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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. Face it: a bunch of people probably already go on the server with this neat plugin. We should like totally add it. :coffee: ServerMinimap Something like but not exclusive to this plugin.
  2. Good promo demo. Welcome to the cool club @Natsu (y)
  3. He's been banned in the past and has had issues in the future with me and @ThunderLimes for the same reasons as described in this new incident.
  4. Team Fortress 2 * You must have a minimum of 50 forum posts before you may apply. * You must have open communication with a Division Manager or higher before you can apply.
  5. If someone is getting offended by insults on the server, then the person who is insulting the other person has to stop or it becomes under the disrespect rule, regardless of how silly it sounds (specifically if you are intentionally aggravating them). It is not up to us how old people have to be to play on the servers, that's up to the parent's discretion in my opinion.
  6. please come to brazil
  7. You don't have to say you're withdrawing. We started afresh.
  8. @ThunderLimes and myself have encountered this person on the server. Used the alias along the lines of "Muslim Rapist" and we had to kick him for the name, especially since it was offending a user since they are Muslim themselves. Though if you look at the ban history, it was probably necessary to do a day ban then: In total 4 bans, messy at that. The two bans that Floppy did are void since he was unbanned on both per moderator's request and invalid reason. @shwash apparently messed up somehow, which is unclear how. The valid ban is ChickenPanda for an hour. User is obviously toxic but I'm going to hold back my vouch as of now as I believe the person in question is registered on the forums, so I would like to hear their side.
  9. Kypari


    However, despite knowing this, you still lied saying that you didn't plan to grief anything when you literally told me you were going to grief part of Kontknat that wasn't claimed.
  10. Kypari


    -1 Griefed Kontknat (the town) and attempted to lie about it to Hina and Bagel about it.
  11. Name: Kypari! Steam64 ID:76561198104430342 Classes: Scout
  12. 0 Has had a few issues with bad mics but otherwise I haven't really got much to say.
  13. Yooo some of these are bleugh with samey ideas such as how it drops and comes back in for some of the songs, but some of the songs sound really cool. Losing You is something special: catchy, a LOT better of an ending and has really good texture fills. Nice work (y)
  14. I don't think it's pictures of Hitler, more so the actual Swastika. Don't quote me on that.
  15. +1 Good friendo and fun to play with
  16. I did originally ask for clarification and an explanation of what is allowed and what isn't since it was all coming down to which staff member wasn't on, similarly to the slur rule. I remember talking to Vexx and he said that things like butts and nipples (as long as not exposed or visible with see-through clothing) are allowed now. I also had to talk to Nutty to clarify what was classified as gore since it doesn't explain that well enough either. Though it does mostly come down to common sense, this common sense is more opinion-based than actual common sense.
  17. +1 Clearly toxic as seen from name history and chatlogs.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcS6Dm8zXNw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0G0rjynCiw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-zb4C_k7Ek Rock ON freaky bro. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIpiEeqJZjM
  19. Really good question. I generally like to wait for them to shoot just in case. If I feel like they're purposely not shooting to waste my time I tell them to cut it out. If they're doing what you're doing I generally just leave it. I can 100% understand the mod who warned you however as it does alarm us and waste our time.
  20. Uhhh I definitely heard differently.
  21. It probably is if it's just a butt.
  22. Honestly, the abuse evidence is still there alongside the confession, which @Amylicious has already been warned for. The rest of the evidence (specifically the kick) is entirely irrelevant for this abuse thread. I think this should just be closed personally because Amy has already been talked to about the exact evidence provided and I feel like this is kind of spiraling right now. As for the instigating and issues on the server involving @grap_grop , Amy had already kicked grape so he suffered the punishment. Making a thread using that evidence was pretty silly.
  23. When were the warnings given out if I may ask? Just want to make sure these events happened before/after the warnings.
  24. i suck shut up
  25. This is a place for reporting bugs, not ban requests and arguments. Take it somewhere else please or make a ban request.