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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. my b trade_goldenrodcity_v1b trade_goldenrodcity_v1c pkmn_goldenrodcity_b3
  2. Updated is the ColdEndeavour one.
  3. Since the last poll that Wyverness did was invalid due to having no "don't remove" vote option, I'll make this again. We have the following maps on Pokemon Trade Center: Goldenrod (Day) Goldenrod (Night) Goldenrod (Updated) Ecruteak Kogane Enju Obviously we have way too many goldenrods so here is the vote: Should we get rid of the goldenrods? If so, which one?
  4. Honestly the whole slur rule needs to be revisited because last time I checked the word "faggot" was allowed but some staff don't allow it. Needs clarification honestly because it's really confusing to players and staff.
  5. +1 Friendly guy and a good friend. Nice to see you applying. :coffee: A: 10 M: 9
  6. 0 Has random moments of major inactivity. Is pretty good at staff but I have noticed in the past that your activity drops below 14 hours, not to mention some of the inactivity posts that you have made being very questionable to back you up. Finally, I have seen you idle a few times in the past and reported it to staff such as @Bello . Love you man but I really feel like those things are holding you back. A few weeks or being active despite the past means I feel like you definitely deserve it a bit later so that those incidents in the past aren't as prevalent, so that's why I'm neutral for now. May change to +1 in the near future. :emoji_hearts:
  7. I told Rhodo to give it to you anyway. Secondly I still don't care about the Backburner itself :C
  8. Tuna come on. 46? Secondly he's hiding his age on his profile. Even a non-gamer can deduce that he's more than likely lying :coffee:
  9. What's the point in lying on your age app? There's no way you're actually 46. Please tell us your real age.
  10. henlo welcome to forum how may i take your order?
  11. Back at you and to everyone else if I upset them, that wasn't my intention :coffee:
  12. As I said they aren't my intentions at all. I'm just very direct and serious when it comes to it and I'm not going to dance around the topic to make someone feel better about it. Responding with immature comments such as Septik did for example is the problem. Everyone just takes what I say out of context and takes it as if I'm being rude to them when I'm not at all. My twin Tekage can confirm this is how I'm like in real life too and I upset a lot of people which is just not the reaction I expect at all.
  13. I really don't think it's voiced badly but whatever bro. Plus the "Literally the worst plugin ever" thing was a joke :/
  14. Man I really don't see how I voiced it badly. I feel like I got attacked personally but I don't mind it.
  15. Again man, you're not reading what I've said previously. And I 100% would have used it on a pro killstreak fabricator.
  16. What I'm trying to say is that I don't care about the item. It's other people that care about what they get by signing up on the forums. It's uncraftable. People won't buy it. @Goblins managed to put it in words for me so he's officially my dad
  17. It is literally worthless though since backburner is next to useless and I can't use it in crafting. How is it like that at all? I don't think you're reading my messages properly.
  18. Sigh. Once again I'm the person who voices it despite so much confusion on the servers and in discord servers and I get bashed down for it. Firstly, why would I have a mental breakdown other this? I'm just annoyed because this is a pretty neat idea which isn't executed well. Obviously it deserves credit but it's still frustrating. Secondly, I can't craft it since it's uncraftable, otherwise I'd be OK with the prize. I know you probably don't understand since as far as I know you don't play a lot of TF2, but uncraftable specialized killstreak weapons are dogshit and as worthless as a crate. Why would anyone be interested in joining the forums over a giveaway where all you win is something as bad as this? That's the main issue here. People are interested in winning things that are cool and worth winning, even if it's something like a hat in game or as much as an unusual (which is like a knife), not something like this. We won't gain much from winning items such as this. I could just go out and buy something like this right now because I have the in-game money so it's not that big of a deal that I won something like this and I'm annoyed I didn't get something worth it, but doesn't it defeat the purpose of trying to attract people to the forums if you're shooting yourself in the foot with items like this?
  19. It's not even worth winning anything at this point. That's the problem. Why should I bother signing up for the forums to enter a giveaway where you win crap? I honestly don't mind about winning this item in the first place since I would have just given it away in the first place since I have no use for it at all. Apologies if I'm coming off that way. I like the idea but I feel it was executed without as much in depth thought as it needed. I still believe that it should give out hub credits instead, which makes the suggestion you added a definitive idea. Apparently also this plugin was just added randomly with no one else discussing it, same with the BHOP plugin on the trade servers.
  20. Um...I don't think you know what you're talking about, no offense. Nearly every single person I'm in a discord with is against it. That's at least 15 people, and that doesn't include the masses of people I meet on the server that's against it.
  21. Yet another dumb giveaway. For those that don't understand, this shit is basically as worthless as a crate since it's uncraftable. I'm not joking when I say I'd rather have a crate. It would have been cool to win a specialized killstreak kit but an uncraftable already used specialized killstreak backburner? Honestly, what a joke. This bot is literally just something for people to donate random junk that they really don't want, not a super fun giveaway bot.
  22. Worst part is [xG:Giveaway] There is currently 7 linked players! The current tier is [Cool]. Invite your friends to raise the tier for better items! There is currently 7 linked players! The current tier is [Cool]. There is currently 7 linked players! There is currently 7 is LITERALLY THE WORST PLUGIN EVER.
  23. The new giveaway plugin is a mess. Firstly, sometimes the giveaway happens multiple times when there aren't enough people registered on the forums. Secondly, all we end up winning really are just crates and random crap as such. Steam Community Market :: Listings for Mann Co. Supply Munition Series #91 It's literally worth 1p. Another thing is that it's incredibly unlikely that people are even going to donate in the first place since they're not getting anything good out of it, and I don't mean a silly badge or something. There have been multiple complaints on the servers, so I propose 3 ideas: Remove the plugin entirely. Change it to hub credits per hour Keep it I personally like the concept but believe it was executed poorly, so I would like to see it turned into hub credits instead so we don't get a crate every hour. @virr @Sesh @Vexx @Rhododendron @Bello @mrnutty12
  24. Definitely remove it. Bhopping spies backstabbing everyone is really not fun.
  25. Guys this is a staff app. Please don't spam it with useless comments.