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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. Username: Kypari 2460e913-2583-4f17-bc70-58eb90f0626a
  2. Sad to see you go being as I've known you for so long. Hopefully you still hop on discord every now and then
  3. No offense to anyone who +1 rejects for being "great staff" or whatever but I completely disagree. Rejects was not great staff. He abused on multiple occasions in different ways, such as the obvious stat changing, adding random plugins without consent and muting the entire server because he was sad (no vote either). I can hardly call that "the best staff in xg". We can't just push these aside either and say "other than that he was good" because that's like a crooked cop who deals getting called "the best officer" despite if he enforces the law better than anyone else. On the other hand Rejects has been around in the community for a long time and obviously worked up to DL in the past. I think it's fair to give him probationary mod if anything or maybe wait a bit longer since he does have experience. -1 for mod +1 for possible probationary mod
  4. Since we already have Bronze V, Silver I isn't nearly as funny to use in my opinion. Minion is disgusting but in a way that makes the title better if you get me. :coffee:
  5. oh shit we have a funny man here! (y)
  6. He's been banned for a month or two so I think if it's possible you could change the ban to a week and just unban him afterwards to avoid confusion?
  7. I mean you definitely should be permed being as you have been banned on multiple occasions and if the the staff that banned you went through the system as it is intended you would be permed. However, being as that system wasn't followed +1 for unban. As for the little brother thing it wouldn't matter in the first place if it is was your brother since your account is your responsibility. But yeah that [Admin] thing has gotta go.
  8. Sorry, I'm not a weeaboo so I didn't know (n)
  9. I think it's just as bad as the others personally. "Pedophile scout legion"
  10. +1 I was going to make this thread >:c Seriously though, if you actually wear this title you are basically labeling yourself as a pedophile and I'm surprised that this was allowed to become a title in the first place. It's disgusting. @EyedJester was the one who made the titles. You can probably just change them.
  11. Finished my first year at college and got a merit. Pretty good (y)
    1. realBelloWaldi


      why cant i be as smart as you :rage:
  12. I think we should tackle each server individually and work on one at a time to ensure that it gets as much love as possible, but that's an idea too.
  13. Yeah we started off with jailbreak last time so we thought why not give FF2 a try
  14. If this is the case I think we should keep the night one and the updated one personally.
  15. Remember the jailbreak populate with did every Saturday and how it started off so well and just kind of died slowly? Me and @Sesh think we should maybe start doing it again but for FF2. If it's possible I would like to request that every Saturday at 7pm EST the higherups create an event on the steam group for people to populate FF2. If we do this every weekend then maybe we can get a steady population going throughout the weeks too? It'd be pretty neat if we could get this started since filling empty servers would be great. @Vexx @mrnutty12 @Basquiat @Sesh
  16. I really don't understand what you're talking about, no offense. You say that we have little variety but we have 3 of the same map just small tweaks that hardly make them unique and then 3 other entirely new maps. If you're saying that 3 of the same map, 2 of which being just day/night, is a variety, that's wacky.
  17. Goldenrod (original), goldenrod (updated), ecruteak, kogane, sylux, enju...
  18. Maybe keep the updated one and keep one of the original goldenrods?
  19. Oh, no. The comment about Isabelle wasn't a jab at all. Isabelle may be a huge gay but he's still a neato guy and obviously I was a much bigger part of the picture during the whole incident so I didn't really deserve it back the same promo/demo that Isabelle got it or anything like that. Apologies if it came across that way. And yeah getting demoted got me really really down because TF2 used to be the game that I would always play when my internet went down but irl shit happened and then I ended up sleeping for most of the day instead of coming on. I'm not doing that anymore though :coffee: but yeah toontown for life :hail::hail::hail:
  20. deathrun is for gay people and that's why you go on there but seriously deathrun without bhopping considering I used to be superadmin on a jb/deathrun server feels so wrong so I don't enjoy deathrun that much
  21. Hopefully you still come on since you are one of the few sane people on surf ;) Na but seriously come hang out still bro. Sad to see you step down.
  22. +1 Hey I remember you. You used to play rotation a bit with me and @BonfireCentipede