I said, we can take more suggestions and actually have a group of us sort out what is somewhat balanced and how we could balance.

    Yep! I agree, I think for now the best option is just to do things like this with a list of suggestions and see what the community thinks of them just so we can get a broader opinion on how people feel about changes. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, maf427 said:

    mlg sniper probably needs to get nerfed

    Last time we did this sort of thing we actually buffed him, if anything needs to be nerfed at all it'd probably be his health, but I think hes in a good spot right now

  11. Making this thread mainly just to clean up FF2 a little bit since right now, these are some ideas I had that we could do to cleanup a few bosses and some bosses we could remove to clean up the menus.

    Tagging peeps: @bagggel @Kypari @Nozomi @mrnutty12 @Spoopy @BonfireCentiped @Arnude @Precious @Krampus



    Fujiwara No Mokou:
     -Widely accepted as an awful boss, no redeeming qualities and has a bad rage, on death rage.
     -Rage is supposed to stun people, which it doesn't.
     -On death she is supposed to be ubered for a short period of time, she doesn't get ubered and the phlog only does damage at point blank.
     -Remove the boss altogether for the reasons stated above.
     -Change the rage to something else, something like Knight's/Hitler's rage with the wide flame spread as an idea. (if possible)

    Buzz Lightyear:
     -By far the strongest boss on the server, due to a combination of his speed, his rage and just how much mobility he has in general.
     -No glitches found in testing

     -Increase the rage buildup, his rage stuns everything global for at LEAST 7 seconds, gives him a rapid fire bison with 25 shots
    and a speed boost.  Right now he gets his rage in 1750 health, one of the lowest (minus Heavydile), and this is compared to rages
    that don't do NEARLY as much.
     -Decrease movement speed to be more in line with other hales on the server, based off of what I've seen hes one of the fastest
     hales on the server, but he also has one of the best overall kits compared to other kits, so it's unfair for him to be so fast.


    Bosses to remove: Mainly made this list so that it clears up some spots on the server for other bosses we can potentially add since
    there is a cap to bosses we can have on the server if I'm not mistaken.  Removing some of the bosses that aren't played would aid
    this problem.

    Radaghan Conagher: Never played

    butt Pancakes: Never played

    Chuck Norris: Never played

    Garfield: Never played

    HHH Jr: Never played

    Dark Vader: Never played

    Triceratops: Never played


    Voice opinions below! ?