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Everything posted by Elcark

  1. People will always be more vocal about what they dislike making any kind of vocal minority usually seem as if they are just disgruntled, regardless of if there's merit to the complaints or not. The server messages are a pretty direct way to get these votes in peoples faces and have garnished more traffic for votes, but it's pretty unlikely forum polls will ever reflect a significant portion of the total people who actually play on the servers. I would like to see map polls have some higher standards to them since really the only real guideline to it is that it needs a 70% majority and despite it being claimed it's not easy to get maps removed that's proven to not quite be the case when people actually push for it.
  2. Cyberpunk 2_a will be removed from Trade Gaming History's map rotation Bsor and Masscc will not -closed
  3. The ban has expired and no further action will be taken. -closed
  4. So taking a look at this step by step, he was previous gagged and muted for this behavior, and repeated it now here. So the next step would be to kick him and then go into a ban. Now considering how it occurred between him leaving and how excessive his behavior was the ban seems like a fair punishment to address it, but why would it be for any longer than this for his first ban? These chat logs are what occurred before his ban and in all consideration what lead to him receiving it, but with exactly that in mind he received his punishment for how he was last night via that ban. There's no reason to add on to that when he has already been punished for it. -1 on an extension
  5. Elcark


    The banter had gone on over the course of an hour with you chiming in through out it and there are points (looking at the second to last image) where it is clear moomoo is not taking it favorably but you're continuing to goad at him regardless. It doesn't matter how big of a part you played in harassing someone like this, the bottom line is that you in fact did and that will result in punishment. If this can be backed up it's something that can be looked into exactly like this ordeal was, but going off of word of mouth without any real evidence doesn't make it something that can be regarded. Kypari is not the only person who has punished you for this behavior so pinning it on him when it's been a repetitive issue all around revolving around you regardless of who has had to deal with it doesn't change the history you've had. I'm unaware of any bans you were unbanned from in your ban history. The other month ban you received was done so at the end of it's run to reduce ten extra hours that it didn't need, but the ban itself still lasted a month. As I already said it was anything but harmless fun and expands off of the fact that this is a running behavior from you. This is exactly the way bans work where they increase in length from repetition of the issue. It being handled privately makes it no different from being handled here when it's plainly clear the issue being caused/rule breaking. There is nothing that prevents someone from going straight to us about an issue they need to report, especially if they want to stay anonymous about it. As a general statement to everyone do not turn this into a poopstorm and have needless back and forth banter at each other about disliking one another.
  6. Having aia to have fun with rapid fire weapons for a brief period at the start of the map is not a detrimental matter in anyway, but neither is not having it. Really it could go either way and make little difference. There is no reason to disable it entirely though due to a problem caused by only one aspect of it being used by some people some of the time. Earrape isn't something fun to deal with, but in terms of it being allowed or not, this is something incredibly easy to categorize as trolling due to intentionally causing irritation to the rest of the server. Again though considering how minor having this available really is there's not much reason not to just cut it off from the source to prevent this issue in the first place so long as that doesn't involve ruining the unharmful aspects that aia offers. Advanced infinite ammo at the start of the round will not be disabled. Infinite Demoman shield recharge has been disabled. -Closed
  7. Elcark


    -1 Doesn't care for DA RULEZ much and is pretty immature. A:9 M:4
  8. Elcark


    All Divisions * Before you apply for a Moderation position, you must have been a member of the clan for a minimum of thirty days. Team Fortress 2 * You must have a minimum of 50 forum posts before you may apply. -closed
  9. Elcark


    User will not be unbanned. -closed
  10. I'd rather not see anything that involves giving a buff to scouts movement or scout hindering the bosses. That class already has enough of an advantage in regards to that
  11. Elcark


    +1 cause I forgot you needed them higher up vouches.
  12. So to catch everything up in one place, to replace the playpoints system that used to give bonuses to players on the freak fortress server, we are construction a number of special weapons. These function as typical unique tf2 weapons with new attributes that are already in place when equipping one of them. A number have been completed already (listed below) but to make them feel a bit more finished we are asking for any ideas for a few more you would like to see added. Now in principle, these weapons shouldn't just be taking any old tf2 weapon and increasing it's stats to make it stronger. Ideally they should be somewhat gimmicky and the more unique the better. They should definitely be powerful to warrant using them, but not so universally better that it is a must to take them over any other weapon. They are more idealistic to offer an alternate play style or make a less viable play style more worthwhile. It is also a goal to prevent the ability to use more than one of any of these weapons at a time. Lastly, it's important to note at this time rocket launchers are not working with custom attributes. Don't be afraid to suggest any, but don't expect any to be added just yet (We already have a few ideas for some once/if we can). Current weapons
  13. +1 pretty friendly and polite, also knows that bunker is a bad map A:8 M:9
  14. Elcark


