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Everything posted by yesstergi

  1. +1 Fairly active guy who doesn't cause any trouble in the servers, active on poketrade mostly. A: 9 M: 9
  2. okay so im sick and i want to die, help me?
    1. james8470


      change your username
    2. yesstergi


      this is the best i can do okay
  3. my promo appears to be missing Also, obligatory "congratulations to all promoted"
  4. Your steam url is broken, please give us a less-broken one or your steam-id
  5. i got my hair cut
    1. realBelloWaldi


      Same! Finally someone setting an example for @[107591:@ThunderLimes].
  6. 4 am im not asleep, send help
    1. Egossi


      here is a good way to spend time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lph7agMb1po
  7. I been listening to Gorillaz nonstop for 6 days, is this normal?
  8. Dead of Night, Snow Sleeves, or no body cosmetic and the bruiser's bandanna instead? I plan on buying either one sometime this week.
  9. I named him Jerry
    1. Egossi


      and i named her Jill
  10. Position: Admin Information: i wanna abuse skelly
    1. realBelloWaldi


      forward your information to @[107706:@BlankuChan], i believe he will be more than happy to help you out!
  11. +1 Goes on surf a lot, really nice guy to have on the server. Know the rules pretty well, would be fine as member A: 9 M: 10
  12. Antarctic Researcher or Endothermic Exowear? Tomorrow I plan on buying either one.
  13. help me im really confused about my gender, i think im tuna but i was born with parasect's genitals
    1. Egossi


      @[107344:@Parasect] doesnt have genitals hello?
    2. yesstergi


    3. YeEternalTuna
  14. He's actually got over 2 days on surf so the 3-5 hours isn't right
  15. get a profile pic already nerd
  16. I really like chickens
    1. james8470


      do you have chickens? or do you mean you like to eat them?
    2. yesstergi


      I have chickens and I love them
  17. +1 not a asshole +1 has a mic +1 not a meme +1 is a meme
  18. If you're gonna have a ks, I'd say Daffodil Fire Horns to go with the sunbeams
  19. +1 Zomi goes on our surf server all the time and is a really great guy. He knows the rules real good and is fun to have around. A:9.5 M:8.5
  20. seen him a few times on the server and wasnt an asshole pretty much anyone can get staff for mc now so why not +1
  21. chickensneeze.mp3
  22. Minecraft div gets a lot of players, eh?