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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. I agree that it's silly to track GameMe on FF2 but the problem is that GameMe should help contributing to promotions and demotions specifically like this one. I had no idea how active this person was until you told me because it doesn't track it on GameMe.
  2. It's not showing up on rank.xenogamers.com.
  3. -1 Not active enough on the servers. Surf - Player Sessions History | Xeno Gamers All other servers are 30 to 0 minutes of activity pretty much from what I saw.
  4. Me and Supreme have already said that he acts pretty poorly and breaks server rules when he does get high. Otherwise he's alright.
  5. Literally just read exactly what I put in my last post. That is the literal definition of a gateway drug :thinking: You're cherry picking about the whole Barrack Obama taking weed and stuff like that. Did he actively take weed when he was president? One of my friends started taking weed a while ago. He now does MDMA at college and is out of it to the point where he hardly even plays one note in band practice. Another one of my friends took weed before band rehearsal and they acted like a total doofus; spaced out, played badly and was being a total airhead. Dont slap people with ur swag @Bello cus u aint got none xoxo no offense ily
  6. What are you even talking about here Firstly I didn't claim to know more about it. Secondly it is a gateway drug. Cannabis: the facts - NHS Choices and this is coming from the best healthcare worldwide 2017 I'm blaming the drug because it also specifically states how "it makes some people feel confused, anxious or paranoid, and some experience panic attacks and hallucinations." and I don't trust someone like that to moderate the servers. Why are you so defensive about it and being so passive aggressive about it in the first place? Weed is literally proven to be a factor, not just his personality when he isn't high.
  7. Anything showing genitalia where they are naked or clothed but you can see through it.
  8. Problem is that Lxgik is 15. People can say weed isn't harmful as much as they want but that's a lie when you're growing up, and I've seen Lxgik when he's high. He's fucking out of it, and I don't trust anyone who is that out of it on the servers, especially not to do staff jobs. I completely agree with you Supreme. I'm not comfortable at all when Lxgik is around and I know he's more susceptible to breaking rules by accident when he's high. Weed is illegal where I am and I know what people are like around my age when they're high. You hardly come on enough to know Lxgik when he's high in the first place so you shouldn't throw passive aggressive comments in the first place honestly. Also, just because Weed isn't as bad as alcohol doesn't mean that weed is any better. In my opinion it's as bad because it's a gateway drug to harder drugs, whereas alcohol is a drink that most drink in moderation. 15 year olds smoking weed makes the community look really bad too. I definitely wouldn't want to come back to a server that had a young staff member actively getting high on servers, weed or not.
  9. Player Information | Xeno Gamers Lxgik's activity isn't a problem in this situation.
  10. You said a long long time ago to the point where you probably don't even remember that you take weed monthly. This was back when I was first mod.
  11. -1 Great map and we shouldn't remove it based on artistic feature of the map. It's like the hotelhell situation in a way.
  12. 0 For now. Has shown a major improvement since his consistent spam posts. However, he does actively take drugs on the server and I'm not 100% I can trust a staff member like that. You should definitely not do that on the servers, especially if you are staff.
  13. Hinting towards your demotion :thinking:
  14. They don't necessarily have to be nude, correct? Secondly what is the punishment system? Will the punishment be more severe for Lolicon or Child Porn or something similar?
  15. You have to change your steam name first. No racism or offensive slurs are allowed. -1 Until you change your name then I'll become neutral since I don't know you.
  16. Cyberpunk is an exception as it is artistic and part of the map. It's a bit like the book on hotel hell but a lot larger and more artistic.
  17. OK firstly the L' thing at the beginning is a bug. Not sure why it says that at all and it does creation some confusion and makes it seem like a personal vendetta and you're mocking them with that ban, so if it's possible can that be fixed @Bello @Vexx ?. Another thing is that I was in godmode as Pyro jumping around with the Detonator for the entire map on your team nonetheless. You were spamming the phrase "smfh" and throwing out insults literally every single time you died. The server was practically chanting to get you banned and @mrnutty12 raised the idea in admin chat although I did originally want to ban you before he brought it up. I'm not new at all. I think I'm one of the few people who were staff in 2014 that are still staff now except for Bello and a few others. There is a lot of evidence and all you have to do is take a look at your chat logs and you'll understand why you were banned. You need to fix your actions and stop being so toxic to the point where the entire server keeps asking if I can ban you. It's not me that's the problem at all.
  18. It's not? This is actually a pretty calm debate
  19. It must be because I'm .uk or something. I stand by thinking that it's child porn but it might be different in the UK. I understand that's it's not 100% child porn per se but I still think it is because it's the exact same concept but anime instead, which is why I still think they should have a very long ban, especially combined with the trolling and toxic attitude on the server.
  20. So when I go to google and search "what is lolicon" this comes up Being as you can literally report people for this over the internet and police can get involved I think it's much worse than a normal spray, especially considering in the past we banned Xerses for child porn. Here is the definition of Lolicon: Here is the definition of Child Porn: So basically Lolicon is anime child porn. They are exactly the same except for how Lolicon is animated instead of real life. Does this make it any better? Not really. I personally think that's worthy of a perm being as Xerses was kicked out of the clan and permed for posting child porn and we shouldn't let someone off for practically doing the same thing. The hacking is irrelevant as there is no sufficient proof of them hacking. Yes it's incredibly suspicious that they are the only person who is friends with a hacker but that's about all we've got.
  21. +1 Should have been a perm for child porn in the first place. I've seen it, @Sesh @Vexx have also seen it. Not to mention how he would continuously persist on how child porn was OK despite us telling him to drop the subject. Toxic player who doesn't deserve to be able to play on the servers, especially considering that they're meant to be PG13. Should definitely be permed in my opinion since child porn is illegal.
  22. Actually for one you still have to outsmart the death when you're bhopping. You're fast but not fast enough to the point where the death can't react at all. Secondly, bhopping isn't even easy in the first place as we have manual bhop. You'd have to bhop the entire map, which isn't anywhere near as easy as it sounds.
  23. I mean it doesn't make it easier. It makes it more challenging in some ways. Bhopping from platform to platform is not exactly easy. Plus if you can't bhop it gives you a chance to learn it.
  24. Bhopping not being a thing on deathrun is the reason why I don't enjoy it. I used to be a superadmin (DM) of a jailbreak/deathrun server on Garry's Mod before I came to xG and I only enjoyed deathrun because it had bhopping in. It feels way too slow now so I feel like bhopping with a max speed limit should be considered and tried out. Obviously it's a major change to the server and a lot of people won't accept it with open arms which is why it might be a good idea to give it a test run. +1
  25. Guess who's back, back again, Kypari's back, tell a friend
    1. Egossi


      Will the real kypari please stand up
    2. Kypari
    3. Tatost


      @[106384:@Kypari] @[106384:@Kypari] is back!
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