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It's been brought to my attention...

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That you are all beta faggots who suck at surf. :bored: so the question is should I stick with skill surf and the list of maps @@Cookiesars was supposed to compile for me, or should I go the beta faggot 20x687474703a2f2f75706c6f61642e77696b696d656469612e6f72672f6d6174682f642f322f342f64323435373737616263613634656365326435643763613064313966646462362e706e67 easier rpg/surf server? they use completely different maps and have different settings for them. the question is, are you skilled at surf, or shit? admit it in this thread!


P.S. @Dontbleedpls sucks from sucking at surf syndrome, bleed also wants the d. helllllllooooooooo

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You could have a list of skill surf maps and a list of easy surf maps and swap between the two. So it will go: easy, skilled, easy, skilled etc. that way suckish people like me and dontbleed can think were good when its the easy maps and skilled players get to have a challenge when its the skilled maps.

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