    Pretty much this. Nothing really changed for them or anything, people just got lazy about it after the membership changes. Typically it's 50/50 if they will show up (if someone uses them, most the time others follow suit).
  15. Elcark


    Xander's ban has been changed and extended to one week due to the disrespect and toxicity he has caused, but the issue of scamming has been determined to not have been his own fault. Maf will be banned for one week for trolling and entrapping xander. ~Closed
  16. Surf Maps -Added surf_nameless Freak Fortress Maps -Added vsh_seine_b3 Bosses -Removed Human Sentry Buster -Removed Hitler -Removed Mokou -Removed Triceratops -Removed Ganon -Added Game and Watch -Added Cuphead -Adde ripperro -Added Wamuu Special Weapons These unique weapons have special boons to them that are active when equipped, more to come Warrior's Spirit (hyper heavy) Grants a speed boost Removes primary and secondary ammo The Gas Passer Explode's on ignite The Thermal Thruster Stuns when landing near the boss Splendid Screen and Tide Turner (Nearly) Instantaneous recharge No health from external sources while shield is active (medics/health packs) The Ambassador Fires a single round that does large critical damage on headsots Much slower reload speed
  17. @Miyukii @Johny3Tears I had just answered this in that post. -The objective server will be done. -It's at the bottom of the current projects due to lack of interest. -This thread is just to gauge interest from people early on. It doesn't even guarantee anything is going to be set up
  18. There are other more pressing things to be worked out right now like Kypari mentioned. Due to the minimal support for it last time it was brought up (https://xenogamers.com/forums/topic/23005-objective-server-requests/) it became a pretty low priority compared to other projects. It's right now one of the three main things being worked on (again, low priority) but there's no harm in getting ideas for another server setup in the meantime, especially if that server gets more feedback and support.
  19. Freak Fortress Maps -Added vsh_mannopoly_a6 Bosses -Removed Sonic.exe -Removed Cuddly Heavy -Removed Handsome Jack -Removed Pacman 2 -Removed Chuck Norris -Removed Garfield -Removed Goofy -Removed Radigan -Added Dio Brando (rage still under revision) -Added Ganadorf -Added Murshu -Added Peacock -Added Sans Surf Maps -Updated Rainbow and lullaby -Added surf_flux_arena_b3 -Added surf_chaos_fix_tf2_v3 TGH Maps -Added trade_plaza_station_square_v1 Donator Info -Disabled Footstep sounds for HHH to prevent them from being heard map wide -Changes to a custom title require a charge of $2.50 if not done within 24 hours of purchase -A private custom title may be given to up to two other individuals when purchased.
  20. I know you're not around often to see it so I will explain that surf is where I spend probably almost half my time on the servers, and lately I have spent a significant amount of time going to ones I otherwise wouldn't at the time specifically to keep an eye on certain individuals over these last several weeks for this purpose. It's regrettable that we are not on at the same time or if it's that I don't notice when he is on (really, I haven't seen him on any server once whenever i'm on despite his hours), but I think you're viewing this all as something it is not by claiming i'm being too hasty in my decision. This is not some cut and dry ordeal where I am straight up denying him staff. I've already stated i'm hopeful to see more out of him so that he could possibly show that he is capable, but also that I can't change my mind without either seeing this or it being shown to me. That's why this whole process is open like it is, to give time for him to show improvement or whatever need be and for people to show if that exists or not on applications for it. A major point in what I said earlier can be summed up in this- There was nothing in the statements against tuna that made you think he didn't deserve staff, but there's nothing in the statements for tuna that have made me think he does. I know you aren't trying to start poop (s h i t, I'm tired of seeing "poop") and just are defending your friend, and I respect what you're trying to do because of that. It's because of that respect though that I haven't pried at you to explain your defense for him, I definitely believe you think he would make a good staff member, but I hold that same regard for everyone else too which is why I've been defending against calling people out to explain. If people want to, it will help this discussion in either respect which is why I have both times explained my point of view, but no one is required to either.
  21. This is itself an opinion, whether you choose to agree with it or not. Frankly I do not at all. Maturity is not some base standard that you have and only lack if you do something to lose it. It's a construction of your behavior, and as such can only exist in a positive light if constructed positively first. You do not describe someone as being mature until they've done something that makes you believe they in fact are. Just as much as you or anyone who shares the same opinion on tuna as you are not going to be moved by such simplicity as "-1 immature", someone who holds an opposite opinion isn't by "+1 friendly", and someone who doesn't know or have an opinion to hold of him isn't likely going to be moved significantly in either direction by both statements. You're very correct that staff privileges shouldn't be held lightly and denied on a debately mediocre statement alone, but they shouldn't be given based on such a statement either. This is why vouches despite being a way for people to express their opinion on someone are more used to show how this person reflects on others in their actions but don't individually tip scales from simple pluses and minuses the same way it did in membership apps. A positive vouch from a friend isn't always going to have as much weight to it as say one from someone who may have disliked tuna in the past but believes they have improved vastly. A negative vouch from someone who has disliked tuna isn't going to have as much weight as someone who has not known them for long but had nothing but unpleasant experience with them. Regardless of how right or wrong on some opinionated scale someone may be in their vouch, they are still entitled to express it and just as valid as the next person who doesn't back up what is ultimately just their opinion. As to my thoughts on those specific examples of "controversy" you mentioned, you said yourself he did not start anything in skelly's thread and even though he may have been the catalyst for the conflict there, he did not create it himself (like kypari said he stepped back after both he and skelly had been warned over their issue far before). With krampus's thread, regardless of intent it was handled very poorly by everyone involved in it's conception including Tuna and certainly hasn't left the best impression because of that. Neither of these though would by why i'd be either for or against tuna getting staff. Whether someone is fit or not isn't determined by something as singular as being friendly, helpful, or having good intent, because someone could be all of these and still do an incredibly poor job at staff for alternative reasons. This is why quite often the best way to determine how someone would do is their behavior on the server over time. My experience with tuna as to that, as I said before, was entirely negative with him quite often being disdainful or even snobbish when someone breaks rules and when confronted about it would play it off as if it were a joke, effectively ignoring any criticism and at no point showing an attempt to improve on it. If he did so in private or not does not change how he handled it publicly and how that reflected his personality. I also stated that I've seen a lot of pleasantry in his behavior on discord over time and would love to see that reflect on the servers, but like I said just because someone is pleasant does not mean that they would do a good job at staff by any means. I would not vouch for someone positively myself unless I was sure that they would handle it well, and there is nothing I have experienced from tuna first hand or otherwise that shows me this would be the case.
  22. Elcark


