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About xBenny

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  1. I was a young boy back in the day. Didn't know what I was doing you dumb boi
  2. oh, alright then thanks anyways nutty ?
  3. I was wondering if it was possible to convert points and my ranks on the xG servers to a new account. Also the reason on why I want to switch over to a new account is because it's kind of annoying to switch accounts just to play TF2 and say I want to play some CS:GO I wound have to switch accounts again. If it is not possible for this transfer to work then it's no biggy i'll just rank up and get points again ?
  4. It was not a TF2 Vac Ban but instead it was for csgo
  5. Hallo people, I recently decided to change to another account to play TF2 on because my previous account had a VAC Ban. Anyways I was just wondering if there was a way to transfer my xG points, rank, titles, and chat colors on my old account to my new account? thank
  6. this is just a quick update on the maps
  7. Not at the moment, I just wanted to make a list because I was bored
  8. I have made a list of all of the maps that appear in the current xG Surf server. These are the official tiers and ranked maps that appear in the server. You may disagree with some of these tiers but you have to deal with it. I have made this list off an official KSF Skill Surf website, some of the maps are not ranked because they may have been recently released and have not been ranked yet, or they are just not ranked in general. Keep in mind, if a surf combat or arena map has one part that is linear (bi-linear) it does not mean it is ranked, nor will it will be ranked in the future, that is up to you to decide what tier it is. Combat/Arena (No Tier) or Not Ranked: surf_air_arena_v4 surf_snow_arena_v2 surf_revolution_v1 surf_tf_japan_v1 surf_10x_reload_tf2 surf_ny_bigloop_tf2 surf_blackout_v3 surf_pulse_v2 surf_toast_llf surf_monsterween_v2 surf_overcast_v1 surf_reanimation_v1 surf_complex_b2 surf_codeprotected_v2_fix surf_entrance_v2 surf_dusty_roads surf_cityscape surf_spaze_tf2 surf_meister_v3_final2 surf_rebound_v1 surf_swift surf_agrumes surf_quack Tier 1: surf_utopia_v3 surf_crzyfrog_reloaded surf_horizon_v3 surf_forbidden_ways_reloaded surf_minuet_v1p surf_lament_n2p surf_prelude_b3p Tier 2: surf_rainbow_v1 surf_tensile surf_lullaby_vc surf_congo_black surf_torrent_v1b surf_halloween_v2b surf_twilight_rc2 surf_congo_black Tier 3: surf_telstar_b4 surf_blackout_v3 Map Requests: surf_cyanide (Tier 3) surf_reprise (Tier 1) surf_kitsune_tf2 (Tier 1) Took me 20 Minutes to create this list Thank you for your time <3 -Benny
  9. Active, Mature and very friendly A:8 M:9 +1
  10. +1 Great attitude, friendly, overall a very kind and mature person that surfs a lot ;33 A: 9 M: 9.5
  11. Mod abuse !calladmin
  12. when you have to wait 2 years to be mod ;(
    1. Kypari


      Wrong. You can earn it at any age. You can apply at 16. :D
    2. xBenny


      Well that is what I meant ;33
  13. I have recently gotten into a conversation with [xG:M] Vacindak. He said that it is no possible to change it, he also said if you change the air accelerarion and acceleration it would be even more difficult. In my opinion I think it is possible to change the limit and keep everthing the same. :3