    -1 What could have been a very simple matter today only showed that even if you're working on improving it (something that does show most the time) you still have the same issues with your anger and lashing out at people.
  23. Idealistically, yes. That being said when these accidental interruptions begin to happen several times in a row and there is nigh consistently multiple people talking whenever anyone uses the mic it becomes necessary to give these kinds of warnings as a reminder to everyone to be more courteous and aware of what is happening. The fact that it is often not intentional is why these warnings often don't have proceeding punishment, most the time no one is doing anything particularly wrong. A level of self-moderation is required to avoid these disruptions from happening though, and it's not uncommon people need a reminder to that. If someone is not going to have self control and continue to be disruptive in this manner whether or not intentional then there is no reason everyone else should have to suffer. It's the same as having a terrible quality microphone. It is on you to try and fix your mic or in this situation try and not talk over someone else. If you aren't going to fix it or you continue to interrupt people, be it intentional, due to being oblivious, or any other reason, you're going to get muted for everyone else's sake.
  24. This is in regards to several maps lacking any serious relevance to being categorized as "gaming history". Each of these three maps have been criticized extensively over time for barely being excused by to have anything to do with gaming and each have varying amounts of the map covering this criteria. So this is going to be the point to question, should what they have be considered enough? In terms of what each map actually has to offer, lets take it one at a time. Cyberpunk 2_a Music and poster images from jet set radio. Everything else on this map is custom and not taken from any game source. Bsor A partial port of bom-omb battlefield from Super Mario 64 as a semi-hidden secret location, a multi-part section based on Goldeneye, and another multi-part hallway and library based on luigi's mansion. Masscc A track based on mario kart and a very small secret minecraft location.